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Help With Science Papers

[ view this term paper ]Words: 822 | Pages: 3

... between the two cats. In the wild, identification would not be an issue as the cats inhabit different continents - the jaguar is the only member of the panthera family to be found in the Americas and its is by far the biggest cat on the continent. The range, which once spanned from the southern states of the USA down to the tip of South America, now centres on the north and central parts of the South American continent. The jaguar is predominantly a forest dweller with the highest population densities centring on the lowland rain forests of the Amazon Basin - dry woodland and grassland also serve as sui ...

Cardiovascular Conditioning
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1632 | Pages: 6

... the heart muscle does not have to work as hard to pump the blood. The heart will beat fewer times per minute while it is at rest, but it will be able to deliver a greater amount of blood with each stroke as a result of adequate conditioning. Conditioning has other benefits to cardiovascular fitness as well. It will increase oxygenation of the blood due to the fact that while exercising deep breathing increases the blood flow to the lungs. Under a well-planned conditioning program conditioning can help to decrease cholesterol and the incidents of deadly heart disease. Individuals who exercise regularly have a lo ...

Effects Of Technology
[ view this term paper ]Words: 661 | Pages: 3

... really not. When the Internet was first introduced, people never thought it would be as big as it is today. The Internet is an easy to use technology that can do just about anything. But what people don’t understand is that the Internet is not all good. Much of the information posted on sites on the Internet is merely opinions, not factual information. When people look at this information, it looks and seems like trustful information, but most of the time, it is not. Although the Internet is a relatively new technology, television has been around for about fifty years. There are many problems with te ...

Plastic Not Paper
[ view this term paper ]Words: 559 | Pages: 3

... are the best choice at the check out line. Of course your wondering how plastic bags save money, well just think 2,000 paper bags stacked on each other reaches a height of about 7.25 inches, while paper reaches a soaring height of 7.5 feet. This means it takes seven trucks to deliver the same amount of paper as one plastic delivering truck. Talk about a big waste of gas. Plastic bags cost about ΒΌ of a cent to make, while paper cost close to 3 cents. This is money we save as well as the store owner. This is a lot of money that is going to waste considering that plastic bags are so much more practical then paper ...

Hydroponics Growing Without Soil
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2420 | Pages: 9

... method. Their process was called Nutriculture. Nutriculture varied from Dr. Gericke’s method in that gravel was used as a rooting medium. After World War II a number of commercial installations were built in the United States. The majority of these were located in Florida. Most were out of doors and subject to the rigors of the weather. Poor construction techniques and operating practices caused many of them to be unsuccessful and production inconsistent. How is the quality of the food today affected by the methods of Hydroponics of today? Body The growing medi ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1780 | Pages: 7

... and tobacco, on which whole economies and nations depend. Of even greater importance to humans are the indirect benefits reaped from the entire plant kingdom and its' more than 3 billion years of carrying out photosynthesis. Today the world's biomass is composed overwhelmingly of plants, which not only underpin all food webs but also modify climates and create and hold down soil, making what would otherwise be stony, sandy masses habitable for life. Cell Structure and Function The tremendous variety of plant species is, in part, a reflection of the many distinct cell types that make up individual plan ...

The Atmospheric Ozone Layer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2378 | Pages: 9

... creating among other problems, an increase in skin cancer (melanoma) in humans. As UV-B rays increase, the possibility of interferences with the normal life cycles of animals and plants would become more of a reality, with the eventual possibility of death. Stratospheric ozone has been used for several decades as a tracer for stratospheric circulation. Initial measurements were made by ozonesondes attached to high altitude balloons, by chemical-sondes or optical devices, which measured ozone concentrations through the depletion of UV light. However, the need to measure ozone concentrations from the surface at re ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 763 | Pages: 3

... state, and the myth of the unconscious mind as a reservoir of repressed memories, numerous personalities, past lives, and for some, mythical insights and occult truths. Thoughts of began in the 1970's with an Australian physician Franz Mesmer who would rely heavily on the power of suggestion. Franz's last name is where the term mesmerize came about. Later the term emerged through an English surgeon named James Braid. is a Greek word, which means sleep. Braid used it to describe the hypnotic state people would be in after . We now know that is not sleep, but an altered state of consciousness. Many people ...

The Element Carbon And Its Importance
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1089 | Pages: 4

... carbon are burned or heated without enough oxygen for them to burn completely. For example, if oil, natural gas, or other petroleum fuels are burned in limited supplies of air, powdery-black soot of amorphous carbon, called carbon black, is formed. Carbon black is used in rubber products and paint. Charcoal is used as a cooking fuel and ivory black, made by heating ivory, is used as a pigment in paint. Most carbon occurs in combination with other elements. For example, the carbon dioxide in the air is a compound of carbon and oxygen. Other compounds containing carbon include minerals such as limeston ...

The Year 2000 Bug
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2317 | Pages: 9

... that have upset the economy in the past it will give us a better look at what may happen. In order to understand the Y2K bug we must first understand what it is. For many years electronic storage was very expensive. In the early days of computing a Megabyte or a million bytes of information could have cost up to $100,000 to store electronically. This same amount of information storage can now cost around ten cents. Because of this expensive storage limitation code written for these older computers was compressed in any way possible. One way to cut down the size of code was to compress dates to a format ...

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