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The Safety Of Blood
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1528 | Pages: 6

... everything turned out all right for the girl, things could have been much different. What if that blood hadn't been there because the nation's blood supply was low? What if the blood that she received had been infected with a deadly disease such as Syphilis or HIV? These are pressing concerns for today's society. Even though one in every five people will need a blood transfusion and the risk of contracting a disease such as AIDS is practically negligible, people are still concerned that the blood that they receive may have harmful or deadly diseases and that today's blood supply is not "safe." Howe ...

Anorexia And Bulimia Nervosa
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2180 | Pages: 8

... that this estimate does not include profits generated by exercise or workout programs, gyms, health clubs, or cosmetic surgery. A recent national survey in the US reveled that the majority of women, when asked what would make them happiest, choose thinness over all other choices, even such thing as job promotion, romance, prestige and power. In fact, more women feared becoming fat, then feared dying. These statistics revel an alarming social problem that is reaching epic proportions. Although the topic of eating disorders has gained a larger audience within the last decade, the number of cases of eatin ...

Breast Cancer In Women
[ view this term paper ]Words: 700 | Pages: 3

... breast cancer patient are now recommending that women as young as 15 and 16 years old should start with self-examination. But how effective is the self-exam, and other forms of early detection, and does it really help to save women from the disease? This is a question I hope to address in the following research. Self examinations are the most commonly used tests used for detecting breast cancer among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps. Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of t ...

Down Syndrome: An Informative Essay
[ view this term paper ]Words: 468 | Pages: 2

... (1 in 1000) it is still an issue that to-be parents should discuss and prepare for. People with Down Syndrome are identified by many physical characteristics. Some of these are: larger or almond shaped eyes (sometimes Brushfield spots on the irises), smaller than normal features, such as smaller ears or a smaller nose, short stubby fingers, a single palmar crease on their hands, and having exceptional social intelligence. Because Down Syndrome is cause by a cell abnormality during meiosis, it can not really be proven that Down Syndrome is hereditary. A perfectly healthy mother could have a Down Syndrome baby ev ...

Personal Commentary On The Drug Problem
[ view this term paper ]Words: 785 | Pages: 3

... with drugs out of curiosity, for the thrill, as an expression of rebellion, or because their friends do it. On the other hand, others use drugs to escape depression, or other personal problems. But regardless of why drug use began, large numbers of people continue the practice because they become dependent on a drug. A document from the Department of Health and Human Services says the use of drugs has decline dramatically since the 1970’s and 1980’s when drug use was at its peak level. The use of drugs has declined in the percentage of eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders who believed there was a “ great ris ...

Sickle Cell Anemia
[ view this term paper ]Words: 190 | Pages: 1

... Anemia are pale skin, short of breath, easily tired, and whites of eyes turn yellow. Ethnic or special groups affected with Sickle Cell Anemia are mostly blacks, and Hispanics of Caribbean ancestry. The disease also affects some people of Arabian, Greek, Maltese, Sicilian, Sardinian, Turkish, and Southern Asian ancestry. How transmitted type of gene or chromosomes that causes the disease. Sickle Cell Anemia is a sex linked gene. One way somebody could get this disease is if both parents are a carrier for Sickle Cell Anemia. There is one in four chance that a baby will have the disease. How the disease is dia ...

Female Genital Mutilation: Long Term Psychological Effects
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2173 | Pages: 8

... the most traditional and conservative type of circumcision is the Pharoanic type (Infibulation), where the complete removal of the clitoris occurs and the vulva walls are stitched together leaving a small opening for urination and menstrual discharge. Nowadays, however, it continues to be practiced in Africa and the Middle East mostly due to social forces. New reasoning developed through the years to keep the ritual going on. The many reasons given for the practice are bewildering and unfounded in any scientific or medical fact. They fall into four main categories: psycho-sexual, religious, sociological and hygienic. ...

Abortion And Euthanasia: A Significant Difference
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1078 | Pages: 4

... rationales of the two issues are proven to be very different. It is also significant to remember that people will easily retain contrasted opinions on these issues because it is from their own ideals and beliefs that their own sets of morals arise. Thus, is it possible for someone who is conservative in regard to abortion to favor active euthanasia? With all aspects considered, it is definitely very possible for one to sanction active euthanasia, and at the same time remain conservative in regards to abortion. It is possible that the dilemmas of birth control and birth selection can extend to the problems of deat ...

Destroying Your Health By Smoking Cigarettes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 829 | Pages: 4

... brands of cigarettes you can buy. Yes, there are plenty of other brands of cigarettes out there but why bother going threw all that money to pick the right one when you can take my word on it? These are really strong cigarettes. How do I know, because take one out and look at it, you will notice that there is no filter on the end of it. Due to no filter you will get none of the toxins filtered Without filtering out some of the toxins you will destroy yourself quicker; that is the goal we are seeking, is it not? Lets take out one of our friends (we will call them that to be funny) and look at it. It is abou ...

Cystic Fibrosis
[ view this term paper ]Words: 493 | Pages: 2

... and chronic infections of the lungs, which generally Causes death in childhood or early adulthood. Some mildly affected patients may Survive longer. Patients with pancreatic insufficiency take pancreatic enzymes With meals. Those with respiratory infections are treated with antibiotics, Mostly with aerosols that relieve constriction of the airways. Physical therapy Is used to help patients cough up the obstructing mucus. Intestinal obstruction, Which occurs mostly in infancy, may require surgery. In 1989, researchers fond the abnormal gene that causes cystic fibrosis. This gene is located on chromosome 7 . A per ...

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