Help With Political Papers
Drugs In The Work Place
... taken. Valium and Ritalin are just a couple examples of the prescription drugs orally taken for specific effects. In the early-mid twentieth century, men and women worked overtime, or even three or four jobs, just to get through life. They got back home late at night and had to wake early the next morning to do it all again. Because of the lack of sleep, they took "uppers" in the morning to be alert and "downers" at night to get rest. Please take note that they also drank coffee throughout the day along with the use of these drugs. The adults who had children during this time greatly influenced them with the sight ...
Propaganda In Elections
... all millionaires, but they
have gone to great lengths to present themselves as ordinary citizens. Bill
Clinton eats at Mc Donald's and read a variety of spy novels. Bob Dole presents
himself as the "all American boy" from the Heartland. In this two examples the
plain folk device is at work.
When either presidential candidates agitates the public's fear of
immigration, taxes, or crime and voting for him will reduce the threat he is
using the Fear Appeal. By playing on the public's deep-seated fears,
practitioners of this technique hopes to redirect the merits of a proposal and
towards steps that can be taken to re ...
The HOPE Bill
... Helping Others acquire Pride and Emancipation, will help the
unfortunate people gain pride in what they do. The HOPE will give back the
pride that people need and deserve. It will put people into a more productive
and rewarding job by emancipating them out of the life each person is leading.
Twenty years ago, in the year 2004, the world implemented a youth program that
was the exact opposite of Hitler's Youth. For example, the program gives kids a
feeling of self-confidence, and they become more tolerant of others and their
views. The program places all kids in situations to learn of other cultures and
to ...
The Bill Of Rights
... of each attack or its
rightness or wrongness, but the sheer number of rights that are under attack.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances.
ESTABLISHING RELIGION: While campaigning for his first term, George Bush said "I
don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be
considered patriots." Bush has not retracted, commented on, or clarified ...
The Failures Of Affirmative Ac
... United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964,it became apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status and aptitude tests, prevented total equality in employment. Then President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decided something needed to be done to remedy these flaws. On September 24, 1965, he issued Executive Order #11246 at Howard University that required federal contractors “to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed . . . without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin (Civil Rights).” When Lyndon Banes Johnson signed that order, he enacted one of ...
Affirmative Action
... One applicant meets all the
qualifications, and has had numerous experiences in the field. This
applicant clearly surpasses all the other applicants. The commitee is very
impressed by this young man. He heads home in delight, hoping to hear from
the marketing firm again. Unfortunately, he never hears from
them again. The main reason why he was not chosen, was because of the
color of his skin. Since he is Asian, they could not hire him, because 50%
of their employees are Asian. Under the affirmative action, they must
employ someone who is underrepresented. This type of situation happens
often. It is not ...
Ecuador And Democracy
... one of the world's most varied countries despite
its small size, which at 283520 sq. km is about the size of either New Zealand
or Nevada State. Ecuador staddles the equator on the Pacific coast of South
America and is bordered by only two countries, Colombia to the north and Peru to
the south and east.
The estimated population of Ecuador in 1991 was 10,800,00. This is
approximately 10 times the number of Indian estimated to have been living in the
area at the time of the Spanish conquest. The population density of about 38
people per sq. km is the highest of any South American nation.
Like other Latin Ameri ...
The Right Of Autonomy
... to be the primary obligation of man. In political philosophy, autonomy
is a refusal to be ruled, and authority of the state is the right to rule, there
is a conflict. If a man fulfills his obligation to autonomy, then he will go
against the claim by the state to have authority over him. Wolf states, “He
will deny that he has a duty to obey the laws of the state simply because they
are the laws.” This is the major conflict with political authority. Some
philosophers believe that a solution to this problem is the concept of
This argument says that if men rule themselves then they would be ...
Facism And Patriotism
... perhaps even to give one's life for it. In the traditional or Spartan sense, patriots are those who love their country simply because it is their countryñbecause it is "their birthplace and the mansion of their fathers," as Alexis de Tocqueville put it in his Democracy in America. It is a kind of filial piety. But no one, not even a Spartan, is born loving his country; such love is not natural, but has to be taught, or inculcated, or somehow acquired" (Berns, 1997, pp. PG). Though the definition of patriotism has an expectation that it must be learned, the connotation, the shared meaning within the current cultu ...
James Madison's Federalist 45
... oppose in Federalist 45. This, along with
federal opposed mandates and categorical grants given in the past is taking
the power out of the hands of the states and putting them in the hands of
the federal government, something that the James Madison of Federalist 45
would have a strong opinion against.
Madison’s comparison to the federal government as a type of feudal
system is true to an extent in todays government as the local sovereigns
can speak more for their smaller population whereas the larger governmental
bodies cant speak as well for the people as the smaller ones were able to
do. Therefore, the federa ...
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