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This is a free sample excerpt of the paper. Join to view the full essay
Does Romeo Behave Rashly While Juliet Shows Superior Judgement?

Part 1 of Paper
....eem as though Romeo is more confident and quick to make decisions, and Juliet takes her time and thinks it over first. Both Romeo and Juliet make some good decisions by showing good judgement but also some mistakes by acting hastily without thinking. Juliet behaves in a careful and thoughtful manner in different stage....

Part 2 of Paper
.... she hears the watch coming she grabs Romeo's dagger and fatally stabs herself. Juliet is so upset she doesn't think and tries to poison herself instead of listening to the Friar, and in desperation of death, kills herself with the dagger. Romeo is careful and considerate in some parts of the play. An example of this is when he tries to convince his friends not to go to the Capulet ball : "'tis no wit to go". Another example is when Juliet confesses her desire to marry him, he goes and speaks to....

Number of words: 613 - Approximate pages: 3

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