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Help With Science Papers

[ view this term paper ]Words: 351 | Pages: 2

... in most cases is called dimorphous. This form is what a person first gets, but when the body can't fight it turns into lepromatous. This formattacks nerves, the skin, the mucous membranes, and the eyes.In most cases it is easy to detect the disease. At first many people will loose a sense of feeling in a patch of skin. Then after the loss of feeling in certain area the muscles may become paralyzed due to the damage of the nervous system. Many times since people loose feeling in certain areas of their body, injuries occur to them that are unnoticed and become infected. After the disease has settled into ones body it s ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 307 | Pages: 2

... is one of the lightest with only magnesium being lighter aluminum is very soft and not very strong when it is at it's purest state. The strength of aluminum is increased by alloying it with other metals and elements. Aluminum is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity, it also reflects heat and light very well. Aluminum is fond in many Rocks and minerals on the earth's crust. Because aluminum is not very strong and is highly reactivate with Oxygen, water, acids, and bases it is compounded with other metals and elements to from alloys for common uses. In Society Aluminum Alloys are used in many ways ...

Depression 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1177 | Pages: 5

... and successfully treated. The most common symptoms of depression include low self-esteem, loss of energy, or lack of interest in activities previously experienced as pleasurable. Sleeping problems have also been associated with depression. A study shows roughly 80% of diseased individuals experience insomnia ( 1). Possible problems may include: difficulty in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, brief periods of REM sleep, unusually long periods of stage 1 (light) slee ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 306 | Pages: 2

... A africanus, A. acthiopicus, a boisei and a. robustus. Ausralopithecus boisei roamed the earth as early as 1.1 million years ago and was on earth at the sametime as homo habilis and homo erectus. Most of the australopithecus fossils that have been discovered have been found in eastern africa and have been dated between 4.5 million and 1.1 million years old. There has also been evidence that the australopithecus "man" lived in australia where fossils have also been found. The first discovery of an australopithecus fossil was made in 1924. The body of the australopithecus is smaller than humans, but biffer than chimpa ...

The Platypus
[ view this term paper ]Words: 961 | Pages: 4

... independent and seldom socialize with one another. A platypus home range is where he/she feeds and lives. It is unknown how distinguishes its territories. If overcrowding is present in the home range, it is left up to the younger platypus to find a home range of its own. Home ranges house several burrows, that are located along the river bank. There are two different types of burrows, dwelling burrows, and nesting burrows. The nesting burrows are used for rearing young, and the other dwelling burrow is used by both sexes as a place to rest, sleep and eat. Burrows have a problem with maintaining a flow of a ...

Compatisome Of Upper And Lower Rock Shores Pools
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3210 | Pages: 12

... abiotic factors, as a result, the organisms of the upper pool had to possess special adaptations to colonise the area. The lower rock pool generally contained different species which could out compete the organisms of the upper pool when in a more benign environment. The rock pools studied should both contain organisms specially adapted to live in the intertidal environment of the rock pools. The organisms need to be adapted to the microenvironment of the rock pool, as conditions are considerably different to those of a ‘normal’ marine environment. The rock pools spend some of their time completely submerged by t ...

Environmental Apocalypse
[ view this term paper ]Words: 385 | Pages: 2

... if we all reduce our impact on the environment, when the population doubles, so will the total impact on the earth will be doubled. Consumerism is another thing that is threatening our planet. Everyone who wants to be anyone “must have” whatever is cool at the time. This usually means the biggest, meanest, least efficient car or the fanciest toys, generally leading to wasteful packaging and harmful chemicals or other bad stuff. “In short, Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology.” (Ehrlich, 1990) The problem is that everyone cares too much about societies image of them that they don ...

Nuclear Energy: Uranium Fission
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1142 | Pages: 5

... For comparison, coal combustion produces about 20-30 MJ/kg of heat energy while uranium, in a fast breeder reactor, produces more than 24,000,000 MJ/kg (Energy 27). Those numbers alone are astounding. Uranium is also abundant, thanks to recent discoveries of large reserves. At present, uranium is only being mined and separated from ore. However, a huge untapped source is our oceans. Sea water contains 3.3x10^(-9) (3.3 parts per billion) of uranium, so the 1.4x10^18 tons of sea water contains 4.6x10^9 tons of uranium. All the world's electricity usage, 650GWe could therefore be supplied by the urani ...

The Y2K Problem
[ view this term paper ]Words: 770 | Pages: 3

... 2000, such systems will not have the contextual smarts to process our shorthand dates correctly. Some of these computer systems will produce obviously silly results, good for a laugh at the office. Some will produce subtle errors that may be passed on, undetected at the source, in an ever-expanding circle of bad data. And some systems will stop working altogether. How might systems fail? Let's look at an example program in which the omitted century is assumed to be '19' and the program's function is to figure out how old you are. If you were born in 1958, then in 1999 this program will calculate your age as 99 minus ...

Circus Animals
[ view this term paper ]Words: 645 | Pages: 3

... when they are not traveling relief facilities for animals to exercise and play. A water supply is not always readily available in all locations, leaving many animals with out water. Furthermore, with out water, cleaning becomes a low priority. This is very hard on animals especially elephants who bathe frequently in their natural environment. But, the circus environment is very different from an animal’s natural habitats. Summer can be hard on animals such as bears, while lions, can suffer more in winter months. Veterinarians qualified to treat exotic animals, are not always present or available. As ...

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