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Animals In Testing
[ view this term paper ]Words: 606 | Pages: 3

... The American Medical Association has stated that it believes that research involving animals is essential to maintaining and improving the health of human beings. They point out that all advances in medical science in the 20th century, from antibiotics to organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. Animal research is being used to find a cure for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital defects. The AMA claims that the result of these experiments has been the elimination or control of many infectious diseases. This has me ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 2718 | Pages: 10

... social order, harmony, and the welfare of all. The authority of Aristotle was invoked to show that slavery was rooted in natural law. The Bible was quoted to show that slavery was divinely ordained and approved. When women sought the right to vote, the best interests of society were said to be in jeopardy. It was confidently argued that political participation by women would mean "pretty girls button-holing strange men on Election Day in behalf of the `handsome candidate'" and women locked in jury rooms with males, subjected to tales of shocking behavior. To the threat of social disintegration was added the ...

The Presidential Election Of 1972
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3036 | Pages: 12

... Minnesota. Other candidates who didn't receive quite as much recognition were Alabama governor George C. Wallace, Mayor Sam Yorty of Los Angeles, Rep. Wilbur D. Mills of Arkansas, Sen. Vance Hartke of Indiana, former Senator Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota, Mayor John Lindsay of New York City and Rep. Shirley Chisholm of New York. Chisholm was the first black to run in a series of presidential primaries." (Congressional Quarterly, "Guide to U.S. Elections", Third ed., 1994, pg.603-605.) 5 Governor Wallace had a devastating moment in his campaign while in Maryland. "In early May a sick young man named Arthur Brem ...

Argument Against Euthanasia
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3093 | Pages: 12

... and interfere with the divine plan. Euthanasia is the practice of painlessly putting to death persons who have incurable, painful, or distressing diseases or handicaps. It come from the Greek words for 'good' and 'death', and is commonly called mercy killing. Voluntary euthanasia may occur when incurably ill persons ask their physician, friend or relative, to put them to death. The patients or their relatives may ask a doctor to withhold treatment and let them die. Many critics of the medical profession contend that too often doctors play god on operating tables and in reco ...

Violence Against Women In The
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2972 | Pages: 11

... men. Men had a social right to keep their women under control. Things began to change from the late 1960’s early 1970’s. As feminism became more popular the feelings that men owned their women began to subside. But this change in society did not so much to change the occurrence and violence of violence in the home. So what exactly is domestic violence? “ Domestic Violence is usually defined as physical, emotional, sexual and other abuse by someone (usually but not always a man) of a person (usually not always a woman) with whom they have or have had some form of intimate relationship such as marriage, in o ...

Interracial Relationships
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1591 | Pages: 6

... areas never had the…"entrenched African American and white sections of town" (Afgen). There are other signs that are visibly seen in the areas of education. A study, done by the University of Michigan, shows that integration on campuses occur on a regular basis. The racial lines are crossed routinely; about 50% of African Americans and 15% of whites reportedly study together and a percentage close to that also eat together. Socially, there has been a steady focus of opinion on a variety of racial issues. Since 1972, surveys have asked whether the respondent would favor a law making inter-racial marriages illega ...

Social Welfare And Its Effects
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1734 | Pages: 7

... shelter, the sharing of these essentials was power (Day, 1977, p.61). In the early hunter gathering societies, resources were owned communally. Tools and personal possessions were freely exchanged. Since no organized government or state was established, these early civilizations thrived on sharing. Labor was divided by childbearing and food gathering tasks. As societies migrated to different parts of the world, organized governments, and states were developed. With the advent of organized governments and states came the beginning of social policy. Egyptian social welfare was based on both the economic need ...

Anti Gun Control
[ view this term paper ]Words: 961 | Pages: 4

... violence is associated with the child's atmosphere. Moreover, we need to educate young children about responsibly handling guns and educate them to respect life and the life's of others. The movement of gun control exploits every celebrated act violence and offsetting the hundreds of thousands of cases in which guns are used as defensive weapons to save live and property of the innocent. Moreover, guns do more good that bad. This issue completely contradicts the Second Amendment which states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the rights of the people to keep and bear arms sha ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 749 | Pages: 3

... Every year law enforcement spends countless man-hours trying to apprehend dealers and growers. This time would be better utilized in dealing with more serious crimes. This essay will display some main reasons why is a substance with beneficial uses and applications. First, can be used as a treatment for the effects of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, and other terminal diseases. A study carried out in California clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of as a treatment for cancer: “Over 74 percent of the cancer patients treated in the program have reported that is more effective in relieving their naus ...

Assisted Suicide Or Euthanasia
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1701 | Pages: 7

... without a license. Only one state, Oregon, has legalized assisted suicide. The Oregon law, which went into effect in October 1997, provides that a doctor may prescribe, but not administer, a lethal dose of medication to a patient who has less than six months to live. As of April 1999, 23 patients were given the drugs under the statue, and 15 of them used the drugs to commit suicide. A report released by the Oregon State Health Division found that the law was working well and had not been subject to abuse (REED A9). The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means “good” and thanatos means ...

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