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B Cells And T Cells
[ view this term paper ]Words: 531 | Pages: 2

... with particular molecules that the body recognizes as foreign. At any given time in the body, there are approximately 2 trillion B cells present. The daughter cells resulting from B cell activation differentiate into two types. One of these types of cells that are being made in period I, is the plasma cell, a specialized antibody factory. It can make up to 30,000 antibodies a second. The second type of cell being made in period I is a memory cell. They also produce antibodies, however they live for long periods of time (up to a lifetime), compared to a plasma cell that lives only a few days. Memory cells ar ...

Artificial Heart Devices
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1801 | Pages: 7

... rigors of surgery. However, the innate human desire to achieve brought about the invention of the artificial heart. The potential for such inventions are enormous. According to the American Heart Association, there are between 16,000 and 40,000 possible recipients of artificial heart devices under the age of sixty-five. If perfected, it would enable us to save thousands of human lives. In considering the full impact of artificial heart devices on society, we must not narrow our thinking to include only the beneficial possibilities. There exist moral, ethical, and economic factors that accompany these new innova ...

Drug Abuse
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1524 | Pages: 6

... Finally, the user has withdrawal symptoms when drug use is stopped. They may undergo physical pain or mental distress. The drug mimics a natural process in the brain called neurotransmission. This is when a brain cell releases a signal to another brain cell. The signal then returns to the first brain cell. The signal is called a neurotransmitter. One major neurotransmitter is called dopamine, which is involved in feelings of pleasure. When the drug is released into the brain, it blocks the dopamine from returning to the first brain cell. Repeated use changes the brain cells so that normal messages can't be ...

Attention Deficit Disorder
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1415 | Pages: 6

... in a 3:1 ratio, and is marked by a classic triad of symptoms, which are impulsivity, distractibility, and hyperactivity (Hallowell 6). There are two general types of A. D. D., the stereotypical, high-energy, hyperactive group, and the less known underactive ones that often daydream and are never mentally present anywhere. Typically, people with A. D. D. are very likable and are usually very emphatic, intuitive, and compassionate, however they have very unstable moods that can range from an extreme high to an extreme low instantly, for no apparent reason. Usually, they procrastinate often and have trouble finishing ...

Psychological Stress
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1785 | Pages: 7

... trigger the effects of . Frustration is one of these elements that will trigger stress. Frustration is one of the most prevalent sources of stress in my life at this moment. A lot of different events will cause frustration. Frustration occurs from something blocking our attainment of certain goals or needs (Corey 207). All of the little things that frustrate us include waiting in lines or traffic, sense of failure or inadequacies, bad relationships, deaths, and loneliness. Self-defeating thoughts are a way in which we almost deliberately block attainment of our needs. If in our heads, we have this preconce ...

The Effects Of Creatine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3611 | Pages: 14

... training combined with aerobic activity and good nutritional habits improve health enormously. However, this society is so competitive that those healthy lifestyle choices may not be enough to get the results we desire. In part this is determined by our genetic makeup. Some people will be naturally stronger, faster, and more athletic than the rest of us, no matter how hard we try. For decades people have turned to nutritional supplements to give them an edge in athletics. However, this was most limited to vitamins, minerals, and the ever popular “weight gainer”, which consisted mostly of sugar and prote ...

The Ebola Virus: One Deadly Disease
[ view this term paper ]Words: 859 | Pages: 4

... to them. The first outbreak occurred in Zaire in 1976. This outbreak, as well as the one in Sudan, also in 1976, has been discovered that 340 people died because of this. Its very first outbreak was really in 1967, with monkeys and thirty-one people died before it was identified in 1976. The Ebola then occurred in 1995, when a patient in a hospital thought he had malaria. Ebola was also discovered in the United States in 1989. A shipment of African Green and Rhesus monkeys arrived in Virginia from the Philippines. The one hundred and forty-nine workers that had worked with the monkeys were not effected by the ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1666 | Pages: 7

... because stress is a problem that all organizations must deal with; stress can cause poor work performance and lower employee morale. These factors can increase employee turnover rate and lessen quality of life. We all must deal with stress; question is how we handle and control it. With downsizing the buzz word in the modern corporate world, companies have become mean and lean. Employees are compelled to be more efficient; they find themselves taking on the work of what used to be two. The result is longer hours, less time for outside activities, and consequently increased stress. According to Business W ...

Aspartame And Olestra: Will We Buy The Bull?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1175 | Pages: 5

... to answer this question the best I can. Laboratories have created food substitutes to help three groups of people: obese, diabetics and people suffering of heart disease. For these people, eating is a tedious task, as they have to control the sugar and fat levels of every food they ingest. It is why I think that food substitutes come to them somehow like a miracle. Until now, diabetics, for example, were faced with two choices: eat the fake foods that taste nothing like the real thing, or pass. Sure, a man with a heart disease will not be able to eat a steak, but maybe he will be allowed to eat the French fries ...

No One Can Prepare Themselves For A Sudden Death
[ view this term paper ]Words: 602 | Pages: 3

... help if grieving begins to effect several areas of life, such as schoolwork, family, friendship, health or recreation. Experts say parents can best help a child though the grieving process by waiting until the child is ready to talk about the loss. Children can often pick of visual clues from they parents. *** Stages of grief .*** Young children may not see death as “real." This is conformed by cartoon characters who “die” and “come back to life” again. Children ages five and under may be filled with questions about what death is, how it happens, and why it happens. These questions are part of a yo ...

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