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Who Is God?

Part 1 of Paper
.... Every society I have every studied from the American Indians to the Ancient Greek have all believed in some form of worship or religion. Altars have been and are in existence in several if not all forms of region. Robert Farris Thompson depicts this for the African population in " Overture: The Concept 'Altar,' " a....

Part 2 of Paper
....s. They sought the sacred cowries, seeds, and beads of Africa for their religion." This example of perseverance of their native ritual and worship practices, shows the magnitude that region held for many Yoruba Africans. They kept their own religion alive through many hidden tactics such as unsuspected culinary art, by giving the gods the food they needed to be strong. "But these were more than foods: they were writings in code. African system of logic and belief flowed unsuspected from the....

Number of words: 746 - Approximate pages: 3

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