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Diversity On Campus
[ view this term paper ]Words: 957 | Pages: 4

... vary greatly. And some differences are easier to accept, and others are more challenging. These differences are a great source for learning, but should not be the only primary focus. Between some people the differences may be infinite, but the similarities are still present among every human. To go a step further you can say all animals have similarities as well as differences. So the skills and values acquired by college students is imperative to the world's survival. The attitudes and values are well defined concepts that are appropriate for college students to acquire have been described as: "1. Appreciation o ...

Teen Pregnancy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 833 | Pages: 4

... that is already established, but whether or not parents should have to give consent, or be notified, or neither. The arguments for and against this issue aare strong and depend mostly on the morals of those making the argument. To some teens it would be impossible to tell their parents they were pregnant let alone that they want an abortion. On the other hand teens sometimes act on imulse rather than giving such an emotional issue a lot of thought. If the parent were forced to give consent it would assure thet the decision had been given much thought. Though it could also rip a family apart. People react to ...

Show Your Love
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1206 | Pages: 5

... "he never held me on his knee when I was a child and that I never heard him laugh out loud in his life" (page.20). But he dose something to show his love to his son, such as " he would fix the small spot where I planted beans and other quick-sprouting seeds before he prepared the big garden, even if the spring was late" (page.20). Those things all mean Peter's father loves his son very much, he just never says it. He just does something silently. Peter knows all of the things his father does, so, after his father gives him a new, bright penny. He plays with that penny, and imagines that it is a real gold. He can ...

The Effects Of Divorce
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2240 | Pages: 9

... leaving their familiar social ties behind. They must often assume new household duties, possibly feel the financial loss and most importantly receive less support and nurturing from their parents. These are just a few implications of divorce but demonstrates how it changes the lives of children. Each child is unique, so the short and long term functioning of the children after divorce varies widely. Wallerstein and Kelly (1980) observed and interviewed parents and children three times in five years, and reported an estimate of one third of the children come out of divorce unharmed. Another one third function a ...

The Effects Of Television Violence On Children
[ view this term paper ]Words: 942 | Pages: 4

... are undeniable. The studies have been carried out and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life long. Much research has gone into showing why children are so mesmerized by this big glowing box and the action that takes place within it. Research shows that it is definitely a major source of violent behavior in children. The research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The television violence can cause actual violence in a number of ways. After viewing television violence the world becomes ...

Monks And Today's Society
[ view this term paper ]Words: 699 | Pages: 3

... to reach their goal of purity. The first of these vows is poverty, which was used to deter the monks from greed and other sins that come from money and material pleasures. Instead of having a lot of money, they got by with enough to live on, which was provided by the monasteries. The second of these vows, chastity, discouraged the monks from sexual desires, by not allowing such things as marriage and sexual indulgement. The last vow in which the monks lived by was obedience. This vow was not only used to keep order, but it was also used to make the monks humble and not proud. In the modern day United States ...

Could You Throw Away Your Flesh And Blood??
[ view this term paper ]Words: 0 | Pages: 0

... ...

Savage Inequalities
[ view this term paper ]Words: 488 | Pages: 2

... the resources needed to expand their education such as books, computers, and even teachers are hard to find. And once found, they are hard to hang on to. Chicago's Du Sabre High School cannot even hire a teacher and be sure they will last past the first few days. Funding for a school such as Du Sabre almost does not exist. They do not even have money to build a school that does not endanger the safety of the children. The classrooms are too full, and most of the time the teachers don't care enough to teach the children the basic rules of life. In 1989, the average amount spent on Chicago schools in the lower i ...

Against Censoring Harmless Obscene Language
[ view this term paper ]Words: 879 | Pages: 4

... thing called the Bill of Rights which contains the first ten amendments, the first being the freedom of speech. Article I of the United States Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech." Translated, this asserts that I can say what ever the !@#$ I want to.† Ooh, I'm sorry, I hope you closed your eyes and washed your ears out with soap. If not, too $%@# bad! My belief is that nothing should be censored. Nothing. It is every person's right and responsibility to shield him or herself from any language and other audio and visual provided I do not say anything false w ...

Censorship Threatens Freedom Of Speech
[ view this term paper ]Words: 537 | Pages: 2

... to censor and silence magazines and newspapers, and to limit controversial books and periodicals to the general public. The suppression of reading materials is suppression of creative thought. However and whenever these attacks occur, they usually fall in at least one of the following categories: obscenity and violence, religion. What is obscenity? Clearly something hard to talk about constructively. Obscenity is difficult to discuss honestly. After all what makes something obscene? It is something too vague perhaps to be defined. It’s an elusive term we use, but can’t explain. Different people often ...

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