Help With Science Papers
... fortunate. 3. The African Heart-Nosed bat can hear the footsteps
of a beetle walking on sand from a distance of over six feet! 4. The giant
Flying Fox bat from Indonesia has a wing span of six feet! 5. Disk-winged bats
of Latin America have adhesive disks on both feet that enable them to live in
unfurling banana leaves (or even walk up a window pane). 6. Nearly 1,000 kinds
of bats account for almost a quarter of all mammal species, and most are highly
beneficial. 7. Worldwide, bats are the most important natural enemies of night-
flying insects! 8. A single brown bat can catch over 600 mosquitoes in just one
h ...
Acid Rain
... products are manufactured many
chemicals are used to create it. However because of the difficulty and cost
of properly disposing of these products they are often emitted into the
atmosphere with little or no treatment.
The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when
scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be
causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the
time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large.
Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become
acid over night. It happens over a peri ...
Predator - Prey Relationships
... mutualism, and commensalism.
The first topic of discussion in symbiosis is parasitism. Parasitism is
when the relationship between two animal populations becomes intimate and the
individuals of one population use the other population as a source of food and
can be located in or on the host animal or animal of the other
population(Boughey 1973). No known organism escapes being a victim of
parasitism(Brum 1989).
Parasitism is similar to preditation in the sense that the parasite derives
nourishment from the host on which it feeds and the predator derives nourishment
from the prey on which it feeds(Nite ...
Chicken Pox
... days. In order it starts at the trunk (the
legs), spreads to the face, and then to the extremities. The
infected person will get to temperatures of one hundred and
two degrees Fahrenheit and that will last throughout the
breakout. The rash is quite itchy and becomes dry, crusted,
and falls off in a week. More bumps will come about every
three days. Scars will be present if they get infected, badly
scratched or removed. A physician is not usually not needed to make a
diagnosis but after the symptoms appear it is still best to
make sure it is the chicken pox and not something much
worse. The physician can ...
Chlamydia 2
... intracellular parasite that exclusively infects humans (it cannot synthesize its own ATP or grow on artificial medium), it was once thought to be a virus.(Hatch) Because of Chlamydia's unique developmental cycle, it was taxonomically classified in a separate order. It can thus be found with the other well-known intracellular parasites, rickettsiae, in diagnostic manuals. Until recently, however, there were no reliable and easy tests for chlamydia. Chlamydia prevention and patient care were impeded by the lack of suitable laboratory tests for screening and diagnosis. Such tests are now available. Through educat ...
What Is Physics?
... is still accepted today. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion are also famous in physics today. He arrived at his results of these laws, by inventing a form of entirely new branch of mathematics, calculus, which has become an essential tool in most branches of physics. Therefore, I have come to state that physics is considered as “a body of knowledge and as the practice that makes and transmits it. The growth of physics has brought not only fundamental changes in ideas about the material world, but also, through technology based on laboratory discoveries, a transformation of society.”
Uncertainty in Measurements
B ...
... understanding of enuresis.
Nocturnal enuresis is a common problem. It is estimated that there are five to
seven million children in the United States who have NE. Many children have no lasting
problems from bed-wetting, however, some children who wet the bed can develop
psychological problems, including low self-esteem. This disorder also affects family
members through anger and frustration because of the condition.
One important reminder to parents with children who suffer from this condition is
that bed-wetting should not be thought of as a behavioral problem. There is no medical ...
Water Biomes
... cordgrass. The high marsh consists of a short cordgrass
called hay, spike grass, and glasswort. Glasswort is the dominant plant of
Pacific Coast salt marshes.
Freshwater marshes provide nesting and wintering habitats for waterfowl
and shorebirds, muskrats, frogs, and many aquatic insects. Salt marshes are
wintering grounds for snow geese and ducks, a nesting habitat for herons and
rails, and a source of nutrients for estuarine waters. Marshes are important in
flood control, in sustaining high-water tables, and as settling basins to
reduce pollution downstream. Despite their great environmental value, mars ...
Diabetes 2
... report in the May 1997 Journal of Clinical Investigations, the researchers have identified the gene that Ilotropin triggers, the one involved in regenerating the islet cells. If the human version of the same gene could be turned on in similar fashion, type I insulin dependent diabetics and type II's who inject insulin might have their natural insulin-producing apparatus restored.
What is Diabetes? Well, this disease is known as "diabetes mellitus," diabetes from the Greek word meaning excessive urination, a symptom the Greeks noticed, and mellitus, from the Latin for honey, which is because diabetic urine is filled w ...
UFO Crash Near Roswell, NM
... new story. I will summarize
the events, then discuss some important evidence connected with them.
On July 2, 1947, during a severe thunderstorm, a saucer flew near
to the ground at a great velocity. It exploded. Its pieces scattered over
an area near Corona, New Mexico. The next day William "Mac" Brazel, foreman
of the Foster Ranch, and his seven-year-old neighbor, Dee, found the
remains of the wrecked UFO scattered over a large area. When Brazel drove
Dee back home, he showed some of the material to her parents. They all
agreed the material was unlike anything they had ever seen. On July 6
Brazel drove into town wi ...
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