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Help With Book Reports Papers

The Catcher In The Rye: Holden
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1430 | Pages: 6

... connection. This gave the book even more notoriety. So what is 'The Catcher In The Rye' actually about ? Superficially the story of a young man's expulsion from yet another school, 'The Catcher In The Rye' is in fact a perceptive study of one individual's understanding of his human condition. Holden Caulfield, a teenager growing up in 1950s New York, has been expelled school for poor achievement once again. In an attempt to deal with this he leaves school a few days prior to the end of term, and goes to New York to 'take a vacation' before returning to his parents' inevitable wrath. Told as a monologue, the ...

The Infinity Mirror
[ view this term paper ]Words: 716 | Pages: 3

... alcohol demons induce him to halucinate a deformed boy into an outcast from hell. He looks into his mirror and sees himself, becomes shaken, reforms. From Pancho's employer, Franklin Gomez, we get a cold hard look into society. We see a mother, knowing her son is to be hated and feared, and perhaps possibly killed, cannot face killing her son with her bare hands. She leaves the killing to exposure to the elements, enying herself a look into Tularecito. Franklin adopts Pancho's demon, and Tularecito transforms into a disadvantaged who has been gifted with talent. Tularecito becomes a man at the age of six, "The boy ...

Scarlet Letter - Pearl
[ view this term paper ]Words: 843 | Pages: 4

... Thus we see how Pearl is conceived through sin, and how she suffers when her mother and the community situate this deed upon her like the scarlet letter on her mother's bosom. Pearl is thought of being an evil child with demon like qualities, yet she is spirited and very loving towards her mother. Hester Prynn constantly questions Pearl's existence and purpose asking God, "what is this being which I have brought into the world, evil?" or inquiring to Pearl, "Child, what art thou?" Hester sees Pearl as a reminder of her sin, especially since as an infant Pearl is acutely aware of the scarlet letter A on her moth ...

A Separate Peace: Contrasting Gene And Phineas And The Struggle For Power
[ view this term paper ]Words: 796 | Pages: 3

... off a tree to land in a shallow river. Phineas is the first to do this. This single statement tells us much about him. He doesn't mind taking risks, enjoys intimidating others, and over exaggerates. It tells that he is very strong and powerful to be able to do what others can not do. The denotation of power is "the capability of achieving something." Not only is Phineas achieving something from jumping off this tree, he is achieving power by gaining the respect of fellow classmates. Phineas' spontaneity inspires many others to be like himself and jump off the tree. Another example of Phineas' ...

Tyler's "Accidental Tourist" And "Searching For Caleb": Individualism And Belonging To The Family
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1062 | Pages: 4

... after a crazed murderer killed their son, Macon was isolated in his own house with his daily routine. Physical contact with people not related to him made him draw inward like a snail (34). Therefore, he eventually moved in with his sister and brothers to be a part of the family again. Furthermore, there is a portrait of the Leary children at the Leary household. This portrait symbolizes the security that Macon feels now that he has moved back into the unchanging past (Reisman 1980). Then Macon met a woman, Muriel, and "he felt content with everything exactly the way it was. He seemed to be suspended, his life ...

The Crucible
[ view this term paper ]Words: 407 | Pages: 2

... explaination for her sudden sickness. They all have heard rumor of possible previous witch-craft causing her sickness. Rev. Parris does not want his church to corrupt on the fact that his daughter many have made contact with the devil. He is more concerned about the fate of his church than the well being Betty. Betty and other girls of the town have been seen dancing to psalms of witch-craft with the Reverend's servant Tituba. After the arrival of Rev. John Hale, Betty awakes and tells of her visions of many women the the town with the devil. Those women who were accused were to be tried in court for contact with the ...

Wuthering Heights: Romanticism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3230 | Pages: 12

... is the love of the past. The first instance in which the reader finds an intimate love of the past is when Nelly remarks how she wished Heathcliff had never been introduced to the family, because his presence at Wuthering Heights upsets the established order: "he bred dad feeling" (42). Another instance is when Heathcliff realizes that his one love, Catherine, has fallen in love with Edgar. He shows love of the past by pointing out to her how little time she has spent with him compared to the time she spends with Edgar. After Catherine's death, both Heathcliff and Edgar wish her back even if they must ...

Ordinary People - Avoiding Problems Is Not A Way Of Handling Them
[ view this term paper ]Words: 740 | Pages: 3

... but is too cautious and worried about him. He is an Attorney as profession and tries to keep his family together on the side. Calvin wants more than anything to please and help Conrad, and that sometimes becomes irritating to Conrad as well as Beth. Beth is almost completely the opposite. Beth is a housewife that lunches with the other women of town and she is very cautious about her appearance to the community. Beth cares more about herself and her social standing then she does about her family. For example, when Calvin and her were getting dressed, she made him change his tie. That stuck in Calvin’s mind ...

The Gift Of The Magi: Themes
[ view this term paper ]Words: 400 | Pages: 2

... through the characters more than anything. Of course, there would be no story without the characters but even more so than that Jim and Della set the atmosphere. For example, when Jim walks in on Della to find that she has no hair after he has bought her combs, he is not infuriated, just astonished. There could not be a better emotion to feel in that position. The same happens when Della sees Jim no longer has the watch making her gift just as useless. If the characters had become angry, their love would not be displayed as strong. Yet, they are very much in love and play a part in expressing the theme. Agai ...

"A Man For All Seasons": Common Attitude
[ view this term paper ]Words: 422 | Pages: 2

... extra stresses that come with being one's own person. The statement made by the common man, although practiced by many in the world today, is the wrong way to think. The man says to survive in the world one must leave behind their morals, and to forget their conscience. While this may lead to temporary happiness in life, it may lead to eternal punishment after death. In the modern world, this philosophy is still the best way to go for some. Today, another teen-ager is abusing an illegal drug because "everyone else is doing it." If the teen does the drug, then his personal life will be better because he has gaine ...

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