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Film Development
[ view this term paper ]Words: 925 | Pages: 4

... about 15-20 minutes to do a roll. It's also hard to screw up, seeing as there isn't much to it. The disadvantage of the Bucket Method is that you will undoubtedly get scratches on your film, as well as these funny little lines that will dance all over the screen. If you don't mind that, as I don’t, then you're fine. Most short movies benefit from these inconspicuous blemishes, as they give life and movement to your film. I would only recommend the bucket method for Super 8mm, as 16mm is much harder to work with in a bucket. It is thicker and will scratch more, and needs more chemicals since you are working with d ...

The Republic By Platoe
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1214 | Pages: 5

... three classes in The Republic, one no more important than the other. They are the Rulers, Auxiliaries or soldiers, and the rest of the people, such as Merchants, Carpenters, and Laborers. What I especially like, is that the class one belongs to doesn’t have to do with the class of your parents, but more with what your aptitudes are. This allows people to do what they are good at which usually translates into people being more productive for the community. To keep this ordered, Plato has set up the Myth of the Metals. The Myth of the Metals states that when people are created they have one of four differ ...

The Social Construction Of Rea
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1663 | Pages: 7

... a more critical role. Intense interest is devoted to the 'zone of everyday life'. Found in this zone are immediate concerns that guide our daily routines. Reality is an inter-subjective experience. Each individual exits in his/her own private reality, yet co-exists in a normal shared common sense reality with society. To momentarily escape the presence of reality in order to assume a different perspective requires a concentrated and deliberate effort. When foreign tasks are introduced into our daily routines, the reality of everyday life integrates the foreign information into what is more natural a ...

Fascination Of Motorcycles
[ view this term paper ]Words: 911 | Pages: 4

... If we as a society could only focus on the positive aspects and not on the mostly over exaggerated dangers, then a true understanding might be achieved. From the very beginning, motorcycles have been used for many different purposes, and there for many differently designed bikes were needed. The motorcycle started out as a bicycle with a motor, but as technology evolved it soon became it's own entity. The designs were so useful that police agencies began using them to combat crimes. The U.S. military quickly realized the advantages of two wheels, and soon put them into service. Upon returning from war, U.S. ser ...

Female Genital Mutilation
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1621 | Pages: 6

... feeling. This procedure is an attempt to reduce the sex drive of women, making them less likely to be sexually active before marriage or engage in extra-marital affairs. Although this procedure can be seen as a means to control a woman’s sexuality, the act of female circumcision determines the gender identity of women. A circumcised woman is a virgin, ready for marriage and to bear children for her husband, “Girls who are infibulated will probably not find husbands. In most cases they will become outcasts.” is not a new practice. In fact circumcised females have been discovered among the mummies of anc ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1080 | Pages: 4

... moral demands do conflict. In fact, economic growth is the prime source of threats to the natural environment. We have a rough sense of what a good quality of life for humans consists of. Also, we can make some rough judgments about when a person's quality of life has increased or decreased. Utilitarianism about future generations says that people should weigh these increases impartially with respect to times. And, in particular, should not prefer a smaller increase in the present well-being to larger increases in the future. We should try to maximize the sum of increases in well-being across times counting ...

"The Religion That Fears Science Dishonors God And Commits Suicide"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 431 | Pages: 2

... they shun certain types of technology, making trade and communications difficult. It would also seem, at the same time, that many religions condemn scientific progress out of fear of losing the mystery and magic of their beliefs. The people that follow these religions truly have nothing to fear, because all that science does is bring us closer to the truth, and the real God himself. Religions that stay stubbornly solid on their beliefs against science try to ignore this progress and insist on staying primitive. In other words, they refuse to move on with their lives like the rest of the world. This quote migh ...

The Summa Teologica By Thomas
[ view this term paper ]Words: 686 | Pages: 3

... it is lawful for Clerics and Bishops to fight? And whether it is lawful to fight on holy days? He answers each question thoroughly but indecisively; however, when he answers the second question it seems his conclusion have been manipulated in ways that can benefit the church without making them look double sided with their teachings. The second question is: Whether it is always sinful to wage war? In this question Aquinas states in his objection (1), “It would seem that it is always sinful to wage war because punishment is not inflicted except for sin. Now those who wage war are threatened by our L ...

A Convention Of Society
[ view this term paper ]Words: 469 | Pages: 2

... others this is what creates “stability” within society. However if people don’t conform to the “norm” they are often cast out of it, unless they conform to different socially acceptable conventions, such as becoming a nun. Make-up is one of the strongest conventions of this society. The western world view, as a whole society has the convention that beauty is young looking, “enhanced” features on a person, therefore without it you must try to achieve it, this is done mostly by wearing make-up. This society believes that the skin must be smooth looking and the eyes must be framed in order to stand out. M ...

Lincoln Electric
[ view this term paper ]Words: 725 | Pages: 3

... James to be the VP and manager of his company. In 1934, the famous Lincoln bonus plan was instated as employees enjoyed bonuses of 25% of their base pay. By 1940, Lincoln employees enjoyed two times the average pay and productivity of similar Cleveland workers. Lincoln has built a very profitable company. This by way of treating all of its stakeholders with the utmost importance. Lincoln always kept its prices very fair, if not too fair for the customers. In many cases, the price of an item or service provided by Lincoln had gone down over the years. At the same time, employee’s salaries actually went up. ...

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