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Nuclear Proliferation
... weapons?
One day on a cold, bleak Russian night a world disaster was
almost destined to happen. Alexander Kuzminykh, a 19-year old
teenager, was aboard the submarine the Vepr when he attacked the
sentry and killed him with a chisel. Panicking he grabbed the guard’s
AK-47 and killed seven more crew members on the way to the torpedo
bay where he locked himself in. This suicidal teenager the stayed in
the bay for twenty hours threatening to blow it up and potentially
causing a “Floating Chernobyl”(Paddock-thestar.com). He talked to
his mother and then he just killed himself. When scientis ...
Homo Aquaticus?
... more alike than chimps and gorillas.
But the brains of chimps and humans differ in size and anatomy more than
gorillas and chimps. The brains of chimps and gorillas probably didn't go
through many evolutionary innovations, because they generally resemble other ape
and monkey brains. This implies that the human brain changed a lot after the
human/chimp evolution. With the exception of the olferactory bulb (scent), all
brain structures are larger in humans than in apes. The neocortex (part of the
cerebral cortex), for instance is over three times larger than in chimps, even
though chimps and humans are pretty clo ...
Aandp Kidney Problems
... and excreted from the body. As blood enters into the renal artery it travels through smaller vessels on its route to the cortex of the kidney. Once in the cores the vessels become even smaller forming capillary balls called Glomeruli. The Glomeruli pick up certain substances that travel through the Glomeruli capillary wall and enter the proximal kidney tubules, creating an ultra filtration systems, which eventually becomes urine. Substances that do not filter through the Glomeruli wall continue through the Kidneys blood supply, allowing it to reenter the renal vein and inferior vena cava. On a normal basis only s ...
Nuclear Fusion
... wish to be in a thermonuclear reaction. Thermonuclear reactions occur when
a proton is accelerated and collides with another proton and then the two
protons fuse, forming a deuterium nucleus which has a proton, neutrino and lots
of energy. I have no idea what a deuterium nucleus is, but is must be 10 times
cooler than just a regular nucleus. Such a reaction is not self sustaining
because the released energy is not readily imparted to other nuclei.
thermonuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium will produce a helium nucleus and
an energetic neutron that can help sustain further fusion. This is the basic
prin ...
... procedures that have been used in the campaigns against
the Faroe Islands however is not a general perspective of Greenpeace and their
actions. But the keyword for Greenpeace and what is common for almost every
venture that Greenpeace takes, is that they are active. Greenpeace does not
believe in bureaucracy, and is that something that we should respect. Taking on
a action for Greenpeace sometimes means that you have to break the law or at
least bend it a little. In USA where they protested against some factories
which deliberately lead their toxic waste to lakes nearby, Greenpeace sealed the
pipes, from wh ...
History Of The Prostate Gland
... off the urinary flow. This can effect the ablility to
urinate and perform sexually.
Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells that
make up the prostate gland escape from the normal controls
on their growth and start to divide, grow and spread in an
uncontolled manner. At first the growth of the cancer
occurs very slowly and is usually limited within the
prostate gland. Later on in the course of the illness, the
prostate gland cells can spread around the body,
particulary to the bones where they can paues pain and
disability. Estimates show that the cancer ma ...
... of their water. But later tests concluded that communities with
high levels of fluorine in their drinking water suffered less dental cavities.
Further testing concluded that at least 1.0 parts per million of fluorine could
help to prevent cavities, but more than 1.5 PPM would cause mottled tooth, so
basically a little fluorine would be okay but a lot of fluorine would be bad
(Behrman 182).
In 1938, with this information, Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute
began to promote the addition of fluoride to public water systems, claiming that
it would reduce tooth decay, however there were two major obstacles in his p ...
How Dams Affect Salmon Migration
... boats, but there are several different approaches to allowing the salmon to breed and smolt to return to the ocean despite the dams, though no effective measures have been implemented due to cost or effects on energy and agriculture. Also, more recently, escaped Atlantic Salmon from aquaculture cages and their offspring are now competing with the native salmon. How depleted are native salmon and Steelhead populations, what has been done so far to boost the populations and has it been effective, and what can be done with dammed river to allow natural breeding?
"Salmon Migration: Decisions, Decisions" no author Env ...
Mexican Grey Wolf
... that it causes structural changes in the brain, depresses male sperm counts, causes chromosome damage, lowers testosterone levels, and damages the lungs. Most of these claims, however, have been unreplicated in humans or have been contradicted by other work. This section will address each of these reported negative side-effects. Various studies have claimed that cannabis destroys brain cells. However, several other studies found no structural or neurochemical atrophy in the brain at all. Furthermore, it should be noted that Heath's work was sharply criticized for avoiding safeguards of bias and reporting "changes" t ...
Global Warming ------
... or heat, escapes the earth's atmosphere. Thus, the temperature experienced on Earth begins to rise. Climate change is a part of the Earth's history. There have been dramatic fluctuations in overall average temperature for the past 150,000 years that are a direct association with carbon dioxide levels. In the past the temperature highs and lows have been the same with carbon dioxide level highs and lows, this does not seem to be a mere coincidence.
Carbon dioxide currently accounts for 0.03% of the gas content within the atmosphere. However, it has a adverse impact on the earth's temperature. Thus, minor fluctu ...
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