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Help With Social Issues Papers

[ view this term paper ]Words: 3191 | Pages: 12

... youth violence. Definitions- 1. Development: as defined in Websters Dictionary is “to make more elaborate; to enlarge” 2. Gang: as defined in Websters is “A group of persons who are organized and work together or socialize regularly; a group of adolescent hoodlums or criminals; gang up on; to attack as a group.” 3. Violence: as defined in Websters is “Physical force or activity used to cause harm, damage or abuse” 4. Youth: as defined in Websters is “The appearance or state of appearing young; the time of life when one is not considered a adult; a young person” ...

Television Violence And Its Effects On Children
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1097 | Pages: 4

... children's behavior. She acknowledges that, in fact, there are still differing views over whether or not behavior is affected by the violence. However, Josephson tends to rely more on the idea that it is affected and feels that more research should be directed to this area. Mostly, attention is focused on factors such as the disinhibition effect and cue-triggered aggression. Josephson aims to differentiate these two areas and how they are affected by television violence. The overall purpose of her study is to research the effect this violence has on boys' aggression. Special emphasis is placed on factors such ...

Multicultural Education
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3020 | Pages: 11

... respective heritages. This is not a simple feat due to the fact that there is much diversity within individual cultures. A look at a 1990 census shows that the American population has changed more noticeably in the last ten years than in any other time in the twentieth century, with one out of every four Americans identifying themselves as black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, or American Indian (Gould 198). The number of foreign born residents also reached an all time high of twenty million, easily passing the 1980 record of fourteen million. Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree th ...

How Can We Tell What Is Good Or Bad?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 577 | Pages: 3

... hence the good has rightly been declared that which all things aim (Aristotle, 517). Today society is not aimed at good. This society has become a "me" society. People are thinking of "me,me,me" rather than thinking of the good of others. This society has found it acceptable for a football superstar to be found with an illegal drug to depart the judicial system with probation and again to play football. This is a true example of how people today in our society live their dreams through celebrities. People idolize immoral sport stars instead of holding in a higher regard common everyday people, who are God fear ...

Inequality Of The Sexes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 780 | Pages: 3

... only men. At the time of the drafting of the document, the men had all the power. The document was even drafted by a man. Women were confined to the home to take care of the domestic housekeeping duties. Look no further than the home to see the first sign that men and women are not equal. The traditional role of the man was to work and the money he made would be used by all in the household. The traditional role of the woman was to stay home, take care of the children, clean the house, and cook. Because society has always associated money with power, the person bringing home the money had the power. The man often m ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 722 | Pages: 3

... is simple. Racists from many years ago raise their kids in clans and white supremacy groups and teach them the ways of hatred. These kids grow up "brain-washed" that black people are their enemies and, taught by example, will continue this trend (The Volume Library; 1988). The Ku Klux Klan has been around since the end of the civil war. It is a roller coaster of a history. From extreme power, to rapid decline, and slow reemergence (Software Toolworks Encyclopedia; 1992). The clan, who is notorious for its violence, has a relatively innocent beginning. It was formed from some veterans from the confedera ...

Trapped Inside The TV
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1861 | Pages: 7

... inside a world of sitcoms, cartoons, and gossip news stories? This basic belief about the dominant mediums can be observed in what Postman calls the transition from the “age of exposition” to the “age of show business.” How much has our culture changed because of the shift in the medium? Postman argues that our culture is reshaped by its dominant medium of cultural conversation, and that the difference between the culture of a print based society verses a television based society effects intellectual tendencies and public discourse of all the people in the respective communities. The print based societi ...

Commercial Vices
[ view this term paper ]Words: 507 | Pages: 2

... drugs combined. The United States attempted to prohibit alcohol and failed. The Mafia made its money by bootlegging alcohol. The gangsters of the twenties and thiries were in the alcohol business just as the drug peddlers of today are in the drug business. Both settled trade disputes with gun fire. When alcohol prohibition was repealed and sale by licensed dealers was instituted, the Mafia went out of the liquor business and the revenue agents assigned to stop the illegal business went out of business too. The quality of regulated liquor became assured and taxed, not high enough to motivate bootlegging, became a ...

What Is An American?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 431 | Pages: 2

... American is somebody who lives in the U.S., respectively, and moved here or was moved here for good reasons, such as finding a great job, living in a better home, having a better environment, or to just start your life all over again (If something regrettably went wrong.) Whatever the reason, almost anybody can find their place in America. What would America be like without the government we have today? Well, it would be a lot like the Colonial times, and that was not a good time period to be in. There may be a lot of crime in America, but there are always more policemen, soldiers, or CIA agents ; it does not matt ...

Interpersonal Communication
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1042 | Pages: 4

... no more than 5 or 6, people for the purpose of getting a feedback and sharing information. Interpersonal communication is not interpersonal if it involves too many people. When the number of people exceeds a certain amount it is no longer interpersonal communication,it then becomes mass communication. In my definition it is vital that feed-back be given to the person that is doing the communicating. When feedback is not present then the lines of communication break down and then there is no communication at all. Even if the message is perceived wrong interpersonal communication still exists as long as the fee ...

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