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Help With Book Reports Papers

A Tale Of Two Cities: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1014 | Pages: 4

... Therese Defarge, is a major antagonist who seeks revenge, being a key revolutionist. She is very stubborn and unforgiving in her cunning scheme of revenge on the Evermonde family. Throughout the story, she knits shrouds for the intended victims of the revolution. Charles Darnay, one of whom Mrs. Defarge is seeking revenge, is constantly being put on the stand and wants no part of his own lineage. He is a languid protagonist and has a tendency to get arrested and must be bailed out several times during the story. Dr. Alexander Manette, a veteran prisoner of the Bastille, cannot escape the memory of being held and ...

The Photographs Of Margaret Bourke-White: A Review
[ view this term paper ]Words: 499 | Pages: 2

... from right out of the very poverty stricken, ignorant, communities they have endured their whole lives. One technique I noticed in her work is the ability to show a grand view by including a person with a smaller object to compare it by. Another technique I recognized was the texture. White does a good job of getting to a good angle in order to include as much detail as possible. I think it is very interesting looking at her pictures taken from during the war. I would like to go downtown to take some grand view photographs, including lots of detailed subjects. I like to develop the pictures in black and white beca ...

"The Yellow Wallpaper": The Main Character And Cry For Freedom
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1501 | Pages: 6

... the main character, perhaps subconsciously, to feel what they think a woman should feel. For example, the woman tells the men she is sick but they believe differently. "John is a physician, and perhaps- (I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind-) perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick!"(507) The men are under the impression that what they say goes and therefore the woman has no choice but to follow. "He knows there is no reason to suffer and that satisfies him."(508) This quote illustrates that the men ...

Review Of The Great Gatsby
[ view this term paper ]Words: 439 | Pages: 2

... learning about all the other characters: Nick Caroway, holds everyone's trust, Daisy Buchanan, a beautiful young lady who makes men go wild, Tom Buchanan, comes from a very wealthy family, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, husband and wife who have marriage problems. I enjoyed this book because of the interesting characters in the novel. I disliked this book because it was confusing. At first I thought Jim Gatz and Jay Gatsby were two different people. It was also confusing figuring out the theme of this novel . At first I thought it was about wealthy people not being happy, but all the wealthy people were happy in si ...

The Worn Path Of Life
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1210 | Pages: 5

... a familiar wooded path on a cold winter's day, with only one purpose in mind: to obtain another bottle of medicine for her sickly grandson from the free clinic in town. On the surface, the old woman's long walk seems to be the entire story, but it is much more than that. Throughout the narrative, the reader is drawn into Phoenix Jackson's inner thoughts and feelings as she makes her way through the pinewoods, brandishing her homemade cane which is fashioned from an old umbrella handle. The weather is cold; it's mid-December, and the ground is frozen. Phoenix's cane taps the frozen earth as she walks along, " ...

Yugoslavia-a Land Torn Apart
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1575 | Pages: 6

... runs north-south. Continental plate movement from the south has created an intricate landscape of plains, valleys and mountains. This led to intensive compartmentalization of the region. As a result, there were few low-level routes and those that existed became very important strategically. Most notable are the Varda-Morava corridor, which connected the Aegean Sea and the Danube, and the Iron Gates of the Danube, linking Central Europe and the Black Sea, that controlled much of the trade between the Mediterranean and Central Europe since ancient times. Most of the populations have lived separated from each other ...

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer: Twain Revealing His Own Childhood
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1514 | Pages: 6

... can be. He despises anything that places restrictions on his boyhood freedom including school, church, and chores. Not only does he despise these restrictions, but he also will do anything to get out of them. For example, he skips school, and he cons friends into doing his chores for him. While he detests the restraints of life, he loves the liberating parts of life. He longs to take advantage of nature and all it has to offer. A quote from the book that exemplifies Tom Sawyer’s attitude toward life is when the author reveals his philosophy, “that work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that ...

Tolkiens's Lord Of The Rings
[ view this term paper ]Words: 988 | Pages: 4

... also called a Gross by the hobbits)"; "Many young hobbits were included and present by parental permission for hobbits were easy going with their children in the matter of sitting up late." ; "What may you be wanting?"; "It was a cheerless land"; "The hobbits were merrymaking happily." Not only does the language create a land but it may also add a bit of humor. This humor can also express the merriness of the people that have been written about. The language, in English is not exactly incorrect but it is odd, strange, and different, which matches the theme and plot. Tolkien, like mostly every other auth ...

A Farewell To Arms
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1248 | Pages: 5

... can take place. Comradery, surprisingly, doesn't seem to be as obvious in the novel as the other themes; it is mainly shown by the nurses' commitment to one another and the 'male bonding' at the mess. There also seems to be more of an individual comradery within friendships and with individuals rather than a whole group. In fact, there doesn't seem to be a sense of people working together for a common cause. These four themes contribute to the many decisions that Frederick Henry has to make. That is in regards to the war and his relationship with Catherine, he has an inner conflict with himself with external forc ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 711 | Pages: 3

... analyze the use of words that create graphic pictures for the mind, and words that excite the imagination. I will illustrate how the use of such a graphic idiom is still popular today. Although we have entered a new millennium filled with special effects, and computer graphics , many of us continue to appreciate the excitement of the written word from those authors that produce masterpieces. The Iliad does just that. Homer’s use of language evokes the passion of his characters and their heartfelt emotions. The Iliad embodies action at it’s very onset, and although long in content, captures and to an extent , p ...

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