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Help With Book Reports Papers

Edna's Suicide In The Awakening
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1707 | Pages: 7

... and Mademoiselle Reisz, two women who also engage in art, serve as Edna Pontellier’s options, they represent what society views as the suitable and unsuitable woman figures. Mademoiselle Ratignolle is the ideal Grand Isle woman, a home-loving mother and a good wife, and Mademoiselle Reisz as the old, unmarried, childless, musician who devoted her life to music, rather than a man. Feeling that neither of their lifestyles were suitable and lacking the ability to create a model of her own, Edna in the closing of The Awakening commits suicide by walking into the ocean. Perhaps if there had been a more well rounded ...

Dimmsdale's Redemption
[ view this term paper ]Words: 486 | Pages: 2

... daughter, was his chance for salvation. Pearl's first appearance announces her precocious character. High on the scaffold, Pearl made her first appeal to the Reverend. After the lengthy speech has been presented to Hester, Pearl made a "half pleased, half plaintive murmur" and outstretched her arms toward the Reverend. The action clawed at a soul already in turmoil from guilt and fear. Pearl was meant to be a symbol of Hester and Dimmsdale's sin, and as Hester's punishment. What is overlooked is that Pearl offers salvation to Dimmsdale for the first time. Dimmsdale's second chance for salvation comes from P ...

Death Of A Salesman: Willy Loman
[ view this term paper ]Words: 764 | Pages: 3

... a young age, noticed an old salesman who worked at an age of 80 and made a lot of money. The old salesman took orders from no one, he made his own orders and everyone did as the old man said. When the old salesman, Dave Singleman dies, all the buyers came to his funeral. All the people Dave ever knew came. There were thousands mourning his death. From that point, Willy Loman found an awesome dream which he followed the rest of his life. Willy became a salesman. Willy is the most unqualified salesman ever! He never sold a thing. Willy stops seeing the truth at one point of his life and he relies on his own li ...

“The Yellow Wallpaper”: Solitary Confinement And Exclusion From Public
[ view this term paper ]Words: 512 | Pages: 2

... sees a path which leads to the curing of her illness where happiness and good health awaits at the end. The reason the lane is “shaded” is because she is uncertain whether or not this path can be traveled. Upon moving into the mansion, she immediately becomes obsessed with the nursery room wallpaper with “sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin” (64). Her days and nights are so uneventful that she finds relief in writing a journal which becomes more tiresome as her sickness progresses. In every few paragraphs in her journal, she analyzes the wallpaper. Through the imagery she evoke ...

The Not So Great Gatsby
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1426 | Pages: 6

... the contrary. We see that he is just a man looking for the lost love of his life, Daisy. He is a man looking for the American dream and when he does not find it, we see at last that he is just like the rest of us. The word great is somewhat vague in meaning. Whether someone is great or not often times depends on the person judging them. My personal beliefs as far as greatness are concerned are not very complicated. When I think of someone who is or was great, I think of Jackie Robinson, Louis Armstrong, and Albert Einstein. These are all people who affected the way we live and have changed our society as a whole for ...

The Pelican Brief: A Review
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1398 | Pages: 6

... book, "A Time to Kill" which he later finished in 1987. This book was based on his own experience as a small-town lawyer but it wasn't a hit (it is today). John Grisham continued to practice law and he also started writing his second book, "The Firm,." His luck changed one day in 1990 when Paramount Pictures paid him $600,000 for th e rights to his new book and this happened even before a publisher accepted it. The Firm was published in 1991 and stayed on the best-sellers lists for nearly a year. In 1992 his third book, The Pelican Brief was published and it became and enormous success. At the same time "A Time t ...

Ethan Frome And Their Eyes Wer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 740 | Pages: 3

... in many different ways. First of all, Ethan’s wife, Zeena, has become a burden on Ethan psychologically and finacially. Zeena seems to have a form of paranoia that makes her think she is much sicker than she actually is. This problem has gotten to Ethan at many points in the book. She has also become a finacial burden on Ethan because of her almost monthy commutes to Bettsbridge, where she sees a doctor about her failing health. In Ethan Frome, Zeena seems to be the one that is always oppressing Ethan. Zeena never lets Ethan do what he wants, when he wants. In the book Their Eyes Were Watching G ...

Loneliness And Friendship In Of Mice And Men
[ view this term paper ]Words: 774 | Pages: 3

... from the other ranch workers. He has no friends or families so he is all by himself at the ranch. George and Lennie are two ranch workers with a dream of owning a piece of land where they can live and work on. These two are completely different, but because they have no one else in their lives they come to consider each other friends. When Lennie and George camped out in the forest George said, “With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.” What that quote means is George and Lennie are not alone; they got each other to care for one another. Next, w ...

Bram Stoker's Dracula: Anti-Christianity
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1515 | Pages: 6

... and other vampires by the possession of a crucifix or practically any consecrated item from the Christian religion can be used to save you from the attack or presence of a vampire. For example, in the latter of the book Van Helsing uses a Host to prevent Dracula to enter his coffin. Another time, during the night Van Helsing and Lucy stay out near the courtyard of Castle Dracula, Van Helsing makes a (Holy circle) with the Host to keep vampires out and to keep Mina safe in the (Holy circle). Another time when the Host is used as a deterrence of vampires is at the time Van Helsing and the other men are going ...

Amazing Grace By Jonathan Kozol
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1931 | Pages: 8

... ride by subway to the South Bronx, to a little place called Mott Haven; where the median family income for the 48000 residents is only $7,600. An area known for crack-cocaine and heroin; prostitution; poor hospital care, where one-quarter of new mothers tested in obstetric wards are HIV positive; and the police say is the deadliest precinct in the city. Kozol writes about the trials and tribulations of everyday “normal” life for the children and people who live here. Normal for them however is quite different than it is for most of us. Living with drug dealers, pollution, poor hospital care and an ab ...

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