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Benjamin Banneker

Part 1 of Paper
....more, Md., on November 9, 1731. He was the son of a slave and a free black woman. He grew up as a free black, and while attending school he demonstrated early mathematical ability. His childhood curiosity led him to explore a wide variety of other subjects. In about 1771, he began to make calculations in the field....

Part 2 of Paper
....nneker was determined to create an almanac that would be the first of its kind. Therefore, he spent close to a year observing the sky every night. He plotted the cycles of the moon and made careful notes. He began publishing the ‘Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Almanac and Ephemeris’ in 1791, and continued doing so until 1802. Bannekar also knew that many people would use and learn from his almanac. However, he wondered what good his almanac would be to black peopl....

Number of words: 468 - Approximate pages: 2

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