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Help With Book Reports Papers

Comparison Of To Kill A Mockingbird With The Dewey Decimal System
[ view this term paper ]Words: 611 | Pages: 3

... a library. His system classified books using the decimal system of notation. For example, a book about Buddhism would be labeled and classified with a number between 200 and 290 and a book on Hinduism would have a different number, but would also have a number between 200 and 290. As a result of his system, which is widely used in libraries still today, each book has its place making it “easy for the librarian and the user to understand” (Gale Research, 1). Like the Dewey Decimal System Maycomb also had its classification system. In the book, Jem confused the Dewey Decimal System with John Dewey’s philosophy of ...

Jurrasic Park
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1167 | Pages: 5

... animals cannot be predicted. While they are in awe one of the computer programmers, Dennis Nedry, Is secretly planning to steal dinosaur embryos from the park and sell them to a company that is trying to stay in business with Hammond. The only way Nedry can obtain these embryos id to shut down the park power so he can sneak into the freezing chamber. He does while the other visitors are touring the park, and everything goes wrong from there. As he is racing to get to the dock, where a boat is waiting to take the embryos, He realizes that he has gone the wrong way. He gets out of the car to try and figure out where he ...

The Reasons For Walter Mitty's Daydream
[ view this term paper ]Words: 924 | Pages: 4

... town for an appointment at a beauty shop. He is in the middle of a daydream in which he imagines himself as the commander of a Navy hydroplane. He imagines that the plane is in trouble but the the members of the crew have complete faith in his ability. Referring to Mitty, one member of the crew says, "'The Old Man'll get us through'" (Thurber 63). Mitty is brought back from this daydream by his wife's voice, as she says, "'Not so fast! You're driving too fast! . . . What are you driving so fast for?'" Here the reader sees the sharp contrast between the daydream and real life. In the daydream, Mitty has the ...

Heart Of Darkness: Themes In Garden Of Evil And Heart Of Darkness
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1533 | Pages: 6

... 2. Heart of Darkness is a very good example of a Quest story. Marlowe is risking life and limb inorder to fufill his adventure of meeting the infamous Mr.Kurtz. Along Marlowe's journey he meets bands of cannibles that are ever posing a threat to his life. At the end of Heart of Darkness the story becomes a Quest of the self. Marlowe is searching deep within himself to comprehend what he is seeing with Mr.Kurtz and within himself he has to conquor the evil that could take him over. It is a Quest for Marlowe to search for his self being. Independent Novel Study-Style 1. Irony-Occurs when a set of cir ...

The Black Cat: The Narrator Is Crazy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 529 | Pages: 2

... animal is their black cat. He describes his love for the cat and tells the reader that the cat loves him too. Yet, once the cat does not give the narrator quite as much attention as he had hoped, the narrator’s personality changes completely. He begins to show resentment toward the cat, and in a fit of drunken rage, gauges out his eyes. A second example of the narrators craziness is, after a while, the cat’s eye heals and naturally he avoids his attacker. This makes the narrator become even more enraged with the cat than before. So, he takes the cat out to the back yard and hangs him from a tree. This was ...

Jurassic Park
[ view this term paper ]Words: 382 | Pages: 2

... characters in this world, share different feelings of action, reactions, thrill, nervousness, and their beliefs. Ian Malcolm, a very knowledgeable mathematician, decides to go to the island of Isla Nublar to observe the biological preserve that a company named In-Gen has created for the world to see at a price. Malcolm always had doubts about this world of total chaos. Everyone thought that the world of Jurassic Park, is a world of new state of the art technology and entertainment. Until everything goes wrong. The electric fences stopped working, and the dinosaurs escaped. Ian Malcolm's opinion of this world is ...

Macbeth 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 566 | Pages: 3

... upon evil spirits and other demonic entities to give her some aid. She does this because she realizes that she doesn’t have the strength of will to persuade Macbeth into murdering Duncan after all. Then, when Macbeth arrived, just after she finished praying for help, she acts as if she has a heart of stone and that Macbeth is not a man if he is afraid of killing Duncan. This is a prime example of her deception towards him, and how she acts differently when she is alone than when she is around him. Another example of her being two sided is the role she talks about playing in Duncan’s death, and ...

Ellen Foster
[ view this term paper ]Words: 381 | Pages: 2

... Ellen ran from her problems at home and stayed away from her house as much as possible. The line also represents strength and Ellen was a strong person. She dealt with losing a mother, father and grandmother within one year. She never even had a good relationship with her father or grandmother. The short inscription to “Self Reliance” is almost a short summary of Ellen’s character. In it, a child without parents is raised by someone that is a lot different than she is. After Ellen’s mother died, she is unwillingly left with her alcoholic father who mistreats her. Ellen spent a lot of time at her friend, St ...

Gatsby 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 562 | Pages: 3

... silk shirts being tossed over his head out of his dresser is a good example of how his money means nothing to him and how he would give it all away to have Daisy. Also his eccentric cars were the center of attention because of their high price and extreme beauty. All of these examples of prosperity represent the lives of the people of this novel to a point. Together, the citizens of this book are more concerned with their possessions and money, than their health and lives. Subsequently, the people at his parties show careless recklessness with their abuse of alcohol and their bodies. First of all, the people ...

Intertextuality Of To Kill A Mockingbird And A Blow, A Kiss
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1615 | Pages: 6

... section at the start of any story is character development. The story "A blow, A kiss" opens with Albie and his father travelling home from a fishing expedition in the front of a truck, Albie refers to his fathers warmth and smell as being "enough" to subdue their earlier bad luck, Immediately a strong bond is realised between Father and son. Other than this the only other clues to the identities of this pair is the references to Albie’s mother and the eventual evolution of their rural surroundings. In the novel "To kill a mockingbird" Harper Lee has adopted a style most novels are written in. The story opens ...

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