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Greenhouse Effect
[ view this term paper ]Words: 967 | Pages: 4

... Al Gore have spoken out. Many are realizing that the is not something to be put aside, yet rather something to be worked on and studied. "The displays that nature is not immune to our presence" (Kralijic, 1992). Ways must be found to lessen the threat of this growing crisis. If this effect were to continue and grow, the earth’s population would be exposed to serious threats. Carbon dioxide is essential for plants who use it for photosynthesis, yet too much can lead to serious threats. The problem lies in the disruption of the balance between how much carbon dioxide plants intake, and what our population produc ...

Aids 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 744 | Pages: 3

... at all. You might feel perfectly healthy, but if you are infected, you can pass the virus to anyone you may have unprotected sex or share needles or syringes with. AIDS and HIV are two different viruses, but HIV well eventually turn into AIDS. About half the people with HIV develop AIDS within 10 years, but between infection with HIV, the onset for AIDS can vary greatly. The severity of the HIV related illness or illnesses will differ from person to person, according many factors but mostly to the overall health of the individual. The new advances in technology are helping postpone the advancement of the ...

Lung Cancer 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1407 | Pages: 6

... and spreads by invading local tissues, than to the lymph nodes and into the blood. Large - cell carcinoma is a tumor that is fairly larger than other types. They don’t form keratin but they are common in smokers. They develop in the central or peripheral part of the lungs and the lymph glands. Small cell carcinoma tumors are small and fragile. They are divided into groups by their shapes. The term “oat cell carcinoma” is used to develop in smokers and usually in the central part of the lung. They spread by the lymph glands and into the blood stream early. This type of tumors can only be ...

ADHD On Child Intelligence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2216 | Pages: 9

... the expectations of society and their learning environment they are usually met with anger, punishment, and rejection. In turn these children develop a low-self esteem and low levels of motivation (Morgan, 1997). The etiology of ADHD is still a mystery to researchers. Within the field there are many correlates to biological (genetic) and social causes. The present paper seeks to explore current research through investigating the social and bio-genetic influence of . Testing and treatments of those with ADHD will also be discussed. In accordance with Dulcan et al. (1997) ADD, ADD-H, ADHD, although not iden ...

Genetic Engineering -
[ view this term paper ]Words: 980 | Pages: 4

... until 1997 when researchers at Scotland’s Roslin Institute, led by embryologist Lan Wilmut, reported that they cloned a sheep-named Dolly-from the cell of an adult ewe. The next goal of scientists is to sequence all human DNA by 2003, the Human Genome Projects current target date (Lemonick 46). But we should use genetic engineering in a proper way. Our goal should be to find areas where it is needed rather than try to misuse it for personal gain. Genetic engineering can provide medical benefits to humans, but limits have to be set. Our body contains one hundred trillion cells, inside most cells is a nuc ...

Chemistry-soaps And Detergents
[ view this term paper ]Words: 655 | Pages: 3

... the chemistry is understood. Soap is made from the process called saponification, the alkaline hydrolysis of fats and oils. It is essentially the reverse of esterification. O O R-C-O-R’ + NaOH ---- R-C-O-Na+ + R’OH Ester(fat) + base(caustic soda) ---- salt of fatty acid(soap) + alcohol(glycerol). Caustic potash (potassium hydroxide) can be used instead of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)but is more expensive. The base used to come from wood ash containing potassium carbonate which formed potash as th ...

Nature Vs. Nurture
[ view this term paper ]Words: 595 | Pages: 3

... made about the social roles of men and women. “Experiments show that many people do act to fulfill gender expectations. For example, Mark Zanna and Susan Pack (1975) had college women write descriptions of themselves for a tall, unattached, male senior whom they anticipated meeting. Those expecting to meet a man who liked nontraditional women described themselves as relatively nontraditional. Those led to think he favored traditional gender roles described themselves as more traditionally feminine” (Handout - Diversity and Community). I believe that one's immediate family, rather than society, has ...

Endangered Species
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1552 | Pages: 6

... in the future. Or it might not happen like that. If you leave it alone and do not harm it, it might have baby’s and have more of its kind. A species is named endangered when of its kind occurs in a low number. About 1000 species in the world are named endangered, or are in threat to be extinct. I never knew that some kinds of birds were in danger. We can help these animals and plants by making laws that you are not allowed to hunt or kill any animal that is in danger of extinction. Government Involvement Only since the 19th century has there been worldwide concern about the case of species in their n ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 878 | Pages: 4

... up to 1250 miles up he Amazon River. The buffeo is the smallest of all dolphins averaging about 4 feet. The bottlenose is closer to 10 feet. The killer whale, which is also considered a dolphin, can grow to be 30 feet long. The pilot whale is also considered a dolphin. Dolphins were once hunted by commercial boats for the small amount of oil that can be extracted from their body. This oil is used to lubricate small parts in watches. Cheaper oils have been found, so dolphins are not hunted for this reason anymore. Dolphins can be caught in tuna nets by accident. Since dolphins have to breath at the surface th ...

How Science And Pseudo-science Differ
[ view this term paper ]Words: 563 | Pages: 3

... it is one step closer to being proven true. The more times it is proven true, the higher the probability of it being completely true. Inductively, after it has been proven true a number of times, it has to be true. However, logically, it can never really be proven completely true, since it would take an infinite number of tests to do so. A pseudo-science is similar, in that it has laws. However, these laws are mostly restatements of known facts. For example, in astrology, they make claims about what you are like based on what day you were born. The things they say, however, are things that are statistically c ...

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