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Hitler Youth
... or disband. If the organizations chose to join the Movement were under the power of Baldur Von Schirach who Hitler appointed to be the head of The Youth organization, with only Hitler to answer to.
Schirach began quickly by sending the fifty boys into The Reich’s Committee of German Youth Association, and taking the six million members under the authority of the . So most of the recruitment for the Youth Movement was forced. Some groups did join willing though, but groups like The Catholic Youth Organization held out for as long as three years.
Schirach soon organized Hitler’s Youth Movement into a prec ...
... the
modern artist as public figure. No painter before him had had a mass audience in his own
lifetime. Picasso's audience--meaning people who had heard of him and seen his work, at
least in reproduction--was in the tens, possibly hundreds, of millions. He and his work
were the subjects of analysis, gossip, dislike, adoration and rumor. He was a superstitious,
sarcastic man, sometimes rotten to his children, often mean to his women. He had
contempt for women artists. His famous remark about women being "goddesses or
doormats" has rendered him odious to feminists, but women tended to walk into both
roles open-eyed and ...
Baleric Islands
... Ibiza has grown into a place to spend the summer months. With a large area of nightlife, DJs and clubbers, and with one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, Ibiza is sure to continue long into the future. Ibiza is described as the island of parties. In the 60's, cult religious leader Baghwan Shree Rejneesh chose this island as a center for his quasi-religious events, and introduced a new form of religious worship. Disciples were encouraged to take a drug, originally developed to assist in the combat of mental illness, before dancing themselves into a magical, spiritual trance. The name of the drug was MDMA. ...
Arthurian Legend
... each transformation Wart experiences different forms of power, each being a part of how he should rule as king.
The first transformation takes Wart and Merlin into the castle’s moat as a fish. They then meet the largest fish in the moat, which is an alligator who is the ruler. The alligator takes what he wants because of his size. In a speech about power, he tells Wart that “Might is right,” and might of the body is greater than might of the mind. Because of the way the alligator rules, his subjects obey him out of fear for their lives. Wart experiences this firsthand when the gator tells him to le ...
... their citizenship. The Act of March 3, 1891 was the first comprehensive law for national control of . It established the Bureau of under the Treasury Department to administer all laws (except the Chinese Exclusion Act). This Act also added to the inadmissible classes. The people in these classes were inadmissible to enter into the United States. The people in these classes were, those suffering from a contagious disease, and persons convicted of certain crimes. The Act of March 3, 1903 and The Act of February 20, 1907 added further categories to the inadmissible list. Immigrants were screened for their politic ...
The Reign Of Terror
... new age pales to some of the events during this period. In fact, the storming
of the Bastille was merely a hole in the dike, and more would follow. The
National Guard, the Paris Commune, the September Massacre, are all words that
the French would prefer us not to hear. These events were a subtle dénouementto
an climax that was filled with both blood and pain. The Reign of Terror, or the
Great Terror, was a massive culmination to the horror of the French Revolution,
the gutters flowing with blood as the people of Paris watched with an
entertained eye. No matter what the French may claim, if one chooses to open ...
African American Women
... and have always wondered why African Americans would use it as if it meant nothing. After reading this essay, by an African American woman I have a greater insight into why these people would use what I thought to be such a demeaning, demoralizing word. I can now see the word can have many meanings. "… In my third grade class… I remarked that once again (the little boy) had received a much lower mark than I did… he spit out that word…"(232) here I saw the meaning of the word that I saw, the only meaning I knew. A derogatory remark used to demean an African American person. Then as I read into the story mo ...
The Holocaust
... the Nazi party of Germany, lead by Adolf Hitler, came to power. Hitler’s anti-Jew campaign began soon afterward, with the "Nuremberg Laws", which defined the meaning of being Jewish based on ancestry. These laws also forced segregation between Jews and the rest of the public. It was only a dim indication of what the future held for European Jews.
Anti-Jewish aggression continued for years after the passing of the Nuremberg Laws. One of these was the "Aryanization" of Jewish property and business. Jews were progressively forced out of the economy of Germany, their assets turned over to the government and the Ger ...
Great Zimbabwe
... from up the hill. Below the Hill Complex is the Great Enclosure, or Elliptical Building. The most dazzling structures of are found here. It’s thought to have been the royal palace at that time. Between these two large structures is the Valley Ruins. The youngest walls are found here. Some archaeologists deemed that it might have been the area’s control access, for that the wall enables people to walk in single file only. has been designed to change its periphery as the city’s population grew due to the fact that it wasn’t constructed around a central plan. Despite that the size has made remarkable, anoth ...
Industrail Revolution
... tools.
2. The use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles.
3. The adoption of the factory system.
The Industrial Revolution came gradually. However, when measured against the centuries people had worked entirely by hand, it happened in a short span of time. Until the inventions of the flying shuttle in 1733 and the spinning jenny in 1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years. By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation.
Several systems of making goods had grown up by the time of the I ...
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