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China's Economic Growth Due To Recent Foreign Policies
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1258 | Pages: 5

... out-of-country investors. Effects of this sudden change in economic strategy by a world power can be felt by practically every nation of the globe involved in international trade. The change in the amount of imports and exports to and from China will increase the demand on countless markets, from automobile, to petrochemical, to pharmaceuticals, and optical fiber. Also, with all the foreign investment China is receiving, the socialistic republic will only grow more and more interdependent upon the world economy. However, the impressive growth rate of China's economy is not without its shortcomings. Problems ...

The Shoe Industry
[ view this term paper ]Words: 879 | Pages: 4

... up with shoes for the sports that are in season. The difficulties the shoe industry has are making shoes that all people wear such as setting a style for both inner city people and suburb people. Another difficulty the shoe industry has is getting its stock value to rise again because all but Nike and Fila's stock has dropped. This is what the shoe industry is all about and the difficulties, problems, and advances it has. There are four major companies in the shoe industry. The dominant industry is Nike inc.. Then going down the line is Reebok, Fila, and Adidas. Nike being the superpower has been in fr ...

Internationalization Of Accounting Standards For Consolidation - Japan: A Case Study
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2165 | Pages: 8

... which they operate or for other national purposes, they incur a considerable cost penalty and feel that money is wasted. This significantly limits global opportunities for multinational businesses. Thus, it is important to understand what the differences are between accounting standards, why they exist, and what problems they pose. It is worth noting that no one nation has a set of accounting rules which appears to have such clear merits that they deserve adoption by the whole world. No one country can claim to have a uniquely correct set of rules. The United States has the longest history of standard setting. It ...

Interview With Martella Paper Products, Inc.
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1708 | Pages: 7

... with the sense and know how to remain competitive throughout the past fifteen years. ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEE Mr. Jonathan Martella is the younger brother of Michael Martella. Jonathan graduated from CW Post in 1983 and has played a significant role in Martella Paper products ever since. Jonathan's official title at Martella Paper is Vice-President. Along with his older brother Michael, the two control all aspects of the company. Jonathan's responsibilities at the company include, but are not limited to, overseeing sales, purchases, and marketing. Jonathan has always played a large part in the day to day activit ...

McDonald’s Americanizing Europe
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2787 | Pages: 11

... phenomenon, especially, has transmitted American products and images on a huge scale causing Europeans to feel as if they have been blanketed with the American culture. During my research, I found that the American fast-food restaurant, McDonald’s Corporation, while playing an integral role in Americanizing Europe, also helped to preserve the distinctive European culture. The emergence of consumerism in postwar Europe coincided with a substantial growth in personal and disposable income. In France, for example, wages rose more rapidly than the cost of living during the 1950s, leading to a sharp increase in purcha ...

Import Substitution
[ view this term paper ]Words: 580 | Pages: 3

... that - high protection - discriminates against exports through the explicit/implicit taxation of the export activities. Explicit taxation can take the form of export taxes whereas implicit taxation occurs as a result of the effects of protection on the exchange rate. As your protection level increases, your exchange rate level will decrease in order to ensure the necessary equilibrium of the balance of payments and the lower the amount of domestic currency exporters receive per unit of foreign exchange earned. There is no need for high protection at the first stage of import substitution in the replacement of ...

Monetary/Fiscal Policy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1455 | Pages: 6

... Greenspan is so influential that the mere speculation of his making a move can cause panic buying or selling in the open markets. Alan Greenspan has the power to increase or decrease the money supply by changing reserve requirements, by changing the discount rate, or by buying or selling U.S. Securities over the open market. The major governmental problem is trying to balance the budget. The United States government is currently in debt $5,262,697,717,000 as of February 7. This number grows about $10,000 per second(see charts 2,3,and 7). President Clinton, Chairman Greenspan, and Congress are a ...

Verification Of Employable Skills
[ view this term paper ]Words: 278 | Pages: 2

... being able to work with my fellow peers. If we did not work well together we would not have had a winning season. As well as playing soccer, I played saxophone in my eighth grade band. We all had to work together to be able to perform efficiently in the many concerts we consummated. Coming in after school for practices and smaller practices during the school day all helped us to unite and play music. This skill will enable me to work with other people, no matter what my personal feelings for them may be. Being able to use technology will be a profound advantage when I begin working. Many jobs now, and soon will, r ...

Explaining A Concept: Concept Of The Invisible Hand In A Laissez-Faire Economy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 853 | Pages: 4

... commerce and trade should be permitted to operate free of controls of any kind; there should be no tariffs or other barriers. This is where the term laissez-faire is introduced. It’s direct translation in French, “leave alone to do”, is self-explanatory. A strong believer in this type of economics is Adam Smith, both a philosopher and an economist. Born on 1723 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, he studied at Oxford, and became a professor of logic at Glasgow (1751), but took up the chair of moral philosophy the following year. In 1776, he moved to London, where he published An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the ...

Eliminating The Capital Gains Tax
[ view this term paper ]Words: 772 | Pages: 3

... in such ventures. Capital gains taxes significantly diminish these returns, therefore reducing the incentives to invest. Eliminating the capital gains tax will spark entrepreneurship and new investments in the economy, which in turn will elevate economic growth and increase the number of jobs. In order to stimulate economic growth in the United States, taxes on capital gains should be eliminated. Members of Congress once considered a reduction in the capital gains tax rate from 28% to 19.8%. Combined with indexation, which is , reducing the capital gains tax by any amount would be a vital pro-growth step taken ...

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