Help With Health Papers
Tapeworm Infestation
... and Symptoms: Usually, none at all - in fact, infection might never be
known. Can cause blockage in digestive tract, appendicitis. If the eggs hatch
in a human, the larvae may cross the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream,
migrate to different organs in the body and develop into cysticerci (5 mm. - 8
in.). D. latum larvae that infect people are called plerocercoids. Depending
on location and number of cysticerci, pathology can result. Ex:
Cysticerosis- (Taenia genus): eyes - blindness; spinal chord - paralysis; brain
- neurocysticerosis with similar symptoms to brain tumor, causing traumat ...
“That Time Of The Month”
... the channel, and, once again, finds three girls sitting in a circle, talking about which device fits them right, because every girl has an individual need. Jon is angry. Why? Hmmm, I wonder.
On our daily, basic T.V. showings, there is a news channel, cartoon channel, movie channel, Spanish channel; the list is endless. Last but not least, there is “Lifetime, the channel for women.” Why can’t broadcasters simply place these women commercials on one channel? First of all, men won’t have to watch these commercials and women, if they are inquiring about which device best suits their needs, can turn to th ...
Is Ritalin Over Prescribed?
... and one that the United States Drug Enforcement Administration has classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, in the same category as cocaine, methadone and methamphetamine (Snyderman 1). Both cocaine and Ritalin use the same receptor site in the brain, giving the same "high" and in medical research are used interchangeably. The only difference between cocaine and Ritalin is that cocaine leaves the receptor site quicker than Ritalin, possibly making it more addictive (Snyderman 1). Ritalin is not a drug that is typically sold on the street like cocaine or marijuana. It is a drug that doctors prescribe to ...
Abortion Has Been One Of This Country's Most Controversial Topic On Hand
... to perform an abortion can
solve that obstacle. Taking away this right would be invading on a woman's
constitutional liberty.
The unwanted child also suffers. Most of the time the mother of the
unwanted child is very young and inexperienced or too poor to take care of
the child. The child is usually malnourished, has no medical care, and
gets very little attention or love. The foster care system isn't any
better. Only a small percentage of the children are adopted by suitable
parents. But the rest remain in the foster care system, where there is
little or no personal care. In both cases, the child has a ...
... recounted may or may
not have any significant meaning to me: however, dreams are a natural
phenomenon that have fascinated human beings for centuries.
Even though dreams are not fully understood, researchers have
documented a number of facts about sleep. For instance, studies have shown
that sleep is classified into four stages according to depth as a sleeper
goes from a light sleep to a deep sleep. As people fall asleep they first
enter stage one sleep. Research has shown stage one sleep to be the
lightest of the four levels of sleep. In this stage the E. E. G, a machine
that measures types of brain waves, ...
Can Genetics Cause Crime?
... most frequently". Sullivan also reported that about one in every 27
black men, compared to one in every 205 white men, died violently also 1 in 117
black women met a untimely end as compared to white women which only 1 in 496
were killed due to violent crimes. This is not surprising that young males
commit most of the serious crimes. According to an article in Scientific
American, only 12.5 percent of violent crime in the U.S. in 1992 was committed
by females. What is also surprising according to W.W. Gibbs the author of
"Seeking the Criminal Element," in Scientific American,(1995 March) pp 100-107,
is t ...
If Saccharin Is Safe, Why Does It Require A Warning Label?
... by I. Remsen and C. Fahlberg at John Hopkins University. Fahlberg noticed a sweet taste on his hands after working with some chemicals in the lab. Through taste tests back at his laboratory he found the source of the sweetness was saccharin. A process for synthesizing saccharin was soon created, and commercial production of saccharin began in 1900 (Beck).
Saccharin is an accepted replacement for cane sugar, and is now the most widely used sweetener in the world. This fact is alarming because although the mild carcinogenic has been deemed safe for human consumption, several studies have linked the chemical to blad ...
Malpractice Or Poor Judgement?
... of
malpractice, but the tide has begun to turn. Doctors are now having to dish out
larger sums of money in order to insure themselves adequately. Insurance
companies have caught on as well, raising the price of malpractice insurance on
most doctors. For instance, a doctor who would have had to pay Rs. 125 annually
now has to pay up to Rs. 1500. These costs will only be passed along to the
patients in the long run, and the condition is only going to worsen. Take for
example the United States, where surgeons annually pay an average of $75,000 on
insurance premiums. On top of these premiums, doctors who pract ...
Tourett’s Syndrome
... 133). Tourette Syndrome is inherited as a single autosomal dominant gene with a incomplete penetrance (Weinberger 1225). Tourette Syndrome usually has an onset early in childhood but it does not get progressively worse. It does affect more males than females.
Tourette Syndrome is a neurological syndrome characterized by rapid, repeated, and purposeless involuntary movements of various muscle groups (motor tics) and by grunts, barks, and sniffling sounds (vocal tics) (“Encyclopedia” 375). The definition of tic is rapid, repetitive movements of individual muscle groups (“Encyclopedia” 374). Tics are al ...
The Grieving Process
... fashion . Sometimes feeling
up and hopeful, other days feel¬ ing deeply depressed, other days coasting
along and feeling virtually no emotion. All of these emotions are a normal
part of the grieving process.
Shock or disbelief may come first. Many people have a very difficult time
recognizing the loss in their lives. Many efforts are made to push the
feelings out of their mind. This is normal because the thought of the loss
is too overwhelming for them to handle. However, this disbelief or shock
will diminish as you begin to express and share your feelings about your
loss with others.
Following feelings of shock o ...
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