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Women's Role In Society
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1120 | Pages: 5

... the spoken thought of a woman with any basis in intellect would be shameful, embarrassing or something even to look down upon. Therefore,because any outward act of intelligence was a "violation," this could be seen as a distinct limitation. But it has also been said that a woman could "speak very elegantly and she was able in all those languages to answer ambassadors on the sudden." (1) Although, it was only being applied to Queen Elizabeth I, the statement can also be applied to other such greats in the past like Queen Isabella of Spain, Anne of Brittany-Queen of Charles VIII, and of the mid 1440s- Isotta Nogaro ...

Sexual Addiction
[ view this term paper ]Words: 585 | Pages: 3

... or process for a healthy relationship with others. The addict's relationship with a mood altering experience becomes central to their life. They will be willing to jeopardize everything that they love. Sexual addicts progressively go through stages in which they go further away from reality of friends, and work. Their secret lives become more real than their public lives. Denial leads the list of ways addicts distort reality. They deny to themselves and others that they have a problem. Arguments, excuses, justifications, and circular reasoning abound in the addict's warped mental processes. Some of the ...

Marriage In Japan
[ view this term paper ]Words: 490 | Pages: 2

... married, which means one keeps the parent-child relationship. Therefore it is hard for a Japanese man to learn to be independent. After he gets married, he now relies on his bride for having foods, doing laundry, and many other things. Takeo Doi explains it with the term of amae that means the seeking or causing of oneself to be loved, nurtured, and indulged. He says it is an active attempt to make oneself into a passive love object. One reason why a man continues depending on someone else is that he has been witnessed what his parents have been done and now he considers himself as a head of his own family. In case o ...

Optimism Verses Pessimism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 428 | Pages: 2

... side to everything. He has the tendency to take the gloomiest possible view of a situation. For example, if a tremendous rain storm was to occur, an optimist would say “well, we have been needing some rain” or “it’s going to be sunny tomorrow.” When a pessimist would say “I hate the rain” or “it’s never going to stop raining.” An optimistic person is upbeat and charismatic, and a pessimistic person is dejected and downhearted. An optimistic outlook is most successful and radiant. Although everything has both pleasant and unpleasant attributes, a pessimist overlooks the positive and dwells o ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 580 | Pages: 3

... such as these are classified as "Internet Addicts." Based on level of addiction, there are three groups of Internet addicts: i) the "I'm-not-addicted users," ii) the "I-only-use-it-when-I-have-to- users" and iii) the "Internet junkies." The "I'm-not-addicted users" are the users who try to convince themselves that they are not addicted to the Internet. This group includes college students who don't go online during the day to prove to fellow students that they can do without getting online; only, to stay up all night in a chat room online. Or businesspeople who stay after office hours to s ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2323 | Pages: 9

... of the total. The nationwide success drew even faster... in just three years, party membership would rise from about 100,000 to almost a million, and the number of local branches would increase tenfold. The new members included working-class people, farmers, and middle-class professionals. They were both better educated and younger then the Old Fighters, who had been the backbone of the party during its first decade. The Nazis now presented themselves as the party of the young, the strong, and the pure, in opposition to an establishment populated by the elderly, the weak, and the dissolute. Hitler was born in a ...

Blacks Treated As Lower Class Citizens
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1070 | Pages: 4

... always been treated as a lower- class citizen not only in the past, but also in today's society. The first example that the black community has been treated as a lower- class citizen was when they couldn't get a good education. "Besides, those doors are always open to them…But most are deprived of education…This gets easier and easier until she comes up with still another child to abort or support, But none of this is 'Negro-ness'" (Griffin 92). This quote shows that the blacks were deprived of an education, and a good education is usually a symbol of middle- or higher- class citizen. "They are so close ...

Let Me Decide: The Right To Die
[ view this term paper ]Words: 841 | Pages: 4

... choices because they feel pressured by doctors, other family members, and their own confusion and guilt. I have often heard people say that it is more emotionally painful to let a loved one die, than it is for the dying to leave their loved ones behind. The dying have accepted their illness or situation and are aware of their impending death. I do not think I would want to be kept alive by machines if I was in a terrible accident, or suffered an incurable disease. I do know that I would not want to feel pain or discomfort. The lecture brought back some bad memories. A few years ago I found it most difficult ...

Right-Wing Hypocrisy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 268 | Pages: 1

... agent of the devil. I disagree totally with that assessment. Just because someone is pro-choice or doesn't attend church regularly doesn't mean he is not a good Christian. I thought the teachings of Jesus encouraged tolerance and forgiveness, not persecution. For instance, these groups preach "family values", with the father working, the mother cooking and cleaning, and the kids being subservient to their parents. I am surprised more women don't find this sexist and offensive. Roles in each individual family are, and should be, different. People should adapt to life based on their individual talents, not ...

Effects Of TV On Children
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1268 | Pages: 5

... TV for several hours every day, it can instigate loss of creativity, impatience, and violence further along down the road. The ability to be creative is an important factor in the development of a young child’s mind. By sitting down and watching TV for a couple hours, the child is entertained, but is also not thinking. Information in spoon-fed to them, so when it comes time to read a book in school, some can have a hard time grasping ideas. They are so used to having images flash before them to provide understanding; they have trouble moving their eyes side to side to gather the information for themselves. With th ...

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