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Help With Book Reports Papers

A Summary Of A Christmas Carol
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1769 | Pages: 7

... Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit, and Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew, Fred. First, lets examine Ebenezer Scrooge, since he is the main character of the story, All 3 ghosts visit him. Through him, the lesson of the story is to be learned. In the book, he is made out to be Anti-Christmas and he is constantly commented about by characters in the book, some feeling pity, others feeling hostility. "External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he… Nobody ever stopped in the street to say, with gladsome looks, ‘My dear ...

A Lesson Before Dying: Mr. Wiggins
[ view this term paper ]Words: 964 | Pages: 4

... told Mr. Wiggins that he wanted a gallon of ice cream, and that he never had enough ice cream in his whole life. At that point Jefferson confided something in Mr. Wiggins, something that I didn't see Jefferson doing often at all in this book. "I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, ...

Joy Luck Club - Literary Analy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1031 | Pages: 4

... two long lost sisters. June’s mother passed away and now June has to join the Joy Luck Club. As the story goes on the members tell stories of their lives. The tell of the hardships of their lifes, all of them about mother-daughter relationships and how the mothers compared them and expected to much of them. When mothers compare and expect to much from their children disastrous consequences occur. Jing-Mei, the piano player in The Joy Luck Club, felt the most pressure from her mother, because her mother had to follow behind the word of the prodigy in town. '"Of course you can be a prodigy, too '" (141) Jing-Mei ...

Things Fall Apart: The Loss Of A Tribe's Livelihood
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1550 | Pages: 6

... is also critical to consider if this downfall could have been prevented or channeled to produce a positive outcome. History tends to repeat itself within specific cultures, and this is possibly the most valuable tool we can harness to provide us a means of escaping the destruction of the mistakes we have made in the past. In Things Fall Apart the Igbo village Umuofia fell apart in two distinct fashions. The first aspect of Igbo culture to break down was the village's spirituality, which was led by the arrival of the Christian mission. Second, this mission acted as a channel to allow a new government to infiltrat ...

The Huckleberry Finn Controver
[ view this term paper ]Words: 606 | Pages: 3

... African Americans didn’t have the rights they have today and racism didn’t exist. Twain wrote this book not having to worry about racism. In our day and time they want to censor out the words like nigger but that really would be wrong because it wouldn’t be realistic, people need to know what it was truly like. Sheltering people from the truth Is the worst thing you can do. If kids don’t learn about how slavery was then they won’t truly understand where racism comes from. In the book there is much violence. "It’s a dead man. Yes, indeedy naked, too. He’s been shot ...

Literary Analysis Of John Updike's A & P
[ view this term paper ]Words: 278 | Pages: 2

... His supporting characters are: Lengel, who is the store manager; Stoksie, Sammy's buddy and a cashier; and Queenie plus her two followers, who are unusual customers at the supermarket. The setting of the story is in the early 80's in an ordinary supermarket, which is located in a small quiet town, north of Boston. Most of the customers are old and conservative, with a few tourists here and there. A & P is surrounded around Sammy, a teenager, who is about to become an adult. The story, basically, shows the first step of his metamorphoses. The events of the story are seen through eyes of the main characte ...

Compare Two Biographies Of Wayne Gretzky
[ view this term paper ]Words: 991 | Pages: 4

... of Gretzky's childhood. We knew that Wayne Gretzky could skate at two years old. He was well known by people at six. When he was ten, he was signing autographs and had a national magazine article written about him. A thirty- minutes national television show done on him at fifteen. It also talk about Gretzky's hero when he was a kid. He was a funny guy. He was Gretzky's hockey instructor. He was also his lacrosse, baseball basketball and cross country coach. He was not only coach, but also trainer and chauffeur. Gretzky called him dad, his name was Walter. However, in the book "Gretzky and Taylor", it did not show a ...

Night Creatures
[ view this term paper ]Words: 299 | Pages: 2

... And what do Carrie and Jerry care about it? He was a weird person anyway. That night Carrie and Jerry decide to climb the big brick fence that surrounded the house. They just wanted to check out what was there. They got their flashlights and shovels and started walking toward the house. They climbed the fence and had a rough drop down the fence. They looked around and saw huge plans; they were shaped like animals. Jerry looked up and saw a lion with wings; it was so big that he could fit his head into its mouth…If he wanted to. Jerry and Carrie were both scared, but they did not admit it. Ten they herd a rustl ...

An Analysis Of "Heart Of Darkness"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1340 | Pages: 5

... a jewel, "Heart of Darkness" has many facets. From one view it is an exposure of Belgian methods in the Congo, which at least for a good part of the way sticks closely to Conrad's own experience. Typically, however, the adventure is related to a larger view of human affairs. Marlow told the story one evening on a yacht in the Thames estuary as darkness fell, reminding his audience that exploitation of one group by another was not new in history. They were anchored in the river, where ships went out to darkest Africa. Yet, as lately as Roman times, London's own river led, like the Congo, into a barbarous hinter ...

Huck Finn
[ view this term paper ]Words: 731 | Pages: 3

... of the town drunkard, has had a hard time living with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Huck grew up living wild out in the open, just going as he pleased. Now he living in a house, with two ladies that are very strict with manners. Although, he doesn’t runaway back to the woods, he still wishes he could go back to the easy living in the uncivilized outdoors. When Huck’s father learns of his wealth, he kidnaps Huck, and takes him back to a cabin on the other side of the river. After repeated beatings Huck escapes and makes the scene look as if he had been murdered. He then hides on Jackson Island, ...

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