Help With Health Papers
Multiple Personalities: Do They Really Exist?
... In clinical studies it
has been found that of the different personalities of one person, the eye
prescription, allergies, athletic ability, and even diabetes can exist in
one of the personalities and not the others. The person can switch at any
given time from one personality to another, often not realizing it. This
can account for memory loss and time loss in the primary personality, who
often does not have access to the memories of the other personalities. A
common misconception among the general public is the confusion of MPD with
the disease of schizophrenia. Schizophrenics do NOT have distinct
personalities, ...
Alzheimer’s Special Care Units
... the cognitively impaired resident. Current nursing home regulations provide for “warehouse-style” settings and are in most cases not therapeutic to the Alzheimer’s or dementia resident. Many of these regulations border on abusive for the dementia patient (Johnson 11). Some nursing homes are beginning to respond to this growing issue by developing distinct units, innovative in their design and operations. These new units are dementia special care units and are necessary to the treatment and well being of a resident with Alzheimer’s disease or a related forms of dementia.
In order to understand what ...
Eating Disorders: Anorexia
... starvation, cardiac arrest, or suicide. Fortunately, increasing awareness
of the dangers of eating disorders, sparked by medicall studies and extensive
media coverage, has led many poeple to seek help. Nevertheless, some people with
eating disorders refuse to admit that they have a problem and do not get
treatment. Family and friends can help recognize the problem and encourage the
person to seek treatment.
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder where people intentionally starve themselves. It
usually starts around the time of puberty and involves extreme weight loss.
Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent sta ...
... life and not all the wishful thinking
of those advocating repeal of abortion laws, can alter this. Those of us who
would seek to protect the human who is still to small to cry aloud for it's own
protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach to life in the
last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using arguments of a
bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no
Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created.
Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge,
can deny it: only those who are irrationa ...
Medical Conditions Of Concentration Camps
... dissection. Some people were also sent
away to anatomy hospitals.
One of the most desired places to be by doctors was Block 10. Block 10 was in
Auschwitz and was a medical block. It meant the difference between life and
death for many people in Auschwitz. There were benefits and disadvantages to
being there for both the doctors and the prisoners. For a doctor it was seen as
a chance to do any and all experiments they thought might be interesting. For
prisoners it was a chance to live, if they were lucky. Some prisoners were
taken by doctors for experiments and depending on the nature of the experiment
they m ...
Exotic Diseases And The Treat To Humanity
... in microbes, over use of antibiotics, poverty/poor sanitation, and change in human activities. Diseases come into existence, change, and vanish, but some have always been with us. An epidemic attacks a population, it and runs its course, and then dies out, claiming hundreds to thousands of lives. There are ways of preventing some epidemics from starting, but not everyone agrees with the terms. Thus, these prevention plans for some diseases fail. Humanity is faced with many dangers of a doomsday in the next millennium, but the one that seems the most likely to happen is a world epidemic.
Human activities and ...
What Causes Infectious Diseases To Strike?
... 1976, in the African nations of Zaire and Sudan, the Ebola virus struck for the first time killing 600 people before returning ot the jungle. Some of the most basic questions about the disease remain unanswered today. This mysterious virus ha sdisturbing symptoms and almost no incubation period. Ebola liquefies every organ of the body and causes bleeding from every opening. The virus is twice as deadly as AIDS and works one-thousand times as fast, killing victims in three to ten days. Ebola is spread from mostly by means of close contact with an infected person and can also be tranfered through sexual ...
The Need For Sleep
... These stages are
all during the time known as Non-REM sleep, or Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep.
The first stage is a very light sleep with relaxed muscles. The second is
characterized by brain waves getting larger. The third and fourth stages
are where the sleeper is in a deep sleep in which their brain waves are
huge and slow which makes this stage the hardest to wake from. After an
hour or so, you shift into a highly active stage characterized by rapid eye
movements, hence the name REM sleep. Suddenly your brain waves are almost
the same as if you were awake. You're in the dreaming stage, which occurs
several time ...
Suicide In Our Society
... to happen. The first suicide prevention Centre didn't
come until almost 4000 years later. In 1774, England created the first Centre
to try to prevent attempted suicides.
Suicide prevention isn't happening until it's too late. One high school,
in a small town in Quebec, had four suicides in seven weeks. After these had
happened, the school invited parents in to discuss suicide prevention. (CTV News
11:00 p.m. January 6, 1997.) These might have been able to be prevented if
communities would assume their roles and discuss it on a regular basis and not
have suicide be a word that is whispered but never spoken. ...
... fast. has already become a crisis of staggering proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated that over twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. was first seen as a disease of gay males in this country. This was a result of the fact that gay males in this culture in the days before had an average of 200 to 400 new sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher than common practice among heterosexual men or women. In addition, it turned out that rectal sex was a particularly effective way to transmit the disease, and rectal sex is a common practice among gay males. For these reason ...
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