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Substance Abuse And Musicians
[ view this term paper ]Words: 507 | Pages: 2

... most commonly abused controlled substance by rock stars. Or, I can focus on one particular rock star: the events in the life of Brad Nowell, lead singer of Sublime, up to his eventual death due to an overdose on drugs. Or, the events of the life of Steven Tyler, of Aerosmith, throughout his years as a drug user. Research questions may be: why do rock star’s turn to drugs when they already have all they need? What led Brad Nowell (or any musician) to drugs? What are the fatalities of substance abuse in rock stars? The reason I am interested in this topic is not only because it can hold my interest, but I ...

Rock Music
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1151 | Pages: 5

... played by blacks. This kind of music started to attract white teenagers. Disc jockey Alan Freed was the one who introduced this music and later gave it the name of Rock n' Roll. Record companies distributed records played by whites but composed by blacks. Whites were frustrated because there weren't any white artists, and they didn't want the blacks to be the stars until Bill Haley appeared with his "Rock Around the Clock". In this decade, Elvis Presley introduced a music that was sexual-suggestive, and outraged many adults of that time. In time, he changed the style of the music by adopting a country and western s ...

Neil Young In Halifax
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1257 | Pages: 5

... He is man who doesn't care about his appearance, doesn't care about what other people think about him. He is an entertainer. He is a healer. He is a Canadian. He is a man. When I picture myself at fifty I picture myself like him. We left for the concert on Tuesday morning and we arrived in the city at about noon. My uncle drove me and my cousin Edward up. We bummed around the city for a while and then we went to Jen's place where we were staying. There were a few other people from Inverness staying there as well. My uncle, Edward and I left for the concert at around quarter to seven. We kind o ...

Music And Its Effect On People
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1836 | Pages: 7

... such. When the same young people hear the message, whether they take it seriously or not, it has or will somehow change the way in which they think, act, and fell on or about certain things. Some of the things hat are changed are important, like long-term life decisions, but others are not so important, like "What should I wear?" I think, that whatever type of music you listen to, you effect it and it effects you. LET IT BE ~ The Beatles ~ 1970 When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing rig ...

Positive Rap
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1292 | Pages: 5

... to say that rap is offensive to women. Many rappers do use the term “bitch” when referring to a female. However, it is not always in a derogatory context. It is similar to the way rappers often speak of their male friends using the term “nigga." Both terms have negative meanings in mainstream America, but in the rap culture, they are both positive terms. Bitch is used to refer to a woman who is capable of taking care of herself (Krohn and Suazo 141). It is widely accepted in word in the rap culture. It is even used by such female rap artists as Lil’ Kim, the self proclaimed “Queen Bitch” ...

The Life Of Deadheads And Music Of The Grateful Dead
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1977 | Pages: 8

... flexible and adaptive that finally, society could not deny them a place in the American landscape. Because Deadheads typify how mainstream American society generates groups of people with divergent core ideals, ultimately making room for them, the Deadhead phenomenon can be shown to illustrate counterculture as well as subculture, and even a latter-day assimilation into mainstream American society. Deadheads form a group with an identifiable onset and about which there is substantial literature. Also, A Deadhead, according to the authors of Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheads, is “someone who loves -- a ...

Jazz And Classical Music
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1741 | Pages: 7

... to perform or compose these kinds of music. Let's begin with a look at the histories of the two. The music called classical, found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, spans a length of time from 1600 up to the present. This time frame includes the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. The classical period of music actually spans a time from of 1750 to 1800; thus, the term Classical is a misnomer and could more correctly be changed to Western Art Music or European Art Music. European because most of the major composers up till the 20th century were ...

The Way It Really Was!
[ view this term paper ]Words: 840 | Pages: 4

... Country Western had the least affect by Rock and Roll. People who recorded at small independent music business and put out a record, they were called Indies. The first Rock and Roll hit The term Rock and Roll was usually used for describing physical sex. Allen Freed was credited with inventing Rock and Roll but that wouldn't be to good for him later in life. The father of Rock and Roll Alan freed was the first white disc jockey to play Rock and Roll. Alan show in Cleveland was very popular with teenagers. In 1954, Alan's show moved to WINS. His nick name “moondog” had to be dropped. He adopted the ...

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How The Beatles Changed Rock Music
[ view this term paper ]Words: 618 | Pages: 3

... and were greatly influenced by him. The Beatles were pace setters. Their ensemble were supplemented with solo guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, drums, sitar, and violins. They took advantage of the creative possibilities afforded by the multiple track tape recording. They made rock music into music that were produceable in studios but were not possible to produce in live performances. They were the "Greatest show on Earth." They were the biggest concert draws on Earth. Their music and lyrics changed the lives of a generation and the generation that followed. Rock ‘n' roll was a mixture of blues and countr ...

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