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... "deepest red."
* Where it is Found * Its Form * What it Looks Like *
Physical Properties
Rubidium is a fairly abundant element in the Earth's crust, there
it is found in 310 parts per million (ppm). This makes it the 22nd most
abundant element on Earth. It is found in many minerals, and brines, along
with other elements. Seawater contains 0.2 ppm, twice the amount of
Lithium found in the oceans. Traces are found in seawater plants and
animal organisms. Very small traces of Rubidium are found in the leaves of
tobacco, tea, and coffee, as well as some other plants. Rubidium is
similar to lithium ...
Essay On Global Warming
... Methane and carbon dioxide. This is the way the Earth keeps itself warm enough for humans to live on it.
The only problem with this is that humans enhance the process even more. Over the past 200 years the emissions of greenhouse gases have been increasing due to the increase in technology that humans have developed (example, factories). These human-induced gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, also known as Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons. These gases are generated a number of human activities such as fossil fuel comb ...
Global Warming 4
... has ever been. Very soon the earth may become hotter then
at any time in human history. In the last decades the problems of atmospheric change have been gravely advanced by pollution resulting from human activities. These environmental changes pose a real threat to the lives of people and wild life.It is vital to all of us that we fully understand the complex relationship between the atmosphere and the earth. The earth is getting warmer. the changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next 50 to 100 years, the earth will continue to heat up hotter than it has been in the past ...
... pounds to anyone who invented a method or a device for measuring and then proved successful.
As a result, a Frenchman, sieur de St. Pierre, frowned on the moons of Jupiter as means of determining . He theorized that could be found by the position of the moon and select stars. At the time, Dr. Edmond Halley proved this theory wrong. After many observations, Halley concluded that the moon’s rate of revolution around the earth was accelerating overtime.
John Harrison was a simple clockmaker and a self-educated person who was accredited for finding by means of a timekeeper. John built his first pendulum wa ...
El Nino
... trade winds weaken over the central Pacific Ocean,
resulting in a dramatic rise in the ocean temperatures and a depression of
the thermocline in the pacific. The thermocline is the layer of water
between the warmer, surface zone and the colder deep water zone, in a
thermally stratied body of water, in which the temperature decreases
rapidly with depth.
This depression of the thermocline has great effects on the worlds fishing
industry. The cutting of nutrient rich therocline water reduces the growth
of algae, which in trun, collapses the food chain. Thus, leaving our
worlds subsistence and commercial fishermen w ...
The Laser
... and beaming powerful flashes of light at it. The result was pulses of
red laser light. Once they made the device they had to name it. They had
think of some word or words to described it. They came up with Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Using the first letter
of each main word they named it laser. The laser had everyone excited.
The laser was put through many tests and experiments to see what it
could do to help modern civilization. At first there weren't many uses for
the laser. Then in the 1970's it became very important. It was finally
being used in everyday life. As yea ...
The Importance Of Insects
... Without any insects, these plants would all die, as would the most of the living Earth. Insects, primarily bees, gather pollen as food for themselves, but in doing so, great amounts of pollen collects on their hairy legs and body and it is transferred to a female structure and more plants are on the way. Many plants rely on insects so greatly that they have evolved around them. None of the vibrant colors in the garden were created for your pleasure, nor was the smell of such plants as the roses, in actuality these beauteous pieces of nature we call flowers use sight and smell as attractants for the bees. Plants a ...
Mental Illness
... of trepanning is simply the surgical procedure of creating a hole in the skull. Scientists believe that this procedure was done in order to let out the evil spirits which doctors thought possessed the mentally ill of this time. The literature of ancient Greece also contains evidence of the belief that evil spirits or demons controlled the mentally ill. Not only the Greeks believed in the evil spirit theory, writings from the early Babylonian, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations have also shown evidence that was believed to be a possession by demons-using beatings, restraint, and starvation to try to drive out ...
Galileo And Newton
... are the most accurate in describing the material world. Galileo
seems to test his beliefs through experimentation and mathematical reasoning.
He sites examples in life that support his hypothesis. His argument is of a
scientific nature because he is making a hypothesis on a distinctive type of
concept. The conclusions that Galileo made relate directly to the work in
physics for which he is so well known. His conclusions put emphasis on shapes,
numbers, and motion which are all properties that lend themselves to support
through "reasoning back and forth between theory and experiment." I feel that
Galileo' ...
Breast Cancer In Women
... breast cancer patient are now recommending that women as young as 15 and 16 years old should start with self-examination. But how effective is the self-exam, and other forms of early detection, and does it really help to save women from the disease? This is a question I hope to address in the following research.
Self examinations are the most commonly used tests used for detecting breast cancer among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps.
Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of th ...
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