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The Safety Of Using Cell Phones
[ view this term paper ]Words: 823 | Pages: 3

... phone while driving. I understand that restricting cell phone usage while driving all together isn’t the best means to solving the problem. Many good aspects come from cellular use in the car. For example, accidents get reported to 911 rapidly, traffic updates occur more often because citizens call and report back ups, and drivers who need to be taken off the road because of being intoxicated or just plain reckless will be located quicker and easier. I do, however, believe that more safety precautions need to be taken for individuals who will be talking on their phones while driving. Phones are being created by Er ...

Communism East Europe
[ view this term paper ]Words: 6030 | Pages: 22

... whether RogersÆ opinion (see above quotation) on Communism is true, that is, whether communism was truly doomed to fail from the start, or whether its collapse was a result of external influences. Communism is based on the ideas and teachings of Karl Marx as modified by Lenin. At its most basic, the ideal of communism is a system in which everyone is seen as equal and wealth is distributed equally among the people. There is no private ownership. The state owns and controls all enterprises and property. The state is run by one leading elite. The Soviet model of communism was based on these ideals. All opposit ...

Celebrities And Frantic Fans
[ view this term paper ]Words: 602 | Pages: 3

... when they are going through rough times. Knowing that there may be a certain extent, limiting the boundaries of what is right nor wrong. Fanatics today as we all know it, are the people you call a fan that will go all out for the celebrity. Celebrities today are being stalked, mobbed by desperate crowds, who each want to get that last glimpse of his or her face. Many celebrities tend to get stressed out by the media and frantic fans, soon to be finding themselves committing suicide do to overdose of drugs and liquor. To that end we the fans must understand that celebrities are just like us, normal everyday citizens. ...

Hate And Prejudice
[ view this term paper ]Words: 368 | Pages: 2

... making either of these statements is basically saying the exact same thing. The most widely expressed form of hate is prejudice; to prejudge someone or something, or to have a hatred toward a particular group, race or religion. Today most of the worlds' population expresses hate in this form, and not always toward race, but mostly towards religion, state of wealth, or a person dress. Some people try to deny that they are prejudice, while others thrive on letting everyone know. An example of this would be the Ku Klux Klan; a society organized to reassert white supremacy with terroristic methods. These peo ...

Emotional And Rational Appeals
[ view this term paper ]Words: 376 | Pages: 2

... research has been done to try and indicate that emotional appeals may influence attitude change. The other side of looking at the spectrum is that rational appeals may do likewise (e.g., Rosselli; Francine; Skelly, John J.; Mackie, Diane M, 1995). In one study conducted at the University of California at Santa Barbara, 184 students received partial course credit in return for their participation. Subjects in the experiment were assigned to the cells of a 2(positive or neutral mood) x 2(emotional or rational message type) x 2(strong or weak argument quality). Subjects were in groups of two to six. After ...

The Incident At Columbine And The Media's Effect On Children
[ view this term paper ]Words: 773 | Pages: 3

... of a new year, do they really need to see endlessly repeated images of past tragedies that remain extraordinarily rare in our schools? The 24-hour news channels, the emergence of online media and increased competition among various media outlets can feed this frenzy to replay searing images at the expense of the victims and communities still struggling to rebuild their lives. As a parent and grandparent, I am as troubled as anyone over the senseless tragedies that have occurred in schools over the past two years, and I fully understand the gravity and attention these scenes deserve. However, it does little b ...

Sex: The Ultimate Zen
[ view this term paper ]Words: 624 | Pages: 3

... life is completely unhealthy. These same feelings could be put towards sex as well. By detaching one’s self from the emotional part of it, there would be no regret, no guilt, no worrying, no sense of betrayal. It could be considered something fun to do with a friend, or merely something to pass the time. One problem with sex is the emotional attachment that one gets to the other person after the act. This attachment is stronger in women than in men, but most men still feel it, even though it might not be as strong as the woman’s feelings. This sense of attachment will turn into abandonment if one part ...

Animal Experimentation Is Acceptable
[ view this term paper ]Words: 415 | Pages: 2

... as diabetes and heart failure, invitro fertilization to preserve endangered species, and surgeries to repair abnormalities. A final benefit for animals is that there are over 80 medications that were developed through animal research for humans but are now used on pets, farm animals, and wildlife. Another good reason animal experimentation is tolerable is because sometimes we have to be cruel to improve our well-being. The first example is that the cruel experiments result in more animals and people surviving otherwise fatal or paralyzing diseases. The Research Defense Society stated that 50,000 people fill a ...

The Battle Of The Sexes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 590 | Pages: 3

... all unable to do these jobs so they are forced to work as secretaries, clerks, and many of the mentally demanding office jobs. There are exceptions though such as the big 250 pound butch women and the skinny frail men who switch roles and that is perfectly fine. This becomes a problem when the massive dumb man wants to be a successful secretary with his amazing eight words per minuit typing speed and the skinny little twig woman wants to be a lumberjack. Men and women have to realize that some jobs are meant for someone more fitting then what they are. When god created women, he gave them the ability to have ...

Are Immigrants A Burden To The U.S?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 247 | Pages: 1

... Poles of early immigration. According to a 1990 census, forgien born males have a 77% labor force participation. Now, compare that to the 74% participation of native-born Americans and you see that immigrants are not as lazy as some would have you believe. 5.1% of working age immigrants, the majority of which were legally admitted, recieve welfare benefits. 5.3% of working age, native born Americans also recieve welfare benefits . Immigrants, both legal and illegal, are the minority of those recieving welfare and are not the only ones recieving it as the facts show. Immigrants, even undocumented ones are not causi ...

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