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Was It Heaven Or Hell
[ view this term paper ]Words: 6942 | Pages: 26

... out of it. By nature--and inside--the aged aunts were utterly dear and lovable and good, but in the matter of morals and conduct their training had been so uncompromisingly strict that it had made them exteriorly austere, not to say stern. Their influence was effective in the house; so effective that the mother and the daughter conformed to its moral and religious requirements cheerfully, contentedly, happily, unquestionably. To do this was become second nature to them. And so in this peaceful heaven there were no clashings, no irritations, no fault-finding, no heart-burnings. In it a lie had no place. In it a l ...

Huckleberry Finn - The Uniting Of Theme And Plot
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1369 | Pages: 5

... and this provides Twain with the chance to satirize the socially correct injustices that Huck and Jim encounter on land. The satire that Twain uses to expose the hypocrisy, racism, greed and injustice of society develops along with the adventures that Huck and Jim have. The ugly reflection of society we see should make us question the world we live in, and only the journey down the river provides us with that chance. Throughout the book we see the hypocrisy of society. The first character we come across with that trait is Miss Watson. Miss Watson constantly corrects Huck for his unacceptable behavior, but Huck ...

Sir Gawain And The Green Knigh
[ view this term paper ]Words: 776 | Pages: 3

... of the romance: chivalric ideals of courage and prowess in battle, along with observance of Christian virtues; and courtly love standards of carefully prescribed manners. The three major plot elements - the beheading game or contest the exchange of winnings, and the temptations - occur throughout the romances, but the Gawain-Poet was the first to combine them into a meaningful structure. The latter places the poem in relationship with Anglo-Saxon alliterative poetry, an important part of the Gawain-Poet's cultural and moral heritage. Both in the poet's use of alliterative verse and in his characterization of Gawain ...

The Death Of Americas Ideal Th
[ view this term paper ]Words: 446 | Pages: 2

... fisherman named James Gatz, the essence of Jay Gatsby "sprang from his Platonic conception of himself'"(104). He meets one influential man who guides him to the better fork in the road of life, encouraging Gatsby to make money by any means possible. Gatsby involves himself in unlawful activities, and prospers in turn. But debatably, his thirst for the Dream had not yet been quenched. He had money, he had power. He "was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves." He wanted happiness. His dream was that money and power could buy him happiness. Obviously, he didn't underst ...

The Crying Of Lot 49
[ view this term paper ]Words: 384 | Pages: 2

... the child's death. However, he was rescued and grew to adulthood in another kingdom. As an adult, Oedipus meets a strange man on the road and kills him, never knowing that he is actually his father. When he reaches the next kingdom, he learns that the king has mysteriously died, and Oedipus himself becomes king, marrying the former king's wife, who of course is his mother. When Oedipus finds out what he has done, he blinds himself and becomes a wandering beggar. Sigmund Freud took the legend of Oedipus as a metaphor for the wish of every small boy to get his father out of the way so he could have his mother all to h ...

Anthony Burgesss View That A L
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2212 | Pages: 9

... he is spiritually damned. The novel revolves around one criminally minded teen, Alex, whose world consists of rape, murder, and ruthless violence. Alex is eventually setup by his "droogs" (friends) and is arrested and jailed. After some time in jail, Alex is placed in a new rehabilitating program that uses electro-shock therapy, new medicines, and exposure to violent film. The program breaks all that Alex holds dear and builds him up with a new artificial conscience. This part of the novel "presents the reader with a new, reformed Alex, an Alex without free will or freedom of choice, an Alex who has become a vic ...

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
[ view this term paper ]Words: 511 | Pages: 2

... a.m. and the bar is supposed to close at three. This young man throws the old man out of the bar just so he can go into bed with his wife. The young man has absolutely no respect for the older man who is deaf. He yelled at the old man saying, “You should have killed yourself last week.” The waiter treats him like an obstacle as if he is slowing down his life. The second waiter introduced is a middle-aged man. He does not say much, but it seems as though that this is because he does not want to get in a fight with the younger waiter. All he does is ask the young waiter questions, as if the middle-aged waiter ...

Antigone: The Structure Of Classical Tragedy And The Theme
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1504 | Pages: 6

... "We two sisters were robbed of our two brothers on one day when each destroyed the other." The attention of the audience is grabbed. More questions as to the reasons and means of the brothers’ deaths arise. The audience immediately feels pity for the girls and desires to know the cause of the preexisting tragedy. However, to prevent the audience from becoming so confused that they lack attentiveness, all of these questions are answered within the next several minutes. The protasis in Antigone is brought about by Ismene attempting to reason with Antigone and reminding her of all that has gone wrong in the pa ...

Antigone Greek Ideals
[ view this term paper ]Words: 907 | Pages: 4

... war dealing with the controversy of the Greek ideals. They both based their actions on their beliefs of what is right and wrong. The conflict arose when the ideals that backed up their actions clashed with each other, making it contradiction between morals. Antigone's side of the conflict held a much more heavenly approach, as opposed to the mundane road that Creon chose to follow. Antigone feels that Creon is disregarding the laws of heaven through his edict. After she is captured and brought to Creon, she tells him "I do not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwritte ...

Strong Shadows
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1246 | Pages: 5

... us to believe that Dr. Zuger was trying to show that education and responsibility are the best ways to prevent one’s contraction of this disease. Some of them got HIV from reckless lifestyles such as drug use involving needle sharing to prostitution while others got it merely by having sex with casual partners. The decision to pick this array of patients again strengthens the fact that Dr. Zuger is trying to tell us that it is possible to get AIDS in many ways and that just because one is having casual sex does not mean that he is immune from its effects. These are probably a few reasons why Dr. Zuger chose ...

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