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Pornography Censorship
[ view this term paper ]Words: 840 | Pages: 4

... legislators. Should magazine companies, such as Playboy, Penthouse, etc, be prohibited from publishing their magazines on the web when magazines like Time, and Sports Illustrated are allowed? How easy is it to access such magazines? Do people want to have such magazine so accessible to just anyone? What can and is being done and what are the political ramifications? Anyone with access to a computer that is equipped with on-line services can view such magazines with relative ease. Although, studies show Internet pornography only represents a small portion of Internet traffic it still is quite effortless. Basically t ...

Black Civil Rights
[ view this term paper ]Words: 613 | Pages: 3

... into a very hostile environment. The first sign of blacks becoming more equal was the blacks to fight in the World War. For the first time they were looked upon as war veterans instead of black slaves. Although progress was beginning a black man named Garvey believed that the whites would never change, because of this he started an association called "Back to Africa". At the coming of the Second World War, blacks participating in the war were being more important positions than ever before. Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to make a strong contribution to the Civil Rights movement. He had ...

Did Immigrants Have To Leave Behind Their Cultures?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 608 | Pages: 3

... was pushed on some of these immigrants, still they should not let that tear them away from their own ways. America took advantage of the naïve character of the immigrants. They knew that these people that came from different parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa would settle for substandard living and working conditions. The twelve to sixteen hour days may have left no time for the immigrants to focus on the family values that they had always know, yet they were in a new country now and they needed to learn to carry on traditions and cultures where they were the minority. On the other hand, these immigrants added t ...

Stay Tuned: The Exploitation Of Children In Television Advertisements
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4363 | Pages: 16

... loyalty to brands, creating among the children a loss of individuality and self-sufficiency, denying them the ability to explore and create but instead often encouraging poor health habits. The children demanding advertiser's products are influencing economic hardships in many families today. These children, targeted by advertisers, are so vulnerable to trickery, are so mentally and emotionally unable to understand reality because they lack the cognitive reasoning skills needed to be skeptical of advertisements. Children spend thousands of hours captivated by various advertising tactics and do not understand their ...

Understanding Behavior
[ view this term paper ]Words: 620 | Pages: 3

... at her school. This has probably been a factor in her sullen behavior. Because she can't afford more expensive clothes, she has been put into a different social class than most of her peers. It is known that all humans have an emotional need to be "accepted" by their peers but unfortunat for Darlene, being accepted is a need that she has not satisfied due to her lack of wealth. Darlene also expressed that this form "classism" against her was apparent at sunday school. It was so great in fact that she actually quit the classes to get away from the sunday school "snobs". It should come as no surprise tha ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2018 | Pages: 8

... and the culture of the Chinese people. Although not accepted by our beliefs, its understanding helps build strength in our own religion. Reincarnation, life after death, beliefs are not standardized between the religions. Each religion has a different way of applying this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand ones own religion, one must also understand those concepts of the other religions of the world. Hopefully this will be an enlightenment on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism. The goal in Taoism is to achieve ta ...

Protection From Abuse And Neglect
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1129 | Pages: 5

... The purpose of the new state-wide small scale association is to inform children through first-hand knowledge and example on the protection from abuse and neglect. The substantive right is very important for children to know and understand in case they, or someone they know is ever involved in an abusive situation. The small scale association is limited to children so they can feel free to express their experiences and ask questions openly to others without having to worry about adult supervision. This may interest children to comment on situations and on general conversation that they normally would b ...

Determination Of One's Behavior
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1870 | Pages: 7

... significant similarities. Both stories are told from the first person point of view using I as pronoun to narrate the events of the story. The first person point of view in each story is effective because the reader is able to fully understand the emotions and experiences of the main characters as they happen. "I had grown up in a Caucasian society in which I was a minority member." "I was Known Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home". The use of I helps the reader to know defiantly who is the speaker and of whom they are prevalent within both underlying the entire story. It is ironic that both ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 995 | Pages: 4

... slaves could not read or write. The ones that did, hid it from their masters. Because of this, most of the written books and documents and even diaries on slavery were written by the white masters. At that time most of recorded history was based on how the white masters viewed slavery. You did not get a view on slavery from the slaves themselves. In the 1920's, black scholars like W.E.B. Du Bois, Charles Johnson, and Carter Woodson, started a project to collect oral evidence from former slaves who were still living. Even these interviews could not be viewed as 100% accurate. One example, is a geographic bias. ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1016 | Pages: 4

... . Dr. Arnold M. Ludwig informs us that ". . . creativity must go beyond the bounds of what already is known or deductible by reason . . . "(American Journal of Psychotherapy). It is creativity that is the soul of the inventor, painter or poet. Creativity is not equal among most people and in fact is hindered by " . . . self censorship, that inner voice of judgment that confines our creative spirit within the boundaries of what we deem acceptable."(Psych Today). Dr. Torrence, in his studies, concluded that intelligence does not have any effect on creativity and it is the thinking style that actually stimulates ...

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