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Help With Health Papers

Alcoholism: Symptoms, Causes, And Effects
[ view this term paper ]Words: 947 | Pages: 4

... symptoms of alcoholism vary from person to person, but the most common symptoms seen are changes in emotional state or stability, behavior, and personality. "Alcoholics may become angry and argumentive, or quiet and withdrawn or depressed. They may also feel more anxious, sad, tense, and confused. They then seek relief by drinking more" (Gitlow 175). "Because time and amount of drinking are uncontrollable, the alcoholics is likely to engage in such behaviors as [1] breaking family commitments, both major and minor; [2] spending more money than planned; [3] drinking while intoxicated and getting arrested; [4] ...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
[ view this term paper ]Words: 654 | Pages: 3

... and early spring; (3) and the infant dies suddenly, it’s unpredictable, and occurs during sleep. #2 There are many different beliefs on what actually causes SIDS. One belief is that many of the infants that had died were born small for gestational age, the mothers of these infants were found to be smokers while they were pregnant. Secondly many of the infants were found to by lying face down at the time of their death. Another important issue that has been further investigated is that SIDS may be the result of the combinations of many syndromes. Such as: gastroesophageal reflux mixed with respiratory disease. ...

Euthanasia: When Life Is To Be Feared More Than Death
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1126 | Pages: 5

... keep injecting drugs and performing small operations to keep the patient alive, only to lengthen his suffering? As in the case of the irreversibly comatose patient, euthanasia is not only morally justified, it is the only alternative for those truly concerned with the patient’s welfare. Euthanasia is clinically defined as an “act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable conditions or diseases. The word “euthanasia” is generally also applied to cases in which the doctor withdraws the machines or drugs, which are keeping the patient alive, and thus allows the patient to die n ...

Genetics And Evolution: Cystic Fibrosis And Down Syndrome
[ view this term paper ]Words: 998 | Pages: 4

... can take pancreatic enzymes with meals. Intestinal obstruction, which occurs primarily in infancy (meconium ileus), may require surgery. The liver may also be seriously affected by Cystic Fibrosis. No cure for the disease has yet been found. Cystic fibrosis is the most common inherited fatal disease of Caucasians, occurring about once in every 2500 births. If both parents carry the gene responsible for the disease, they have a one-in-four chance of having an affected child. In 1989, the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis was identified on chromosome 7 (out of 23 chromosomes). Since that time more than 200 ...

The Ear And Hearing Loss
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1113 | Pages: 5

... that sticks out from the side of the head. It acts like a funnel catching sound and sending it to the middle portion of the ear. The middle portion contains the ear drum and the connection between the pharynx and the drum, the Eustachian tube. The inner ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing which are enclosed in a fluid filled chamber called the cochlea. The outer and middle ears purposes are only to receive and amplify sound. Those parts ofd the ear are only present in amphibians and mammals, but the inner ear is present in all vertebrates. The ear can hear in several different ways. They are volume ...

Philosophy - Abortion Rectitude
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2839 | Pages: 11

... human animal. Since we are currently the most intelligent beings on earth, we use our critical thinking capabilities to selectively choose what should be morally acceptable and what should be deemed unacceptable. To the best of our knowledge, we as humans are the only species in existence that wrestle with moral dilemmas. Absolute morality that will be agreed upon by the majority of a society is extremely difficult to determine since each individual has the ability to decide for themselves what is morally acceptable. It is because of this decision that our American culture intensely debates issues of mor ...

Alternative Medicine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1734 | Pages: 7

... public prefers alternative treatments--acupuncture, herbal remedies, imagery, therapeutic touch--to the drugs, psychotherapies, and surgery offered by the medical establishment. According to a 1997 report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Americans make more visits to alternative healers and spend more money on alternative treatments than they do on conventional medicine. (Eisenberg 1). But physicians are skeptical about the value of such therapies and not infrequently hostile to them. The skepticism is well founded. Those skeptical about the value of claim that the Office of (OAM) does no ...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2286 | Pages: 9

... disease is transmitted by the way of direct contact with the secretions of mucos membranes such as those of the urethra, cervix, vagina, anus, eyes and throat. The contact involved in transmitting gonorrhea is almost always sexual in nature. It is possible that contaminated fingers can transfer infection from one region of the body to another, however, this is highly unlikely because the bacteria dies rapidly when demed the warmth and moisture of mucous membranes. Symtoms of infection usually appear within two to ten days after exposure but might take up to thirty days. In males, gonorhea usually strikes fi ...

Why I Believe In Voluntary Euthanasia
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1874 | Pages: 7

... have tried to popularize the term 'self-deliverance' but it is an uphill battle because the news media is in love with the words 'assisted suicide'. Also, we have to face the fact that the law calls all forms of self-destruction 'suicide.' Let me point out here for those who might not know it that suicide is no longer a crime anywhere in the English-speaking world. (It used to be, and was punishable by giving all the dead person's money and goods to the government.) Attempted suicide is no longer a crime, although under health laws a person can in most states be forcibly placed in a psychiatric hospital for th ...

Smoking Banana Peels
[ view this term paper ]Words: 259 | Pages: 1

... to the ' Berkeley Barb ' and explained how to smoke a banana peel to get high. First you have to peel the banana peel and then scrape the white material that is next to the peel out . You then must put this white material in the oven at 200 Degrees C. until it is dry then roll it into a cigarette. A bunch of other hippie papers copied the instructions and it became a craze and even TIME and NEWSWEEK wrote about it. Someone I know says he smoked banana peels once but he was "tripping" on mushrooms at the time so he didn't know if it made him high or not. A friend of mine tried smoking banana peels recently an ...

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