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Help With Health Papers

The Digestive System
[ view this term paper ]Words: 420 | Pages: 2

... the mouth to the anus and is up to 30 feet long. The structure of the tube changes to suit it to different purposes. For example, the esophagus has very strong walls that are used for swallowing, while the small intestine is lined with villi that absorbs digested food into the body. also contains other organs that help you break up food like you teeth, your tongue, liver and your pancreas. The Esophagus is your tube that your food goes down into the stomach. If we didn't have an esophagus we probley wouldn't be alive. Your stomach is your main organ because it is the thing that makes your food into smaller units a ...

Physician's Responsibility
[ view this term paper ]Words: 520 | Pages: 2

... The father/pilot has the right to ask the doctor to keep his medical condition from other people, even from his wife. Everything that is discussed in the doctor's office is confidential, therefore, the doctor has an obligation to every patient's privacy. But the husband can not ask the doctor to lie to the pilot's wife or ask the doctor to do something illegal as to prescribing her antibiotics that would also cure her gonorrhea. The doctor only can cure her for what he knows that she have. The doctor could suggest to wife that she should get a blood test done too as for a physical. But he will have to get con ...

Marijuana As A Medicine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1163 | Pages: 5

... a form of treatment. It has been used effectively to combat the nausea caused by chemotherapy, to reduce the internal pressure of the eyes of glaucoma patients, and to prevent the “wasting syndrome” in AIDS and cancer patients (“Marijuana for the Sick” A10). As an alternative to using actual marijuana, modern science has developed a synthetic form of THC, the active chemical in marijuana. However, this synthetic drug, called Marinol, is useless for most everyday treatment because it has the unpleasant side effect of being a powerful sedative. A member of Milwaukee's AIDS community, said that a friend of his ...

The History Of Birth Control
[ view this term paper ]Words: 956 | Pages: 4

... of the types of birth control that have fallen out of use over the centuries. There is a reason they are no longer in use. Some of them were ineffective at best, some of them could be downright deadly. We have better technology today (tons better). Now you might be asking about the different types of birth control. The forms of birth control that have been used over the years and currently include pesssaries, plants, condoms, and birth control pills. While there have been others it is best that we not discuss them here(trust me you don't want to know). Pessaries are vaginal suppositories. Used from ancient time ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 558 | Pages: 3

... that the kidney first evolved in the original vertebrates where freshwater organisms needed some means of pumping water from the body. The kidney became adept at reabsorbing glucose, salts, and other materials which would have been lost if simply pumped out of the body by a simple organ. The cut surface of the kidney reveals two distinct areas: the cortex- a dark band along the outer border, about one centimeter in thickness, and the inner medulla. The medulla is divided into 8 to 18 cone-shaped masses of tissue named renal pyramids. The apex of each pyramid, the papilla, extends into the renal pelvis, throu ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 490 | Pages: 2

... 10% reported only slight pain (Aching for Relief 2). Acupuncture is the Chinese method of relieving pain and treating various diseases by inserting needles into specific places on the body. Specialists called acupuncturists insert needles along meridians or painful points on the body. During acupuncture tiny one-to-two inch needles are inserted at selected acupuncture points. Acupuncturists recognize nearly 400 of these special locations on each side of the body and another 250-300 "extra- meridian" points outside the meridian lines. The needles are typically turned clockwise or counterclockwise to evoke patient re ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2546 | Pages: 10

... the decision of whether or not to let someone go, including ourselves. In view of that, should be legalized because the right to choose the course of one’s own death should rest only with the individual facing death, not with the State, the Legislature, the Medical Association, or with any other person. The idea of active is very old. Plato, Aristotle, and Luther- all eminent figures of history recommended it, but at the present, the only legal ways of ending life are abortion, capital punishment, war, and suicide. The issue of “assisted suicide” has been the subject of intense national debate. In June ...

A Study Of Depression And Relationships
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1156 | Pages: 5

... attachment style and depression. Both derive from the type of care received in childhood and affect relationship functioning, and both exert a reciprocal influence on each other in adulthood. The researchers of this study wanted to examine all the correlation's between type of care, attachment style, depression, and relationship functioning. They proposed a three part hypothesis: 1. A less positive childhood would result in an insecure attachment style and depression, 2. Depressives would exhibit a preoccupied or fearful style of attachment, and 3. attachment style would affect relationship functi ...

A Pro-Choice Argument
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2114 | Pages: 8

... or possibly even the only option available to them. Violent pro-life activists commit heinous crimes against doctors who perform abortions, thinking that they are justified in bringing harm to these "murderers". But the biggest mistake they make in their assumptions is that "pro-choice" does not mean "pro-death." Having to deal with an unintended pregnancy is possibly one of the most difficult challenges a woman has to face. Having a child is a huge financial burden on a woman as well as her family. Many women lack sexual education, such as which contraceptives are available to them, where to buy them, and how ...

Abortion Should Be Made Illegal
[ view this term paper ]Words: 844 | Pages: 4

... that to God the unborn child developing inside the womb is far more than mere fetal tissue. He inspired King David to write: "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing." (Young 25-27) The bible (Exodus 21:22, 23) has clearly stated that a person would be held accountable for hurting an unborn baby. (Young 25- 27) Take this for example; Say a woman is walking down the street carrying a child in her arms. Another woman is walking down that same street carrying a child, only this woman is carrying the child in her. Both children are dependent on their mothers, both j ...

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