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Help With Creative Writing Papers

My Leadership Ability And Working Well With People
[ view this term paper ]Words: 504 | Pages: 2

... to me at 17 and I wasn’t the oldest counselor. At the end of camp I was recognized by the pastor for the job I did. Another example of my leadership was when I was in the fourth grade when I received the Role Model award for my entire school. I received a bike and a plaque that I still have today. These examples prove that when you are a leader people do notice. Being vocal on the football field and basketball court are also examples of my natural leadership. Saying something that needs to be said or leading by example prove my teamwork abilities. I have participated in many community service activities ...

Nowhere, Kansas
[ view this term paper ]Words: 694 | Pages: 3

... east when our car started to die. We were about a hundred feet away from the next exit when the dumb car finally broke down completely. This nice lady gave us a ride into the town, which was about three blocks long, and that’s where we were, waiting for the outcome. A middle-aged, tall man with dark hair, and a thin mustache walked by us, as to get our attention. This skinny man with his apron tied around his small waste started to bustle around picking up a few boxes, “Sorry about the mess,” he replied, in a strong southern accent “just a few days ago we met head on with a twister.” I looked at my cousi ...

Personal Writing: The Dangers Of Drinking And Driving
[ view this term paper ]Words: 527 | Pages: 2

... the car. Kyle was resuscitated at the scene and was transported by air to the hospital. He died a few hours later at about nine a.m. of sever head trauma. The other passengers in the car survived with broken bones and stitches as well. This all happened because of stupidity of drinking and driving. This accident opened my eyes to life and how unpredictable death can be. I know now to live life to the fullest because you never know when you’re going to go. Kyle affected all of us at school. The next day after the accident the whole school as grieving. I knew then that Kyle was a part of us all and when he d ...

Creative Writing: My Summer Off
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1528 | Pages: 6

... part of your grade for the course. We will begin at eight tomorrow morning. Get some practice, get some sleep, see you there.” I don't know what drew me to the course but I can remember my parents telling me they felt I should go to summer school. I was opposed to the concept of summer school right up to the moment I was issued the dictum “go to school or get a job”, at which point I became the world's greatest advocate of off-season learning. Besides, I was only fifteen and the workplace just wasn't ready for me. So I thumbed through the course book, singing a chorus of no's until I arrived on the Debate ...

Creative Writing: The Meadow
[ view this term paper ]Words: 516 | Pages: 2

... the meadow in the summer is unequaled. My memories contained many images of this special place. Snow covered mountains extend high above the heavens; thus, setting the backdrop to the meadow. Wildflowers speckled the base of the mountain becoming more abundant near the babbling brook. The brook ran through the middle of the meadow turning, and twisting around the enormous oak tree. The lush green grass grew around the tree like hair on a dog's back. Birds flew through the radiant blue sky diving for insects. My thoughts reflect relaxation as my mind focuses on the pleasing imagery. The sounds of the meadow ...

Creative Writing: The Case Of The Broken Hutch
[ view this term paper ]Words: 5097 | Pages: 19

... At the time I was hired I lived with my parents and had car payments and credit card payments. So I needed enough money to pay for the car and the cards. Also in about a year I would be moving out into an apartment of my own, and I also would be started to attend Sacramento State. I pay for my own schooling either out of my pocket or by getting student loans. When I first started working for this company they were short handed and all the employees at the store I started at were new to each other. That is they had worked for the company at other stores but had not worked together. I was hired whe ...

Creative Writing: The Pearl - Continuation
[ view this term paper ]Words: 573 | Pages: 3

... waited long enough he told Juana. She heard his voice and she knew better then to argue, she knew he was determined. The next morning Kino awoke early. He turned to awaken Juana. He told her to pack the essentials, he wanted to get an early start to the city. Juana awoke without a fuss. As Juana started to pack she thought about Coyotito. She told Kino that it might be dangerous traveling that long of a distance. Kino told her to bring him to the house of his brother Juan Tomas. She did and Juan Tomas and his wife Apolonia said that they would gladly take care of him. She thanked them and went back to Kino. He had ...

Personal Writing: Christmas Memories
[ view this term paper ]Words: 548 | Pages: 2

... lights. As I open the door and step into a house full of cheek pinches and hugs, an array of Christmas odur engulfs me, and makes my mouth water. As I yell "HELLO" I hear voices laughing, talking, and asking who's at the door? In the next second "Millions" of relatives are giving me there greetings and gladly inviting us into the house. As my family and I are quickly made comfortable, I look around..... Plates full of Christmas pastries, Christmas decorations, and Christmas music lightly penetrates the air as the family socializes with each other. The constant murmer of the voices, serves as a background ...

“Noises In The Dark”
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2468 | Pages: 9

... and winked an eye at his wife who grinned knowingly in return. Timmy had slept with them for the past three nights, and it was time for mummy and daddy to share their bed alone tonight. "Well Timmy," she tried to sound sympathetic, "our bed gets really crowded with the three of us in it. That bed was only made for two, you know." Timmy's lips bunched together and his large, round, blue eyes rimmed with tears. "Besides, you've slept with us for the last three nights already. Don't you think it's time you stayed in your own bed?" Timmy shook his head "No". "There, there kiddo," his father soothed, sympathe ...

Personal Essay: The Drainpipe
[ view this term paper ]Words: 442 | Pages: 2

... it could just been the freedom of knowing that we were listening to the walkman that was banned from school, and we weren't getting caught. What ever it was, it doesn't matter because analyzing something takes away the feeling it gives when you think about it. It was just a great place, and it made me happy, and I don't know why. That makes it better in a way, just knowing that it had that power. Everyday, I would meet with a friend at the drain-pipe. That is until a teacher found us and told us that because we didn't have any adult supervision, we couldn't eat there anymore. It felt terrible. I wanted to st ...

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