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Oil Pollution And Its Effect On Wildlife
[ view this term paper ]Words: 670 | Pages: 3

... back into the ocean. Oil well blowouts: Blowouts occurring at oil well heads release huge amounts of oil and gas into the ocean. The drilling vessel IXTOTI released more than 400,000 tons of oil into the Gulf of mexico over a period of 9 months after its well exploded in 1978. úúúúTanker accidents: The most publicized of the oil spills are those caused by tanker accidents. There have been hundreds of accidents involving the spilling of million of tons of oil. Big oil spills, no matter what way they occur, reflect on the oil indu ...

Privacy For Public Officials
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1544 | Pages: 6

... claim that it is their responsibility to make sure the politicians are morally upstanding citizens. Unfortunately this has lead to many political and private lives being ruined as result of information that is presented by the press. Throughout the past 50 years the relationship between public officials and the press has gone from excellent to horrendous. All of these factors have led to the personalization of politics and made it impossible for public officials to have any kind of private life. One of the more interesting aspects of the recent coverage of political scandals has been the press' extensive cover ...

The Use And Abuse The American Language
[ view this term paper ]Words: 708 | Pages: 3

... to say something simple. They may want to look impressive but really they are just hiding behind the big words. Also, when small vocabulary is used then the person can’t think well, or just think of small thoughts. As the vocabulary shrinks so does the intelligence. I agree with the article, the vocabulary is being abused and is being used badly. I can relate to a situation that was explained in the article, the number of hours I spend watching television. I enjoy watching television; it’s an entertainment for me when I’m bored. I spend about five hours watching television, while I’m eating, doing my ho ...

The Art Of Raising A Child
[ view this term paper ]Words: 856 | Pages: 4

... to leave the dinner table until her plate is squeaky clean. She now understands that iron is vital for her body. When the little ones are running and screaming in the hallway, they are told to "walk slowly and play quietly". Suddenly, we have created well-mannered, soft-spoken, and gracefully striding creatures. Have we really? Or are we creating the opposite of what we intended? The most important rules of parenting are often unknown, or overlooked: 1. Respect Your Child. Treat your child the way you want to be treated. The fact that Tommy's body is smaller doesn't make him less of a person. He has feelings, concer ...

Should Adopted Children Be Allowed To Locate Their Biological Parents?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 380 | Pages: 2

... was the best one at that time. Think about the birth parents involved. What happens after you spend a few months or more of your life trying to locate these people only to have a door shut in your face? How would you feel if that were to happen? The chances of this happening are pretty good. Yes, there are happy reunions on talk shows that turn out for the better, but that is not always the reality. These people gave up their birth rights many years ago and should not go back on that. They have moved on with their lives and might not want to be reminded what could have been. So many hurt feelings and feelings of g ...

Television In The 90’s
[ view this term paper ]Words: 839 | Pages: 4

... in the 90’s is television and media. The impact that television is having on children should not just concern parents and educators, but should also open the eyes of politicians, physicians, and public health advocates. (Gadcow) Every week young people, from age two and up, view an average of 16 to 17 hours of television.(Klein) With every two to three hours spent each day watching the tube, children experience many acts of violence and sex. The National Television Violence Study reviewed three years, almost 10000 hours, of television programming. They found that 61% of the programming contained some kind of ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 376 | Pages: 2

... always pays off. Family is a value that my father taught me. He told me that family is the most important thing in life. Your family will always be there when you need them, and will love you no matter what you do. This is a great thing, because it gives me security and comfort. I know that the decisions that I make in life will be guided by people that care about the outcome, and if things don't work out they'll be there to do whatever they can to help me. You never have to put on a front with your relatives, they will almost always accept you for who you are. Another value that was influenc ...

Constructive Criticism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 776 | Pages: 3

... States. Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are often subjected to many types of criticism from their respective constituents. Senators and Representatives must make frequent decisions on important issues based upon feelings and desires expressed by the citizens of their district. In this manner, constructive criticism helps to improve the accuracy and quality of choices made for the nation by our elected officials. Found in some form in nearly every aspect of our society, constructive criticism is an indispensable facet of human improvement. The vast majority of ideas and behavioral cha ...

Raving And Ravers
[ view this term paper ]Words: 917 | Pages: 4

... to the teenage population. One of the first raves was held back on June 15th, 1991, at a warehouse off the shores of New York. The rave was called Return To XTC. It was a huge party that lasted all night. Since then raves have sprung up all over the nation. Raves are held in remote locations. From abandoned warehouse and small airports to open fields or underground buildings/mines/ The reason why they are so remote is because of the loud music that is played, the large crowds it attracts, and basically so that no authority-such as police find ‘em and break up the scene. Body Introduction : Raves are basica ...

Bilingual Education...”Si” Or No?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1128 | Pages: 5

... but also with the rest of society. In doing so, he feels he lost all or most of his Mexican culture and closeness with his parents by giving up Spanish--his native language. Rodriguez feels that bilingual education is wrong because using a family language in school “...misunderstand(s) the public uses of schooling and...trivialize(s) the nature of intimate life” (225). In his essay, “Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood”, Rodriguez applies many rhetorical features to build an effective essay with a strong point: children should learn a “public” language in school, not only to increase the ...

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