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Substance Abuse And Musicians

Part 1 of Paper
....I have decided to take a look into the lives of various rock stars to see what effect these drugs have on their lives -- the consequences and even fatalities. The question I ask is why do rock musicians experiment with drugs and what effect does it have on their lives? The disciplinary concern contained in this topic....

Part 2 of Paper
.... hold my interest, but I also want to see if I can analyze some reasons for turning to drugs. I am planning on majoring in psychology and I think this is part of the whole analysis that psychologists like to use. It can be kind of a practice for me. So I believe many rock stars “have it all,” so to speak. They have both fame and fortune. My opinion is that everyone has some type of greed inside them. Everyone wants the best at some point. Rock stars often experiment with drugs and their....

Number of words: 507 - Approximate pages: 2

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