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Help With Health Papers

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1858 | Pages: 7

... The main reason that people today aren’t getting enough sleep is that their before bed rituals are keeping them awake. “Do not use your bed for anything but sleep; that is, do not read, watch television, eat, or worry in bed” (Hauri 21). Your aim is to strengthen the association between bed and sleep, so that bed automatically elicits sleep. In order to accomplish this, all other associations to bed must be eliminated. “Never remain in bed, awake, for more than thirty minutes” (Riley 88). If you stay in bed awake, you are subtracting many valuable minutes of deep, restful sleep. If you do get ...

Why IQ Tests Don't Test Intelligence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 726 | Pages: 3

... a group's intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person's environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person's mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the pr ...

Marijuana As Medicine?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1661 | Pages: 7

... diseases related to cigarette smoking each year, and more than 150,000 Americans die from alcohol each year, yet these substances remain legal. However, in the 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from smoking marijuana. (Medical Marijuana, Marijuana should be studied more extensively for its medicinal purposes, and should be legally available for doctors to prescribe to their patients, judging by their therapeutic need for it. The oldest known medical use of marijuana dates back to the Emperor Shen-Nung in China in the 28th century BC. He prescribed it for such things as constipation, mala ...

Comparing Treatment Approaches
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1189 | Pages: 5

... the bloodstream, similar to an immune response, therefore not allowing the drug to reach the brain. He is striving to deal with the physical dependence aspect of cocaine addiction, helping to "wean" patients off the drug. By destroying all effects, both main effects and side effects, of the drug, patients taking it would receive no "high", no positive reinforcement, and would gradually be able to become successful in a treatment program. The problem with this point of view is that cocaine has not been shown to be very physically addicting, as there are no major symptoms of withdrawal that the patient is trying to com ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1430 | Pages: 6

... During a suction abortion, the fetus is dismembered and disposed of by a small tube. This process takes but about 10 minutes, and the mother experiences very little or no physical discomfort. Pro-lifers immediately say that emotional trauma and guilt haunts every woman after she has an abortion. However, during my research, I found numerous women who led (and continue to lead) prominent and scot-free lives after their abortions. I think that the mental state of the mother depends very much on her personal feelings toward abortion, and the actual experience the had before and during the abortion. Pro-life propagan ...

Addiction: Its Causes And Effects
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1228 | Pages: 5

... almost took her life? These disparate stories show that addiction in the United States is rampant. Society believes that people become addicted because of weakness of will when, in fact, the new way of thinking leads us to believe addictive behavior is caused by a chemical in the brain called dopamine. The word addiction comes from two Latin words ad dictum. Ad dictum means "to the dictator". When people were captured and sent into slavery, they were sent ad dictum. This idea of enslavement is mirrored by the addict's need to maintain the addiction (. Before we can understand why addiction is the number one so ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1943 | Pages: 8

... high cost of long-term psychiatric hospitalization. Social scientists guaranteed them that community-based care would be in the best interests of all concerned: the mentally ill and the general, tax-paying public (Barry 13).” It was believed that a social breakdown syndrome would develop in chronically mentally ill persons who were institutionalized. The characteristics of this syndrome were submission to authority, withdrawal, lack of initiative, and excessive dependence on the institution. While deinstitutionalization was kindhearted in its primary logic, the actual execution of the concept has been greatl ...

AIDS: Is It A Modern Plague?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 924 | Pages: 4

... those in between are at the mercy of these microorganisms, which come in many forms - viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. The most dangerous of these forms is the virus. Some viruses, such as the common flu, are considered to have a fairly detrimental capacity. The flu can incapacitate a human for several weeks with various symptoms such as bodily soreness, fever, bronchial complications, and even pneumonia. But while these conditions can be painful and frightening, we are usually confident that proper medication and rest will take care of the matter. However there is a much more severe and indiscriminate tyran ...

Things That Affect And Influence Our Health And Our Lives
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2425 | Pages: 9

... been practicing. Prior to the nutrition unit, I never understood the reasons for giving the fat or protein content of a certain food any attention. At the time before my enlightenment from the nutrition unit, I ate anything that was good to my taste. After extensive learning on the effects of certain foods on my body, and the manner in which to help improve my body through what I eat, I began being more aware of what I ate and learned on what effected me. I began changing my diet to a low-carbohydrate, and high-protein diet, thus enabling my body to stop burning the energy from the high-carbohydrate foods I eat ...

Diabetes Type I
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1524 | Pages: 6

... diabetes is such a complex disease with many different forms, we decided to focus on diabetes type I. This is known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). This type of diabetes includes people who are dependant on injections of insulin on a daily basis in order to satisfy the bodies insulin needs, they cannot survive without these injections. OVERVIEW OF DIABETES TYPE I What is diabetes type I? In order to understand the disease we firstly need to know about insulin. Insulin is a hormone. The role of insulin is to convert the food we eat into various useful substances, discarding everything that is wastef ...

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