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Humanity's Fall In "The Garden Of Eden"

Part 1 of Paper
....ed by humankind. It is this sin that led to future sins. This original sin must be emphasized by writers to depict the evil involved in it. In writing Paradise Lost, John Milton recognizes this fact and uses a variety of literary techniques to stress the evil in the story over the good. The techniques used include....

Part 2 of Paper
....Book nine as detailed in a soliloquy at the beginning of the book by Satan. Satan recognizes his descent into bestiality after once being in contention with the gods to sit on top of the hierarchy of angels. He is unhappy with this "foul descent" and in turn wants to take out his grief on humanity. Despite recognizing that revenge eventually becomes bitter, Satan wants to make others as miserable as he is. It is i n destruction that he finds comfort for his ceaseless thoughts. (Bk. 9, lines....

Number of words: 1139 - Approximate pages: 5

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