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Nuclear Weapons
[ view this term paper ]Words: 913 | Pages: 4

... of nuclear weapons. In 1963, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States negotiated the first test limitation treaty, the Limited Test Ban Treaty. The TreatyÕs signers agreed not to test nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, in outer space, or underwater. The only testing that was allowed was underground testing. Attempts to control the number of nuclear weapons in the world began about 1970. The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(SALT) was a convention held by the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the numbers in nuclear weapons. In 1982, the United States and the Soviet Union began the ...

Black Holes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1047 | Pages: 4

... of our sun becoming a black hole is highly unlikely, simply because it is too small. Only a very large star has the potential to become a black hole. The definitions of black boles are somewhat sceptical. Generally, a black hole is an area of super-concentrated mass. So concentrated, that no object can escape its gravitational pull. In other words, once you get caught by it’s graviational pull, you aren’t getting out again. The velocity you need to break away from a graviational pull is called the "escape velocity". Roughly, earth’s escape velocity is about 25,000 M.P.H. (11.2 kilometers/second). Earth’s mass ...

Breast Implants
[ view this term paper ]Words: 771 | Pages: 3

... for silicone inflatable breasts (MS Encarta). There are various test, experimentation, and evaluations that need to be done ("Student Handbook"). The most important ones are the; Chemical Characterization, Pharmacokinetic Studies. These are all tests that the Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery Devices Branch Division of General Restorative Devices and the Office Of Device Evaluation all require (ODE documents 6). The Chemical Characterization, is an important test. It does all of the following. If fabrication of the device involves curing of polymeric components by chemical crosslinking, then d ...

Nuclear Weapons
[ view this term paper ]Words: 955 | Pages: 4

... are forced together, called fusion. In fission, a nucleus from a heavy element is bombarded with neutrons. The nucleus breaks into two pieces, releasing energy and two or more neutrons. Each of these neutrons has enough energy to split another heavy nucleus, allowing the process to repeat itself. This is the chain reaction that makes nuclear weapons possible. In a fusion nuclear device such as a hydrogen bomb, lightweight nuclei are forced to fuse at very high temperatures into heavier nuclei, releasing energy and a neutron. In order to squeeze the two nuclei together, an atomic fission bomb is usually used. ...

Biological Effects Of Radiation
[ view this term paper ]Words: 610 | Pages: 3

... traced back to the interaction of radiation with atoms, there are two mechanisms by which radiation ultimately affects cells. These two mechanisms are commonly called direct and indirect effects. If radiation interacts with the atoms of the DNA molecule, or some other cellular component critical to the survival of the cell, it is referred to as a direct effect. Such interaction may affect the ability of the cell to reproduce and, thus, survive. If enough atoms are affected in such a way that the chromosomes do not replicate properly, or there is a significant alteration in the information carried by the DNA mole ...

Endangered Species 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2194 | Pages: 8

... and more species every year either from human activity or natural disaaters. One way or the other, species like the Silver-Back Gorilla or the Black-footed Ferret almost face extinction. Here is a list of endangered animals:Bottle Dolphin, Peacock, Wolf, Emperor Penguin, Koala, Reticulated Giraffe, Snowy Owl, and unfortunately hunderds of more. The death of these animals each year are all different and sometimes so simple. There are two different kinds of causes that drastically cut Down the number of these endangered species: Direct Causes Direct Causes is when the animals are purposely hunted, trapped, fished, ...

Alcoholism An Intrepretation
[ view this term paper ]Words: 679 | Pages: 3

... or spiritual needs. To understand alcoholism, it must first be understood what this affliction is dependent on. Alcohol is a substance that is made by the fermentation of fruits, grains, or miscellaneous other organic materials. The chemical, alcohol, is a depressant and acts on every cell in the human body. Due to this, the central nervous system, along with the pleasure centers of the brain, are affected resulting in a feeling of euphoria and a sense of well being. After repeated exposure, the brain becomes dependent on this drug to unburden itself whenever it feels the compulsion. Several factors that co ...

Aids 5
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1096 | Pages: 4

... are about 65,000 new cases every year. The origin of the AIDS virus is uncertain, but it may have originated in Central Africa. The first AIDS patients in the Americas and Europe were almost exclusively male homosexuals. Later patients included those who used unsterilized intravenous needles to inject drugs; hemophiliacs (persons with a blood-clotting disorder) and others who had received blood transfusions; females whose male sexual partners had AIDS; and the children of parents with AIDS. However since 1989, heterosexual sex was found to be the fastest growing means of transmission of the virus, ...

Intel Vs. Amd The True Story (intel Bias)
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1351 | Pages: 5

... they now have their own SIMD, KNI (Katmai New Instruction). AMD's line of processors used to be able to keep up with Intel using 3DNOW but with KNI Intel will once again take a very large lead in speed. Thus I believe Intel builds better and faster processors than AMD. The first ever problems AMD had were with incompatibility problems that plagued their entire line of CPU's until the K6. These problems hurt AMD because nobody wanted a CPU that could not run 15% of the programs out. People wanted a processor that had programs optimized specifically for it, people wanted a computer with a sticker that said "Intel I ...

Biological And Chemical Weapons
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1582 | Pages: 6

... the medieval times, Cadavers were catapulted over castle and fortress walls. Disease would spread within the enclosed walls. Cadavers were also placed up stream and the inhabitants of the fortress would drink the deadly, microorganism infested water. are very inexpensive. It does not take a very sophisticated industrial base to produce lethal chemicals. This makes it a viable means of warfare for Third World countries. The use of chemical weapons by Iraq and Libya in 1988 reinforces the danger that these weapons will spread (Cass 1996). Not only are these weapons cheap, but they are very effective. De ...

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