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Bubonic Plague 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 575 | Pages: 3

... it becoming more active than normal (Knox 2). Whatever the reason, we know that the outbreak began there and spread outward. While it did go west, it spread in every direction, and the Asian nations suffered as cruelly as anywhere. In China, for example, the population dropped from around 125 million to 90 million over the course of the 14 century. The plague moved along the caravan routes toward the West. By 1345 it had made it’s way to the lower Volga River. By early 1347 it was in Constantinople. It hit Alexandria in the autumn of that year, and by spring 1348, a thousand people a day were dying there. ...

Down Syndrome 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 474 | Pages: 2

... relatedness to maternal age. There are two other types of Down syndrome, mosaicism and translocation, but these do not affect individuals as frequently as non-disjunction. Mosaicism is a mixture of two cell types, leaving the individual with some normal chromosomes of 46, and some affected ones with 47. Translocation occurs when part of the twenty-first chromosome breaks off and attaches to another cell. The total number of chromosomes is 46, however the excess material from the twenty-first chromosome results in the affects of the syndrome. With translocation, most cases occur sporadically, with no be ...

Acid Rain
[ view this term paper ]Words: 365 | Pages: 2

... many rain falls of , the pH of a normal lake ( 5.8 ) to 4. has been known to reach the acidicy of pH 2, ( battery acid has a pH if 1 ) this is a drastic change, as normal rain is average pH 5.2. can dissolve limestone and chalk, and corrodes outdoor structures. Statues and monuments that are left unprotected can fall victim to the unpredjudiced destruction of . Acid Rain reacts to different types of soil and rocks in two ways. 1) Acid rain will dissolve alkaline rocks and soil, or will neutralize the alkalinity. 2) Acid rain will increase the acidicy of already acidic rocks and soil, such as granite, or ...

Asthma 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 876 | Pages: 4

... asthma is called intrinsic asthma. The frequency and the extreme in which asthma symptoms occur vary from one person to another. Most attacks occur at night, beginning with coughing or wheezing and shortness of breath, but in some people a dry cough may be the only symptom. This may be partially due to the fact that you stay in your room sleeping for eight hours at a time. Dust mites collect in your bedding, curtains, pillows and rugs. To avoid this, you should have your mattress and pillows sealed in a plastic covering, no curtains and you should have hard wood floors in your bedroom, instead of rugs or carpets ...

Development Of Charles Darwin
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2239 | Pages: 9

... Where did it all begin? What was the factor that started the ball rolling, and gave it the momentum to keep lurching ahead? "As a distraction from his sister's regime, Charles played solitary games in the vast family home. His father had become interested in the fashionable study of natural history and there were rooms full of exotic collections, stuffed animals and old bones. A massive greenhouse attached to the side of the house was a veritable jungle to a young boy and it was in this environment of learned eccentricity and an unforced seeking of knowledge that Darwin's fascination for natural history and bi ...

Cloning And Embryo Research
[ view this term paper ]Words: 868 | Pages: 4

... in the laboratory. During a relatively stable stage of the cell cycle, they transferred 244 of the nuclei to the stripped-down eggs of Scottish blackface ewes” (Adler Par. 8). These nuclei had a full set of chromosomes, so fertilizing the eggs was not necessary. They then gave the eggs an electric shock to “initiate development” (Adler Par. 9). This was done after years of endless research. There was extensive research done in the area of embryo stem cells. Scientists have used such mouse stem cells for nearly a decade to create genetically altered mice (Travis Par. 8). Kaye Tucker of World Socialist Web ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 280 | Pages: 2

... magnesium, iron, iodine etc. Then the trace elements such as copper, manganese fluorine and zinc. Once of the most important is calcium. Calcium is used to build up your bones. It also helps to keep your teeth strong. About 90% of all calcium is stored in your bone's. It also helps with mussel contraction. Milk products such as milk, cheese and other stuff it the primary source for calcium. You should have about 1000mg's a day. Magnesium is also another important mineral. This mineral is in most foods. It is very important in containing healthy mussel cells. It also helps in forming bones. Sodium is another ki ...

Black Smokers
[ view this term paper ]Words: 438 | Pages: 2

... inky black. These formations are considered so important because they are believed to contain clues to how life on earth originated. From a distance these stacks may take on the appearance of being just a dull stack of dirt. But if observed closely, one may come to see that these stacks house more than just black material, they are full of life forms. Some of these include giant clams, giant worms, and all sorts of different organisms. Up until recently, smokers have only been observed by videotape and "deep-diving submersibles". Last summer a team from the University of Washington and the American Museum of ...

Oil Spills
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1362 | Pages: 5

... it down. As you're busily eating, you notice that you're covered completely with this mysterious black substance. 11 million gallons of this black substance is everywhere and it is continuing to spread and spread. You see thousands of other birds with the same problem. You try to fly, but your wings are too heavy. You flap and flap but it is hopeless. Sinking to the bottom of the beautiful waters, you wonder what that sticky black killer was. It's simple. It's crude. It's oil. This scenario is nothing but a harsh reality that most people were unconcerned about until the disaster of the Exxon Valdez. The Val ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 4241 | Pages: 16

... technology has started to catch up and the uses of fiber optics are numerous. Fortunately for the high-tech society of today, some scientists and technicians researched the avenues of fiber optics. Fiber optics can be seen in telephone systems, in the military, in cars, in medicine, and in many other fields of study. For all industries and professions, "Fiber optics allow huge amounts of voice, data and video imagery to be transmitted instantaneously, allowing for photographic-quality images, interactive video conferencing and other business multimedia uses" (Inman News Features 1). It's becoming possible to tra ...

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