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Help With Book Reports Papers

The Count Of Monte Cristo: Revenge
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1192 | Pages: 5

... being a Bonapartist. This means he sides with Napoleon Bonaparte and is committing treason against his own king. He is sent to a prison called the Château d'If. The Château d'If was surrounded by water and was known as a place of no return. When Dantes escapes, he takes revenge against his four enemies who conspired against him to send him to prison, in the manner of an eye for and eye. These four conspirators are Danglars, Caderousse, Fernand Mondago, and Villefort. In order to take revenge on his four enemies, Dantes uses a variety of names and disguises. The main new identity he uses for himself is The C ...

Wuthering Heights Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1119 | Pages: 5

... they see him, he is sickly and weak, but he tells them that his father said that he was just tired and growing too fast. Cathy tries to talk to Linton, but he ignores her, causing her to get angry. She threatens to leave, and Linton becomes terrified, and begs her to stay. He tells her to let Heathcliff know that he is feeling better, and swears to Cathy that he really is. Cathy and Nelly leave, promising to come back the following week. Edgar is dying, and Cathy doesn’t leave his side until the day of her appointment with Linton. Edgar tells her to go, even though she doesn’ t want to leave him. Linton ...

Tom Clancy's Genius
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1323 | Pages: 5

... and sometimes unconventional enemies. Between his novel Red Storm Rising and Debt of Honor, Tom Clancy makes evident the changing face of America’s enemies and threats, while staying true to issues that keep people interested in his books. Published in 1986, Red Storm Rising is Tom Clancy’s second novel dealing with the former Soviet Union as a potential enemy. This was a time when America’s finest tank and infantry units went on exercises in Germany fully armed with the expectation that the Russians could attack them at any time. This was also a time when the Soviets did the same exercises with the same a ...

Christian Or Hypocrite
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1340 | Pages: 5

... who is a slave trader. Mr. Shelby is in debt to Mr. Haley and is forced to give up a couple of his slaves. Mr. Shelby makes a deal to trade his best servant Tom. Mr. Shelby also agrees to give up a small boy that belongs to Eliza, his wife's servant. When Eliza hears about her child's fate, she decides to take him and run away. Tom decides to stay and go with the slave trader. Eliza escapes with her son safely to Canada. Tom is traded to a new master named Legree. Tom is eventually beaten to death by Legree. The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, by Frederick Douglass, is a narrative about his strugg ...

Imagery Words And Their Role In Literature
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1519 | Pages: 6

... The images tell us how materialize this lady is. She belongs to the middle class. She tries to escape her class, though she knows it is not possible to happen. She daydreams all the time, thinks that all the good things should belong to her. She borrows “a superb necklace of diamonds” from her friend Mrs. Forreister, making herself the most beautiful woman in the party. She spends a wonderful time there, “danced joyfully, passionately, intoxicated with pleasure, thinking of nothing, but the moment, in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, on cloud nine with happiness made up of all th ...

Siddhartha's Maturation As Marked By Key Experiences
[ view this term paper ]Words: 817 | Pages: 3

... meeting with Buddha, his attempted suicide, and the arrival/departure of his son, as they all contribute to his self discovery and individuality. Siddhartha's meeting with Gautama, the Buddha, is the first key experience that contributes to his maturation process. After several years of living the ascetic life of a Samana, Siddhartha decides to seek out Gautama, “The Illustrious One,” as a possible source of assistance in his journey to find his inner self. After their meeting, however, Siddhartha becomes more convinced that the Buddha's methods satisfy his logical and tangible needs, but will not bring him ...

Joy Luck Club
[ view this term paper ]Words: 561 | Pages: 3

... They are usually treated as equals with men and there are few jobs from which they are excluded. In China, women are expected to stay at home and are not permitted to be in a work force that is held exclusively for men. The women of America receive fair wages and have earned the right to work with men. In China, women are assigned the role of housewives and must stay at home to clean the house and raise the children. Women in America receive educations that will prepare them for the high paying jobs of a professional. The women in China are known for taking orders from their husbands. Another feature that is found ...

Invisible Man
[ view this term paper ]Words: 378 | Pages: 2

... betrayed the Brotherhood. Ras the Exhorter was a man against the Brotherhood. He wanted black versus white hate and was opposed to all the Brotherhood was up to. Sybil was a women in the Brotherhood, who was married. The narrator wanted to suduce her to find out what she knew, but she turned out to know nothing at all. The symbolic significance of Mary's cast-iron coin bank is of what black people stand for to white people. The coin bank made the narrator angry, because it was symbolic of blacks, being slaves to white people, and how some white people though of black people as entertainment, and were not actually ...

Sister Carrie: Dreiser's Reversal Of Male/Female Roles
[ view this term paper ]Words: 521 | Pages: 2

... in the guise of a helpless woman. From her relationship with Drouet, she manages to gain the experience and social skills to pursue higher aspirations. She seems to stay with Drouet only long enough to see that better things are available, comforts more extravagant than Drouet can provide, and cultural experiences and social nuances whose existence Drouet seems unaware of. Drouet, then, acts as a stepping stone for her. When he no longer has anything he can offer her, she drops him in favor of Hurstwood. In Hurstwood, Carrie sees all that lacks in Drouet--a more acute sense of culture and worldliness, and the wealth ...

Bless Me, Ultima
[ view this term paper ]Words: 780 | Pages: 3

... Tony’s brothers are of such a case. They had gone to war to fight for their country and explore the world. But as they yearned and sought the outside and how it was, they lost their innocence in the process. Being in war they saw death and destruction which soiled their once virgin eyes. Although they gained knowledge and experience they were becoming no longer young and gay, but were becoming mature and knowledgeable. Growing at such a fast pace was a regretful process, that even Andrew advised Tony to not grow too fast but that would not happen as we know. Another example of loss of innocence in the book wo ...

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