Help With Political Papers
What Is Marijuana?
... feel relaxed and sociable, tend to laugh a great deal, and have a profound loss of the sense of time. Characteristically, those under the influence of marijuana show incoordination and impaired ability to perform skilled acts. Still others experience a wide range of emotions including feelings of perception, fear, insanity, happiness, love and anger¡¨ (Annas 19). Although marijuana is not addicting, it may be habituating. The individual may become psychologically rather than physically dependent on the drug. Those who urge the legalization of marijuana maintain the drug are entirely safe. The available data suggest ...
Prison System
... a chance to acquire job skills; which will improve the chances that inmates will become productive citizens upon release. The programs must aim to change those who want to change. Those who are taught to produce useful goods and to be productive are “likely to develop the self-esteem essential to a normal, integrated personality” (Szumski 21). This kind of program would provide skills and habits and “replace the sense of hopelessness” that many inmates have (Szumski 21).
Moreover, another technique used to rehabilitate criminals is counseling. There is two types of counseling in general, individual and gr ...
Housing Problem
... the problem. In fact, we may look at other countries’ experiences and learn how to deal with the problem effectively. Canadian government’s housing policy is based on the idea that everyone is entitled to decent and affordable housing. Housing is a necessity and everyone needs a place to live. It is for this reason that government set its goal to ensure everyone is living in housing of adequate quality at a price they can afford. However, the government has turned into wrong definition of decency and affordability. Firstly, decency is subjective according to different cultures. I think that the Canadian gover ...
Campaign Finance Reform
... report of…every officer in the Executive Branch. (p 45)” He then goes on to speak about the special interest groups, such as the medical community, who contribute money only when there are issues pending that interest them. Cox has a plan: first, he believes “reform must provide viable candidates with substantial public campaign resources in return for their agreement to observe strict spending limits. (p 49)” Second, he believes there must be tighter restriction of PAC contributions. Third, bundling must be prohibited; fourth, the flow of soft money must be stopped and lastly, a reconstitution of ...
"Stop Seeking Certainty.." Minow's Response To Bork
... can be subdivided into two categories. Those categories
are the intentional and textual originalist views. The intention-based
originalists argue that the original intent of the framers can be discerned
from a neutral reading of the Constitution and peripherally related
documents. The problem here is that the framers, the adopters, the
ratifiers, and the electors all had possibly separate intent and it would
be difficult to know all of their intentions. According to this view, the
Constitutional text merely provides clues as to the intent of the above
mentioned groups. So peripheral documents, such as the Fede ...
American Language
... conflicts, as well as encourage immigrants to become involved in the U.S. society and become successful. It will also improve the efficiency of government operations. Declaring English as the official language of the United States will resolve current issues and prevent problems in the future. The biggest and most obvious problem with speaking many different languages in one united country is communication. Many immigrants do not learn English at all. In fact, 213 different languages are spoken in the United States, and approximately 10 million U.S. residents do not speak fluent English (“English Only” 3). Some ...
The New Federalist Party
... meant for it to be in. The basis of this
restructuring comes from the 10th amendment and articles of the Constitution.
As you know, every major political party needs a symbol. After careful
consideration, the mythological hydra has been selected. I know what your
thinking, but it is effective in serving two main purposes. The first purpose
is that it is an ideal representation of the new structure of government that
will be implemented by the New Federalist party. The two heads represent the
two governing bodies, the federal government and the state governments. Both
"heads" do nothing more than serve or g ...
The Supreme Court
... to be to settle the conflicts that may arise between states, and the fact that there would be a court that would have to maintain the uniformity of the federal law. Article III vested the judicial power in “one Supreme Court” , and such inferior courts as the Congress may form from time to time…”
of the United States has several different types of cases which they generally hear. The first of these are controversies in which the United States is a party. Another categories of cases are ones in which there is a conflict between different states, as well as cases in which the parties involved are from ...
Hate In Our Society
... Therefore the rumors about them of having chose their victims because of their social, skin, religion or beliefs are untrue. The people they killed were the unlucky ones. Every victim was a way of discharging their hate. Cullen does not go so deep in talking about hate as Sullivan does in his article.
Sullivan gives various examples of hate crimes. He says that he wonders, again and again, of how the transformation from hate to violence occurs. "I am still drawn, again and again, to the flash of ignition, the moment when fear and loathing became hate, the instant of transformation."(1) He states that there ...
Bureaucratic Pathologies
... rules and procedures that must be followed to get something done.
Red tape occurs because any large organization, government or not, must have some way of ensuring that one part of the organization does not operate out of step with another.
Another reason is the result of the need to satisfy legal and political requirements.
To meet each need, rules are necessary; to ensure that rules are obeyed, forms must be filled out.
Conflict exists because some agencies seem to be working at cross-purposes with other agencies.
Duplication, usually called “wasteful duplication”, occurs when two government agencies seem ...
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