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Help With Book Reports Papers

Points Against And In Favour F
[ view this term paper ]Words: 863 | Pages: 4

... entered the scene ‘Then the Jew must be merciful’ she is not saying that this is what the law says he must be, but that he should do this because it is the only thing he can do morally. The mercy theme runs all the way through the scene and many opportunities were offered by the Duke, Bassanio and Portia for Shylock to take the moral course of action, but he constantly refuses saying he should get what he deserves not by moral justice but by the law. Shylock does have the right to the forfeit of his bond and it is Antonio’s fault that he is in this situation because he signed the bond of his own ...

Invisible Man: The Voice Of The Dispossessed
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1768 | Pages: 7

... lost in the world, but when he's delivering a speech Invisible Man takes on a new form and in that form finds that part of hInvisible Manself that defines hInvisible Man not only as an individual, but also as a part of society. When we are first introduced to his talent for public speaking, Invisible Man is set to make a speech in front of the prominent white men of his town so he can accept his scholarship to the state college for Negroes. However, he first has to fight in a battle royal. This scene is shocking and nightmarish, but serves to set the tone for the surreal delivery of his speech. After the battle ro ...

Redemtion And Salvation In A T
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1286 | Pages: 5

... in an act of redemption. Dickens, in A Tale Of Two Cities, shows that no matter how bleak a person's life might seem, redemption and salvation are always possible. Dickens develops the theme of redemption and salvation through Dr. Manette's painful experience in prison and his resurrection back into society. The famous quote, "Recalled to life" (Dickens page 8), is used many times in A Tale Of Two Cities to describe Dr. Manette's escape from sure death in the Bastille. Dr. Manette's story begins when he is imprisoned unjustly for eighteen years. The solitary time spent in the prison waiting for his certain d ...

Essay On The Stranger
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1746 | Pages: 7

... died, he did not feel or show any sorrow. He is a character rather distracted by his surrounding, such as people walking by and nature. He would feel much irritation whenever the sun would shine red and bright. On a thoughtless walk on the beach, he ends up killing an Arab (who had a hostile relationship with his friend) for no apparent reason, but because his [Arab] blade light reflected by the sun. In addition, for no good reason he shoots four more times, the body lying on the ground. He is tried in court, during which he feels he is his own spectator. Meaursalt gets convicted of murder and sentenced to de ...

In Search Of Excellence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1835 | Pages: 7

... felt that IBM went to unusual lengths to get to know their needs. They offered unequaled guarantees of reliability and service, which spoke of assurance and success. Procter and Gamble is regarded more for extreme commitment to product quality than for their legendary marketing. Frito's potato chip salesmen strive to achieve a 99.5% service level. This is the foundation of its extraordinary success. Analysts showed how much could be saved if Frito would reduce its commitment to service The analysts are right, Frito would save money. However, analysts can not begin to predict the impact of service unreliability on th ...

Things Fall Apart: An Analysis
[ view this term paper ]Words: 401 | Pages: 2

... your "chi" to a wrestling match," as did Okonkwo when he assisted in the killing of Ikemefuna, whom he loved and who called him father. Okonkwo sins not only against the earth goddess, protector of family relations, but also against his inner most feelings or his "chi." Any bad luck that occurs, people of this culture would say that you have a bad "chi." Okonkwo's destiny is marked by bad luck, one reason may be that he is so driven by the fear of resembling his father that he struggles to repress part of his personality with predictably afflicted results. This was a society where a man was judged by ...

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1520 | Pages: 6

... life is also changed for ever and in the end brought to an untimely halt. 4. Nurse Ratched: The nurse that runs the ward and makes sure everything is fine tuned and precise. Chief Bromden describes her as having a network of wires that run throughout the ward controlling everything and everybody. Nurse Ratched and McMurphy have it out on several occasions. II. List and describe 4 minor characters: 2-3 sentences per character. 1. The Black Boys: Three of the nurses little helpers that go around and make sure everyone is doing what they're scheduled to do. They cause a lot of trouble with all the patients especially M ...

A Tale Of Two Cities: Faults Of Social Structure
[ view this term paper ]Words: 479 | Pages: 2

... is showing that all the aristocracy cares about is money. Another place in the novel where Dickens shows the difference between the classes is when the Monseigneur is having his chocolate while everyone is waiting to speak with him. When he is done with his chocolate all he does is walk out and brushes past everyone else as if they are not there. This shows that all the higher aristocracy cares about is themselves. Another fault the Dickens points out about the social structure in the society is the lunacy associated with the revolution. The way the people of St. Antoine get crazy from being in such a violent situa ...

The Sound And The Fury: Caroline Compson Focused Directly Upon Appearances
[ view this term paper ]Words: 834 | Pages: 4

... placed upon her life after the birth of her fourth child Benjy. At birth Benjy appeared normal, though he never fully mentally developed. When Mrs. Compson learned of her sons disability her entire life shattered. She wondered how anyone could accept her or her son now. The mother's obsession with sound and appearances led to the following, "Reckon Maury going to let me cry on him a while, too. His name is Benjy now, Caddy said. How come it is, Dilsey said. He aint wore out the name he was born with yet, is he. Benjamin came out of the bible, Caddy sa ...

Norris' "McTeague": Themes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1097 | Pages: 4

... service he is immediately interested. On page 38 it reads "It was impossible to look at Zerkow and not know instantly that greed-inordinate, insatiable greed -was the dominate passion of the man." This shows us that greed is what turns this guys wheels He ends up marrying her only with the hope that she might be able to locate these missing riches. When she is unable to find the gold he becomes mad at her and slits her throat before killing himself. It is possible that he put so much of himself into his greed that when he could not quell it with the gold he felt his life was not worth living. Trina shows how gr ...

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