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Help With Health Papers

[ view this term paper ]Words: 696 | Pages: 3

... Just think, it is alive. It needs oxygen to breath. It needs food to live. And if you don't take care of the baby, it wouldn't come out. Like if you do drugs or alcohol, it will ruin the child. There is one exception that I would have is if the girl got raped. Even though I still wouldn't approve of it, I think there should be an exception. I think that if the woman had any brains, that she would want to have the loving child. Just think you come home from work one day, and all of the sudden your kid gives you a great big hug. That shows love. And after a long days work, wouldn't anybody want some love fr ...

Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1786 | Pages: 7

... factors seem to play a role. Symptomatology -------------------------------- Normally, sugars and starches (carbohydrates) in the foods we eat are processed by digestive juices into glucose. Glucose circulates in the blood as a major energy source for body functions. Its use is regulated primarily by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas gland (located behind the stomach). In the person with diabetes, there is a malfunction in the production of insulin. There are two main types of diabetes: Type I or Insulin-Dependent and Type II or Noninsulin- Dependent. The i ...

Anti-Social Personality Disorder
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2523 | Pages: 10

... childhood as a result of heredity, trauma and the lack of emotional development. The lack of moral or emotional development which gives a sociopath a lack of understanding for other people's feelings which enables them to be deceitful without feeling bad about whatever they do. The under developed emotional system as explained in the video "The World of Personality Disorders volume 5" says the sociopath is "emotionally retarded" . The sociopathic behavior problems that start as a child have links to heredity, a family with a pre-disposition to perform crimes, alcoholic parents that do crimes, irresponsible behavior ...

Treating Diabetes With Transplanted Cells
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1248 | Pages: 5

... the 1920's prospects for people who suffered from type 1 diabetes increased when it was learned that insulin extracted from animals and placed in humans could prevent death. Unfortunately, this is not a cure. Patients can get potentially fatal diabetes-related disorders. These include blindness and, or kidney failure. Atherososclerosis, numbness and pain in extremities caused by narrowed vessicles, may also be a problem. These effects are caused because insulin injections can't perfectly mimic naturally made insulin. That's why a therapy that maintains glucose values within normal from the begging is needed. ...

Strep Throat
[ view this term paper ]Words: 691 | Pages: 3

... goose bumps. This rash usually starts under the arms and in the groin area, then spreads to the rest of the body. It is not possible to tell if a sore throat is caused by strep from just looking at the throat itself with the naked eye. The symptoms of can resemble the sore throat caused by many viruses. In fact, most sore throats are not strep, but are merely sore throats caused by viruses. So, in order to tell if a sore throat is in fact strep, a throat culture is needed. There are a few symptoms of . First, a significant fever of about 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Second, pus, or white spots, on eit ...

Modern Technology And Medicine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 684 | Pages: 3

... to the medicines because of the lack of technology, but they knew exactly what was needed. One such example was the drug known as Captapril. Captapril became a pharmaceutical drug in 1975. The drug Captapril was a defense against the protein PNP. PNP is an enzyme which takes out the sugar and nitrogenous substances out of the cells. It then divides the purine form of the sugar, making it independent and creating or destroying in order to build more molecules such as DNA. But PNP separates anti-cancer and other helpful agents , and destroys the therapy provided by those agents. The goal was to create a drug ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1913 | Pages: 7

... suffering. Euthanasia is a relatively new dilemma for the United States and has gained a bad reputation from negative media hype surrounding assisted suicides. Euthanasia has a purpose and should be evaluated as humanely filling a void created by our sometimes inhumane modern society. Antithesis Statement Euthanasia is nothing less than cold-blooded killing. Euthanasia cheapens life, even more so than the very divisive issue of abortion. Euthanasia is morally and ethically wrong and should be banned in these United States. Modern medicine has evolved by leaps and bounds recently, euthanasia resets these me ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2817 | Pages: 11

... at a growing rate which may be too fast for the nation to contain. The over-prescription of the drug Ritalin to correct ADD produces many negative side effects upon patients and society. In the vast market of prescription drugs, Ritalin, one of the most highly used drugs, also carries with it some of the greatest medical drawbacks. ADD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) stands tall as America's number one psychiatric disorder (Hancock 52). Estimates suggest that more than two million children live with the disorder; in addition, according to Dr. Daniel Safer of Johns Hopkins University, over 1. ...

The Education Of A.I.D.S Discrimination
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1606 | Pages: 6

... a person finds out they are positive, the opinions of those who surround them are likely to change. The working class is the most susceptible to this form of discrimination. The every day environment of an employee with A.I.D.S is also the work grounds for someone who isn'tinfected with A.I.D.S. A.I.D.S Discrimination in a job-related atmosphere is due to lack of education and sensitivity. The infection of HIV does not reduce an employee'sefficiency from satisfactory to intolerable. An employee should not be denied employment or promotion if they are not flawed by HIV. Some employees are not stripped of the ...

Dietary Guidelines For North Americans And Suggestions For Food Choices
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2211 | Pages: 9

... pounds or inches in an " x " amount of time. There are also many pills that one can take, but they are not always safe and can be very damaging in the long run. It is not all people that are on weight loss programs though. Many athletes are on strict programs to gain weight. However this kind of desired weight is not measured in fat but in muscle mass. Many muscle and fitness magazines will feature advertisements and articles for such gains in body mass. Advertisements for diets can sometimes be very dangerous though. Pretty well all the people used in these particular ads are slim and beautiful and it can th ...

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