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Help With Book Reports Papers

Book Report For The Odyssey
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1288 | Pages: 5

... were valued but participated in worldly affairs only with open approval from the men who directed their lives. Penelope, Odysseus' wife, waited 20 years for his return. Her patience and respect for her husband shows marriage fidelity. She is depicted as the perfect wife and mother. The best aspects of The Odyssey are the exciting adventures Odysseus goes through and the explanations and descriptions of the conditions and scenery. Homer did not explain or describe things as clear as he could have; however, this was a good thing. It served to leave something up to the imagination and creativity of the reade ...

Juanita Platero's "Chee's Daughter": Character's Environment Reveals A Great Deal About Personality
[ view this term paper ]Words: 513 | Pages: 2

... his caring nature. He shows this by caring for the land he lives on like a father would do for his son. He shows that he cares for the land by thinking that "if he sang the proper songs, if he cared for the land faithfully, it would not forsake him now..."(82) Chee is trying to grow food and he thinks that if he cares for the land and respects it that the earth would in turn make the food grow well. Another way to show this is how Chee thought that if he "Take care of the land and it will take care of you."(81) Chee cared and respected the land and in turn the land gave him food for which he would to barter ba ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1305 | Pages: 5

... for dealing with employment selection, compensation, performance standards, and the skills needed for any given position. 2. It lays a foundation for gaining a competitive advantage by identifying training needs for the incumbent employee or an employee entering into the organization. 3. A successful job analysis draws clear boundaries between the employer and employee regarding qualifications, job responsibilities, lines of authority, and ways of preventing or dealing with grievances. 4. It allows employers to hire qualified candidates by linking applicants' skills to the job analysis. Employers can also prove th ...

The Sun Also Rises: Thoughts Of The Lost Generation
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1068 | Pages: 4

... you like to go to South America, Jake?’ he asked, No’” (Hemingway 17). Furthermore, as the book progresses, Hemingway gives Jake as drunken personality and his obnoxious behavior that he exhibits shows a broken man. “I had picked her up because of a vague sentimental idea that it would be nice to eat with some one. It was a long time since I has dined with a poule, and I had forgotten how dull it could be” (Hemingway 24). However, whenever Jake interacts with Brett Ashley, he loses his previous ideas of romanticism being absurd. Since their previous relationship of being lovers had failed they now tri ...

An Analysis Of Why Jimmy Doyle Will Never Succeed In Life Due To His Father
[ view this term paper ]Words: 665 | Pages: 3

... his son become popular and make a lot of connections. Jimmy's father is the reason he will never succeed in life on his own. Jimmy Doyle grew in a family that was quite well off financially due to the hard work of his father. Mr. Doyle made a lot of money through hard work and sacrifice as butcher, and he wanted nothing but the best for his son. He did not want his son to work as hard as he did growing up. When Jimmy went away to college, he spent more time socializing than he did studying. "Jimmy did not study very earnestly and took to bad courses for awhile. He had money and he was popular; ..."(p.25). J ...

Minority Rules
[ view this term paper ]Words: 623 | Pages: 3

... take an influential role in the story. She is constantly looking after Lucie and this includes Miss Pross attempting to discourage any suitors. Miss Pross is quite successful at appearing and acting in a commanding and intimidating manner. An example of this is when Mr. Lorry came to visit at the Manette's home; "...Miss Pross, the wild red woman, strong of hand...`I don't want dozens of people who are not all worthy of Ladybird, to come looking after take Ladybird's affections away from me.'" Miss Pross being part of the novel deepens the plot by providing some humor and giving the reader another s ...

The Call Of The Wild: Determinism And Darwinism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1153 | Pages: 5

... than five months they had traveled twenty-five hundred miles, during the last eighteen hundred of which they had but five days' rest. When they arrived at Skaguay, they were apparently on their last legs. They could barely keep the traces taut, and on the down grades just managed to keep out of the way of the sled (London Chapter V).” Jack London used ideas of Darwinism as well as determinism when he wrote The Call of the Wild. This report will give brief meanings to the words determinism and Darwinism. Then, how Jack London uses determinism and Darwinism in the novel. Finally, a little background information ...

Janette Turner Hospital: 4 Vivid Female Characters In Her Two Novels
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1626 | Pages: 6

... are gradually proved. Before leaving for India, Juliet had a hard time deciding whether to stay with her professor husband, David, or move to Montreal to stay with her former lover Jeremy. Uncertain as usual, all Juliet wants is to " maintain the balancing act." She could never summon up the courage to face new circumstances. Her mind is never firm enough to challenge the present state. So she makes her choice in the order of morality. She stays with her husband and leaves for India with him. It is more likely that the fate designated Juliet's future. She is married to Dave on her own accor ...

Examine The Character And The
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1668 | Pages: 7

... is like a mother daughter relationship, she is like Juliet surrogate mother towards Juliet. The Nurse possesses many qualities. For example, she is very hearty towards Juliet, kind, protective, compassionate and a loving lady. In some parts of the play The Nurse can be long-winded, insensitive, arrogant, insecure and stupid at times but she loves Juliet very much, partially as she imagines that Juliet is a substitute for her own daughter Susan. She has a bawdy sense of humor, which brings out the naturalness of sex and childbearing. This is seen when she tells Juliet to look for love, - “Go girl, seek happy ...

A Worn Path: Phoenix Jackson And Symbols
[ view this term paper ]Words: 863 | Pages: 4

... who threatens her life with a gun. Phoenix’s ability to make the journey and overcome these challenges shows the dedication, devotion and the will power to endure hardship to finish her task. She made this journey weekly almost like a ritual. “Miss Eudora Welty often takes ritual action very seriously-especially the most simple and primitive rituals of home, or private one that comes from repeated performance of an action of love’,(Old Phoenix’s down the worn Path).(Vande Kieft 70) I believe the conflicts were put in the story to show us the inner feeling of Phoenix. She was able to endure hardships and s ...

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