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Help With Science Papers

[ view this term paper ]Words: 362 | Pages: 2

... a 15 year old boy was stricken with hemiparesis "resulting from acute intoxication following inhalation of butane gas." Hemiparesis is when half of a person's body is paralyzed. Through reactions alkanes can be transformed into chloroform. This has been shown to accumulate in lungs of swimmers after they swim for extended periods of time. As mentioned above chloroform can be produced which can be used for anesthesia. Also dichloromethane, or paint stripper and 1,2-dichloroethane which is a dry cleaning fluid. Here is a sample reaction where a halogen replaces a hydrogen. CH4(g) + C12(g) ----> CH3Cl(g) + ...

Internet Firewalls
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2823 | Pages: 11

... unauthorized access is a cost that should be factored into every Internet equation. What follows is an explanation of Internet security and the concept of Firewalls. What Makes the Internet Vulnerable? Let's look at some of the most common security threats: Impersonating a User or System - To authenticate Internet users, a system of user-Ids and passwords is used. Anyone intent on gaining access to the Internet can repeatedly make guesses until the right combination is found, a simple but time consuming process made all the easier by programs which systematically try all character combinations until the correct on ...

Environment Report: Tidal Power In The Bay Of Fundy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1554 | Pages: 6

... moon with 15 feet tides and the opposing force of the Shubenacadie river to display the true Bay's magnificence. This part of St. John is divided into 3 main areas: the main Harbor, Courtenay Bay and the Outer Harbor. These areas are influenced by the Bay of Fundy tides and the currents of the St John River which flow out of the main Habour into the Bay. This section also experiences two high and two low tides each day (semi - diurnal), with a tidal range varying from 15 to 18 feet, depending on the type of tides. High - water heights vary from 22 to 28 feet and low - water heights vary from 0 to 7 feet above cha ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 874 | Pages: 4

... is left after combustion. His ideas soon brought speculations of doubt. When metal is burned, its ash has a greater mass than the original substance. Stahl tried to cover himself by saying that phlogiston will take away from a substance's mass or that it had a negative mass, which weren't relevant to his original theories. In the Eighteenth Century Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, in France, discovered an important detail in the understanding of the chemical reaction combustion of oxygen. He said that combustion was a chemical reaction involving oxygen and another combustible substance, such as wood. John Dalton, in the ...

Cryogenics And The Future
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1423 | Pages: 6

... from 173 K to a fraction of a Kelvin above absolute zero. There are also two main sciences used in cryogenics, and they are Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Cryogenics first came about in 1877, when a Swiss Physicist named Rasul Pictet and a French Engineer named Louis P. Cailletet liquefied oxygen for the first time. Cailletet created liquid oxygen in his lab using a process known as adiabatic expansion, which is a "thermodynamic process in which the temperature of a gas is expanded without adding or extracting heat from the gas or the surrounding system"(Vance 26). At the same time Pictet used the "Joul ...

The Big Bang Theory Vs Biblical Views
[ view this term paper ]Words: 351 | Pages: 2

... surfaced. As the decades progressed, there had never been an logical answer that explained so much. Among this generation, the idea of God as the creator, or even a God period, has almost desisted. In this essay, I hope to present to you why science should not exempt this supernatural phenomenon from their studies. The "Big Bang Theory" states that fifteen billion years ago, give or take five billion years, the entirety of our universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus. Known as a singularity, this is the moment before creation when space and time did not exist. According to the prevailing co ...

Effects Of Dam Building
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1220 | Pages: 5

... and their environment heavily outweigh the beneficial ones. The paragraphs below will prove that the construction and presence of dams always has and will continue to leave devastating effects on the environment around them. Firstly, to understand the thesis people must know what dams are. A dam is a barrier built across a water course to hold back or control water flow. Dams are classified as either storage, diversion or detention. As you could probably notice from it's name, storage dams are created to collect or hold water for periods of time when there is a surplus supply. The water is then used when the ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1178 | Pages: 5

... for cooling refrigerators and air conditioners. They were easily turned into liquid at room temperature with application of just a small amount of pressure, and they could easily then be turned back into gas. CFCs were completely inert and not poisonous to humans. They became ideal solvents for industrial solutions and hospital sterilants. Another use found for them was to blow liquid plastic into various kinds of foams. In the 1930's, household insecticides were bulky and hard to use, so CFCs were created because they could be kept in liquid form and in an only slightly pressurized can. Thus, in 1947, ...

Klinefelter Syndrome -
[ view this term paper ]Words: 930 | Pages: 4

... a chromosome variation involving the sex chromosomes. The person with Klinefelter Syndrome is a male who, because of this chromosome variation, has a hormone imbalance. While Dr. Harry Klinefelter accurately described this condition in 1942, it was not until 1956 that other researchers reported that many boys with this description had 47 chromosomes in each cell of their bodies instead of the usual number of 46. This extra sex (X) chromosome causes the distinctive make-up of these boys. All men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, but sometimes a variation will result in a male with an extra X. This is Klinef ...

Cfcs Cause Deterioration Of The Ozone Layer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2231 | Pages: 9

... layer is not a uniform layer, from top to bottom. As one moves out from the planet's surface the atmosphere becomes progressively dense. This atmosphere can be divide into four major regions. The first region is the troposphere which extends about 6.5 miles above the planet's surface. The troposphere contains the oxygen that we breath and is where a majority of our weather takes place. Beyond the troposphere is the second region of the atmosphere, the stratosphere. The stratosphere extends from roughly 6.5-30 miles from the earth's' surface. The air on this region is much less dense than in the troposphere, and ...

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