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All Ouiet On The Western Front: What Opinion Of War Does This Book Present
... The army presents the opportunity to fulfill a passion and a learning experience they will never gain elsewhere.
The soldiers have an understanding that they must serve their country to their fullest and they like doing that. But they too long for their past lives, including everything they left behind. After enlisting most understand that they’re leaving those old lives behind for years at a time. They suffer knowing they are in a sense trapped. Paul Baumer says, “Beyond this our life did not extend. And of this nothing remains” (20). The army became the most important thing now. Nothing else counts. Nothi ...
Oedipus The King 3
... ankle piercing because he could not stop his father from piercing his ankles as a baby. Due to the Greeks strong belief in set destiny, the moment the Seer told Oedipus real father what would occur, his life was set in stone. Try as he might, we know that Oedipus could no more have avoided killing his father than he could breathing. It is an unconscious act that is controlled by a force not in his realm of understanding nor his ability to stop or avoid it.
Next, the criteria of having been harmed for no fault of his own, is one of the major themes of the play, and reiterated by Oedipus’ ignorance to his own p ...
The Gift: Review
... loss and soon the members become distant from one and other. The family comes to meet Maribeth, (a young girl who had unprotected sex and got pregnant), through Tommy (the son). Maribeth arrived at their town out of coincidence, not knowing where she had arrived, wanting to start a new life without the pressure of giving up her baby given by her father. Tommy got to know Maribeth and soon without realizing it he had fallen in love with her. Tommy's parent had a lot of difficulty accepting Maribeth because she was so young and alone and also pregnant. But very soon they became supportive of Tommy and his love for Mar ...
The Great Gatsby: Tragedy From Lies
... why. It is not always good to lie. In Jay's case
when it came down to them finding out the truth they didn't know whether he was
telling the truth or lying. So it was hard for them to believe what he was
Daisy was another who would lie because she thought it would keep
happiness. The way she lied was different from Jay. She lied to keep the person
she thought was the love of her life, Tom happy. Daisy's relationship with TOm
was quite unusual. Tom was having an affair with Myrtle and Daisy really wanted
to be with Tom, but not really because she only did it because she thought she
had to. Daisy was ...
... he dislikes. He feels it is only a matter of time before his though
crimes are detected. A knock at the door he thinks is police. Mrs.
Parsons, his neighbor is at the door and asked him to unclog a sink. He
does it but smells sweat all over the apartment. Mrs. Parsons is a
follower of party doctrine and a fellow employee at the ministry. The
children are members of Spies, a youth that encourages spying and telling
on traitors, including parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and
writes a couple more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a
dream where O'Brien tole him he would meet him in ...
The Scarlet Letter And A Tale Of Two Cities: A Comparison
... Due to her doggedness, the townsmen sentenced her to wear a scarlet
letter *A* embroidered on her chest. The A served as a symbol of her crime, was
a punishment of humiliation, gave her constant shame, and reminded her of her
sin. Hester*s penalization was a prime example where deception led to negative
consequences in that she would have been spared the entire encumbrance of the
crime if she did not deceive the townspeople. Although seemingly, her paramour
did not escape punishment.
In fact, the father of her bastard child took a more severe sentence.
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale seemed to be an upstanding, ...
Joy Luck Club
... that we need to make our own choices in life and find our own life's importance. When June was a child, her mother was constantly pushing her to try different things that she had no interest in. Because she did not care about any of these things, she did not really try to be successful, and therefore, would never accomplish anything great. We build our own importance in life by deeply caring about something that we choose and putting all of our effort into developing or accomplishing this. The relationship between June and her mother, Suyuan, is far from flawless, yet has the foundation of love that can never be dest ...
The Hobbit: A Review
... is not complicated and easy to follow. It can
even be summarized in a few sentences. The ending is expected since the author
gives hints about it. As in the introduction when he says that the hobbit would
gain something, this means that he will not die. Then, the reader is not kept
in suspense and does not expect to see what happens at the end.
The last climax (or what is supposed to be the climax) takes a long time to
occur (the last fight—good (men, elves, dwarves & eagles) vs. evil (wargs &
goblins)) and this reduces its effectiveness. After the climax there is the long
return home. It is quite boring sin ...
Comparison Of London's White Fang And The Call Of The Wild
... from the time he spent up in the
Klondike that became the basis for these two novels. Till the day of his
death, from a long battle with throat cancer, these were the two most
famous novels he had written.
The Call of the Wild was Jack London's most famous novel,"This is the
novel that separated London from all writers of that era."(Brooks 35)
Written in 1904 it was a story about a dog who was brought into Klondike to
pull sleds during the gold rush. The name Call of the Wild comes from the
natural instinct that animals have to be free in nature. The main
characters in this story are Buck the four- year-old h ...
Zinn's A People's History Of The United States Of America
... of the Native Americans that had
their numbers reduced by up to 90% by European invasion, the equality of
these peoples in many regards to their European counterparts, the
importation of slaves into America and their unspeakable travel conditions
and treatment, the callus buildup of the agricultural economy around these
slaves, the discontented colonists whose plight was ignored by the ruling
bourgeoisie, and most importantly, the rising class and racial struggles in
America that Zinn correctly credits as being the root of many of the
problems that we as a nation have today. It is refreshing to see a book
that spe ...
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