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[ view this term paper ]Words: 1298 | Pages: 5

... the black hole. It will describe how a black hole is generally formed, how it functions, and the effects it has on the universe. In order to understand what exactly a black hole is, we must first take a look at the basis for the cause of a black hole. All are formed from the gravitational collapse of a star, usually having a great, massive, core. A star is created when huge, gigantic, gas clouds bind together due to attractive forces and form a hot core, combined from all the energy of the two gas clouds. This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs an ...

Nuclear Waste Management
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1179 | Pages: 5

... blown off, and approximately 100 million curies of radionuclides were released into the atmosphere. Some of the radiation spread across northern Europe and into Great Britain. Soviet statements indicated that 31 people died because of the accident, but the number of radiation-caused deaths is still unknown. The same deadly radiation that was present in this explosion is also present in spent fuels. This presents special problems in the handling, storage, and disposal of the depleted uranium. When nuclear fuel is first loaded into a reactor, 238U and 235U are present. When in the reactor, the 235U is graduall ...

The Influence Of Writers On Charles Darwin
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2276 | Pages: 9

... botany and biology which helped validate his theories. His theory of natural selection as stated by Nelson and Jurmain (1991, p.606) in the modern form is that "the evolutionary factor causes changes in allele frequencies in populations due to differential net reproductive success of individuals." His grasp of the evolutionary process and the clarity of his work makes Charles Darwin the most popular figure in the scientific field of Evolution (Francoeur, 1965, p.34). Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was the fourth child of Dr. Robert Darwin and grandson of Erasmus Darwin. Much of Charles' childhood was spent collec ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 514 | Pages: 2

... it doesn't matter. Ocean impact would create a number of things. First, a Tsunami(tidal wave) would be created on impact. The wave would be hundreds for feet high traveling hundreds of miles per hour. It would start to slow down crashing ashore through all coastal city. Then, finally wash up hundreds for miles inland. " The mid-Atlantic Ocean impact ranging from 400 meters to 5 kilometers in diameter. This would generate a tsunami that would sweep across the upper East Coast of the United States to the Appalachian Mountains."(Gottschalk 1) The blast of the impact would equal a 300 gigaton blast of T.N.T. Also, 2.4 se ...

Natural History Of The Lamprey
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1160 | Pages: 5

... in fisheries. Their mouths are circular, without jaws and equipped with a piston like tongue that creates suction when the mouth is placed against an object, and the tongue is drawn back. In the inner part of the mouth and the edges of the tongue, there are many small, horny teeth. These are what the lamprey uses to pierce the flesh of fishes. The adult forms of lamprey die soon after spawning and reaching their mature form. Lampreys mostly live in freshwater streams and seas of temperate and subartic regions throughout the world, except for Southern Africa. The sea lamprey is a marine species. They are na ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 377 | Pages: 2

... organisms would not be able to survive for two asic reasons. One is the fact that autotrophic organisms create most of the oxygen that heterotrophs breath. Whithout them, heterotrophs which need oxygen to survive would not live very long. The second reason is that autotrophs are the lowest food on the food chart. Without them many heterotrops would die from starvation. 3. Why did you put your syringes containing leaf material in the dark prior to illumination? The reason this was done was to make sure as little oxygen as possible was contained in the leaf material. This coused the experimrnt to run pro ...

Mars 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1802 | Pages: 7

... the planet. As time goes on, our knowledge of this mysterious planet will expand. The atmosphere of Mars is quite different from that of Earth. It is composed primarily of carbon dioxide with small amounts of other gases. The six most common components of the atmosphere are Carbon Dioxide at 95.32%; Nitrogen at 2.7%; Argon at 1.6%; Oxygen at 0.13%; Water at 0.03%; and Neon at 0.00025 %. Martian air contains only about 1/1,000 as much water as our air, but even this small amount can condense out, forming clouds that rise high in the atmosphere or swirl around the slopes of towering volcanoes. Local patches of e ...

Asthma 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 447 | Pages: 2

... but usually occur in childhood. In children, asthma often is associated with eczema, a skin inflammation that may reflect the tendency of the child to develop hypersensitivity reactions. The attacks usually become less frequent and less severe over the years and disappear in about half of all affected children before adulthood. In one form of asthma, called intrinsic asthma, however, the attacks become less frequent and less severe, but recovery between them is less complete. The bronchi in such patients become chronically narrowed, causing a progressive loss of capacity for physical exertion. The prevalence of as ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2281 | Pages: 9

... Monkeys were recorded to be consumed in the Gombe National Park, the Kasakati Basin, and the Budongo Forest. Moreover, there is new evidence that chimpanzees near the Ugalla River of western Tanzania also consume mammals.(Riss, 1990:167) Cannibalism has also been recorded both in the Budongo Forest, Mahale Mountains and the Gombe National Park. In Jane Goodall's, May 1979 article in the National Geographic called "Life and Death at Gombe" it reveals the first time that chimpanzees who were always perceived to be playful, gentle monkeys, could suddenly become dangerous killers. "I knew that some of our chim ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 521 | Pages: 2

... less and begin to lose weight. These people areat risk of becoming malnurished and also run the risk of becoming an anorexic. Sleep habits often change as well. People with depression may start to sleep a lot more than they normally would, but again they might also sleep much less than normal. A person with depression doesn't realize and most of the time has no control whatsoever over these feelings. They have no idea that what is wrong with them is that they have depression. They might put the blame on some other stressful thing or even other people. Changes in the level of energy a person has can be ...

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