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Part 1 of Paper
....he economy remains primarily agricultural, the mining and fishing industries have become increasingly important. relies primarily on the export of raw materials—chiefly minerals, farm products, and fish meal—to earn foreign exchange for importing machinery and manufactured goods. During the late 1980s, guerrilla v....

Part 2 of Paper
....000), seed cotton (280,000), coffee (103,000), and wheat (134,000). Peru is the world's leading grower of coca, from which the drug cocaine is refined. The livestock population included about 3.9 million cattle, 13.3 million sheep, 1.7 million goats, 2.4 million hogs, 875,000 horses and mules, and 52 million poultry. Llamas, sheep, and vicuñas provide wool, hides, and skins. The forests covering 54 percent of Peru's land area have not been significantly exploited. Forest products include bals....

Number of words: 917 - Approximate pages: 4

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