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Help With Book Reports Papers

An Analysis Of "This Boy's Life"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1563 | Pages: 6

... book were to find out how he became the man he is today, and as a healing tool for him to finally let go of the pain he felt as a child. The absence of a strong father figure in the lives of Jack, Taylor, and Silver had a critical effect on their emotional health. Taylor's father never returned home from Korea, Silver's father left his mother and remarried, and Jack's father lived in Connecticut. A boy learns a lot from just being around his father. He learns what a man is and how they should act, whether it's good or bad. These three boys never had that experience from a father on a regular basis. Everyth ...

Real And Unreal
[ view this term paper ]Words: 870 | Pages: 4

... sorts of ideals while at the same time showing us how reality eventually prevails these conceptions. Whether the stories portray an ideal relationship or a realistic one, is dependant on the author. If the author chooses to place his/her characters in an ideal relationship, it must be perfectly ideal. Ideal does not necessarily translate to a positive viewpoint, though. It could mean the perfectly wrong relationship. It just implies that the characters are both dedicated to their relationship not being positive. In a realistic relationship, there are constant factors interfering with the relationship, and opinions ...

Shane: No Ordinary Man And His Gun
[ view this term paper ]Words: 769 | Pages: 3

... hand. It was clean and polished and oiled. The empty cylinder, when I released the catch and flicked it, spun swiftly and noiselessly. I was surprised to see the front sight was gone. The barrel was smooth right down to the end, and the hammer had been filed to a sharp point.” (P.37&38). Bob sees that Shane has made specific changes in his gun for gun fighting. The faster cylinder and the hammer being filed were to make the firing faster. The better balance to get a better aim. Bob doesn’t find out about why Shane has no sight on the gun. The smooth and polished appearance was an extension of Shane’s own per ...

Book Report On The Outsiders
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2 | Pages: 1

... ...

Analysis Of "A Raisin In The Sun"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 365 | Pages: 2

... to keep the Youngers out of there neighborhood. Mrs. Johnson also talks about the fire bombings of Black Americans that moved into “white neighborhoods”. The Prejudice white people were the modern Gestapo of America. The Black American blue collar workers also believe that they are being held down by the white collar workers who are the white business men. The Youngers, specifically Walter believe “no matter how hard black folks work they can't get ahead in this world.” He also believes it is so much harder for black people to get anywhere that he would lose all of the money Mama had given him, tr ...

The Eucharist: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 903 | Pages: 4

... Sign and Symbols -symbol of gods love for us -jesus' body -last supper/banquet -welcome others to participate in the eucharist -unfilled celebration -if we went to mass on sunday, it would make the rest of the week more meaningful -unified body -it is the most commonly received sacrament, most pivotal of 7 -as a community, we celebrate the presence of christ in the eucharist -bread: basic food for most people/closely assoc with nature human work Vestements -white/purple/black robe ...

Book Report Boundaries
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3574 | Pages: 13

... own thoughts , have our own feelings, and express our own opinions. Emotional boundaries help us express our own emotions and feelings -- not those of others. Spiritual boundaries help us understand what is God's will and what is our own will. The book begins with a look at a day with Sherrie, a woman whose life was boundaryless. Sherrie catered to her children's every whim. She could never say, "No," to her mother who had not adjusted to becoming a widow and wanted to spend endless hours visiting with Sherrie. Sherrie's mother always managed to make her feel like a guilty little girl. Sherrie's girlfriend, wh ...

Frankenstein: Morality
[ view this term paper ]Words: 773 | Pages: 3

... angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can make you so wretched." (pg. 162) Trying to scare Frankenstein for not creating his mate the monster resorted to threats. If the good doctor does create a companion for his first creation he may be endangering others. "The miserable monster whom I had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion y ...

The Symbolism Of Color In The Great Gatsby
[ view this term paper ]Words: 821 | Pages: 3

... of snow and pearls. Wedding ceremonies have white to show virgin purity. White is a very significant religious color that is worn at Christmas and at Easter to celebrate Christ who made us pure and took away our sins. White is the color of purity. Daisy is not a very pure person, but she wants be appear pure. In order to make herself seem pure she drives a white car and dresses in white. "She [Daisy] dressed in white, and had a little white roadster…" (p. 75) She also dresses her daughter in white. Even in Daisy’s name we see white. The Daisy is a white and yellow flower. Daisy also often became physically w ...

The Old Man And The Sea
[ view this term paper ]Words: 643 | Pages: 3

... small tunas. Santiago spotted a man-of-war bird circling in the sky. The old man knew that the bird had spotted something. The bird dove suddenly and the old man saw flying fish spurt out of the water. All of a sudden Santiago spotted this Dolphin sized fish. At first he thought it was a dolphin, but then noticed it's fins. It was a marlin. Santiago had hooked a marlin. He knew he had caught a big fish, but wasn't sure what type. He did not real the fish in right away. Santiago feared that the line would break because the size of the fish. He thought about increasing the tension so it would hurt the fis ...

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