Help With Health Papers
What Effect Does Aging Have On Memory?
... is a gradual process that brings about changes to the human body and mind. The belief that mental abilities decline with age is a well documented phenomena. The effect of normal ageing on the ability to remember is the topic of this essay. However, it is important to note that more extreme dibilities associated with old age that affect memory (such as Alzheimer’s disease) do have similarities with the effects of normal ageing - Nebes (1992) stated that there is ‘relatively little evidence for qualitative differences between Alzheimer’s disease and normal ageing’. Examples of such similarities between the eff ...
Bipolar Affective Disorder
... for explanations of its causes and treatment.
Affective disorders are characterized by a smorgasbord of symptoms that can
be broken into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are
characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become
feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive
episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter
retardation, loss of energy, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, guilt,
difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.
The manic episodes are characterized by ...
... only a few days. Prevention of Cholera requires adequate sanitation
facilities. A vaccine against the illness has been developed, but it is
not very effective. People who travel in areas where Cholera is widespread
should not drink the local water. They should cook all foods that may have
been exposed to water. Peru, already afflicted by economic ills and
feastering guerilla insurgency, is now plagued by an epidemic of Cholera.
As of February 25, 1991, the disease had claimed 90 lives and infected at
least 14,000 people. It is the first major outbreak of Cholera in the
western hemisphere since early in this ...
Euthanasia - Immoral Or Human Right?
... to be taken. This, of cause, leads to the ultimatum, that it is the
patients own choice. But can we allow some one to take their own lives?
Doesn't this mean that everyone else around the patient have failed, that
more could have been done? From the patients point of view, a lot of
arguments talk in favor of euthanasia. For one, no body wants to be a
burden. If a person has had a car accident which paralyses him from neck
and down, and is doomed to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, he
knows that he will be 100% dependant on the ones that care for him, his
lived ones, forever. It can also be mentio ...
... for your body to control or get rid of
because of the loss of many of the white blood cells in your body. The
most common causes of death for the people with AIDS are pneumonia and
Kaposi's sarcoma, which afflict 70% of the infected people.
AIDS is transmitted in three ways. Intimate sexual contact is the
most common. While direct contact with infected blood and transactions to
babies from the infected mother's fetus will also cause the disease.
Although some speculation, you cannot receive the disease from air, food,
water, or insects.
AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is a
sentence ...
AIDS In The Classroom
... child. But
should their rights be put before those of the 19 other kids in his or her
class? One idea has been presented. The teacher of the given class would
not know which child is carrying the virus but rather treat each child as
though they had AIDS. By taking precautions such as wearing gloves when
handling wounds, the risk of transmitting the disease is significantly
lowered and the integrity of the child with AIDS remains protected. This
idea has many faults. For one, children simply cannot be watched at all
times. Referring to my earlier statement that kids will be kids. Also,
what kind of envi ...
Side Effects Of Carl Djerassi And Syntex's Oral Contraceptive
... from all this excitement and competitive fervor something great and disturbing was being bypassed. Science, in my view had done something great without looking into the possibilities of where this would lead. I believe Djerassi, similar to most scientists of his day, was so entranced by the excitement of synthesizing his product and achieving his goal that he did not stop to think of the ramifications of his accomplishment. The ethical dilemma was not explored before hand, and this to me is the great tragedy of most scientific discovery, since I firmly believe each scientist is responsible for that which he crea ...
How Alcohol May Affect Human Behaviour
... above facts it is clear that alcohol has a major impact on the lives of
Australians. This is particularly more so because it is not illegal and because
it is so widely used.
The effects of alcohol on a individual's body vary according to: (2)
with the amount consumed.
the way the alcohol is taken.
the individual's body (size weight, health).
the individual's experience.
the individual's mood.
the circumstance in which alcohol is consumed (with food, in a social
gathering, with other drugs etc.)
The immediate effects of alcohol on an individual varies but can produce a wide
ra ...
Development Of The Human Zygote
... of cellular
differentiation takes place during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. This
period is called embryogenesis.
During the first week after fertilization, which takes place in the
Fallopian tube, the embryo starts to cleave once every twenty-four hours (Fig.
1). Until the eight or sixteen cell stage, the individual cells, or blastomeres,
are thought to have the potential to form any part of the fetus (Leese, Conaghan,
Martin, and Hardy, April 1993). As the blastomeres continue to divide, a solid
ball of cells develops to form the morula (Fig. 1). The accumulation of fluid
inside the morula, transform ...
Neural Networks
... observed in the
brain to provide insight into how biological neural processing may work (He90).
Neural networks provide an effective approach for a broad spectrum of
applications. Neural networks excel at problems involving patterns, which
include pattern mapping, pattern completion, and pattern classification (He95).
Neural networks may be applied to translate images into keywords or even
translate financial data into financial predictions (Wo96).
Neural networks utilize a parallel processing structure that has large
numbers of processors and many interconnections between them. These processors
are much simp ...
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